Monday, December 27, 2004

The last few days...the abridged version

* I never knew before Saturday that 4 kids under 7 could cause so much wrapping paper carnage.

* I don't remember volunteering to be the wrapping paper collector...but I couldn't handle it everywhere. I had no choice.

* Three year old girls, once with bike helmet on head, will not remove said bike helmet until bike is fully assembled....even if this doesn't happen for another 7 hours. Her dad really should have read the instructions.

* Three year old girls, once they've decided to become a klingon, will not let you out of their sight for three full days - and will ask why you want to go to the bathroom alone.

* At any other time of the year, eating cold ham, chicken and turkey three days in a row would really, really suck.

* One autistic child and three others, really equates to 7 or 8 kids.

* It's a strange feeling when you realise that the gift the ex gf (A's mum) gave you from A is scarily similar to the one C gave her from A.

* I think when A said, "Nah, E's ok, she's not like other girls", it was a compliment.

* He also asked if C and I are going to get married. But he wants a baby brother too. This could be a problem!

* C bought me a gold chain with an E, a silver, heart shaped jewellery box, and a silver photo frame key ring for Christmas.

* He has something else planned, but won't tell me what, or for when, because "you shouldn't need an occasion".

* I feel more comfortable with his family than I did with my ex's even after a number of years.

* I discovered I should have been a catcher in a ball game, when I saved a sauce-covered sausage from landing on the kitchen floor - and averted the tears that would have ensued.

* C's sister needs a medal for patience and perserverence.

* C's mother is always smiling.

* I spoke to my mother.

* After some major guilt-tripping, she spent the day with my sisters.

* I spoke to two of the evil step-sisters. Oh the pretence of happy families!

* There was a tense moment when one said I should keep in contact more often and visit them. Pause....I couldn't think of an excuse on the spot.

* I need to make a list of excuses.

* Today, I've experienced gail force winds, sun so hot I'm lucky I didn't burn, rain I couldn't see to drive through, hail, and a brilliant rainbow. That's Melbourne weather for you!

* I can't remember the last day I was not with C.

* He said, "Noooooooooo", when I told him I had to leave this afternoon. I was secretly pleased.

* The kids didn't want me to leave. I was secretly pleased. Well, everybody wants to be wanted!

* My cats were so pleased to see me, they had a fight over me.

* I gave them expensive food because I was feeling guilty for leaving them for a couple of days.

* I cannot wait to see C again.

* I miss him. I'm smitten. There... I said it! Ok?

There's more, but I'm almost grumpy tired, so I'm off to bed.


Blogger grrltraveler said...

Yay!! You said it, you're smitten! So happy for you!!


Does it feel good? Because it sure sounds like it does.

It sounds like you had a great weekend, his family sounds pretty darn cool and you aren't kidding how it's nice when the kids want you to stay! LOL

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

5:25 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Good for you, Eve. I'm glad. I hope this turns out to be everything you hope for.

8:02 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Thanks guys. :-)

9:35 am  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

Wow, sounds like someone had a good holiday. You deserve it darling... if only I weren't jealous of C... Of course you know I love you.


6:29 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Yay! Sounds like a terrific holiday!!! Glad to hear it, but not surprised... you are such a wonderful gal, how could C's family NOT like you! (Especially since they think you're Blondie, right?) Hee hee.

Oh, to have the bathroom to myself again... at our house, if it isn't the kid, it's the cat. Meow, meow. Paw, paw, paw.

Isn't life a wonderful ride?

5:29 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I'm so happy for you in so many ways!

You so deserve this.

8:12 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sal - I'm fwigggin excited too. LOL and moreso, I'm excited for you. You can't believe how happy I am for you and how much I've enjoyed your friendship the last couple of years.

Brad - You know it's mutual. I think you rock. Can't wait to be a *productive* part of your team.

cnfg - A's meeting my cats in an hour. LOL this should be interesting.

R - Just thanks....for being a fanstastic friend.

DaFFy - smitten is great.:-) Thanks for dropping by again.

3:10 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Happy New Year Eve!

12:39 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Tried to post this morning and it wouldn't let me.

Happy New Year!!!

Miss ya. Glad it's good things keeping you away from the computer.

11:54 am  
Blogger Mia Goddess said...

Happy new year, Eve! I have enjoyed your blog so much - so many changes and laughs in 2004! Can't wait tohear what 2005 has in store..... xoxo Mia

4:03 am  
Blogger Pecola said...

eheheh Have a wonderful new year. :)

10:11 am  

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Nature....the real super power


JAKARTA, (AFP) - The death toll from an earthquake off Indonesia and tidal waves that it unleashed reached 14,053 as officials reported deaths in seven countries in southern and southeastern Asia.

Sri Lanka was hard hit with 4,859 people confirmed dead, and 1,538 others reported missing, said relief officials and Tamil Tiger rebels who control parts of the north of the island.

In Indonesia, at least 4,448 people were killed as the country took the full force of the huge earthquake and tidal waves that swallowed entire coastal villages.

At least 4,278 people were killed in southern India, the Press Trust of India reported.


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Saturday, December 25, 2004


Some of you will know who wrote this...

I should take advantage of the opportunity to write, we are going in country soon and E-mail may not be availible often.

................................................... perhaps I should write something profound.

You are a first for me E, in many ways. It's odd that the person whom probably knows my biggest secrets is so far away, so distant in physicality, if not in thought or emotion. In you I have found a person to share deep thoughts and dark thoughts. With whom I can do so fearlessly, because you do not judge...and would never break faith. In you I have found a kindred spirit, and adventurous soul to be wild with in literary fantasy and, no doubt, in real life.

LOL - in you, I have found fantasy and lust, wildness and trust.... and love. I was truly blessed the day I sent a PM your way. I am chuckling as I write this.... 3 weeks ............................... if you only knew some of the dreams you have starred in lately. I thank you for this also.... for your unending toleration of my dark and lustful desires.

Don't be freaked, but if the worst happens, and I do not come back to pester you with more nakedness and naughtyness... Know that I do not regret a single thing, and will always love you.

And Lust for you....of course.

I hope this holiday finds you well, happy, and growing. I wish you the best with C, and hope that he realizes how lucky he is.

Love, ......


Blogger Randygirl said...


This is the season of Faith. For your gift I am lending my faith that you will be strong, that he will be safe, and that in a few weeks you will open your email to find another message. In the meantime, I am glad for you that he is able to tell you just how special you are to him.


There's a little yellow ribbon on my tree, not just for him, but I know you won't mind if I send a little of my thoughts and prayers to him as well.

Happy Christmas, my friend,

4:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Merry Christmas.

hugs and love from
~Anonymous G

11:02 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Happy Xmas, Evie!

10:52 pm  

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tis the season go psycho...!

You know, for two people who are practical and logical, C and I are also damn emotional..and we're thinkers. This means when it comes to making some decisions, we'll find the best, most logical answer straight away...then analyse the emotional side of it till the cows come home and the issue remains unresolved. Yes, we had the talk about moving in. No, we didn't make a decision. Two more weeks. We have to decide before then.

I had a strange thought yesterday afternoon. We met at a toy store after he finished work, so he could get some things for his family and friends' kids (for a single gal with no kids, I've been into an extraordinary number of toy stores recently!). Now, I always rush off into the future in my head, so that's nothing new, but the thought that occured to me was very new. What if C and I ever got married? I'd be A's step mother. What a freakin' bizarre, mind blowing concept that would be!! Of course, I didn't say anything, because hey, I don't wanna be making us both nervous right about now. But holy cow! Oh, I shouldn't think so much!

Anyway, I probably won't be back on deck till maybe Monday some time, depending how things go. Tomorrow is going to be crazy busy, then I'll be driving to C's sister's place on Christmas day while he goes to pick up A. Yes, this means I'll be spending some time on Christmas day with his family - without him. Eeep! Oh well, nothing like jumping in the deep end!

So, I hope you all have a very happy and safe Christmas. Be good, ok!

Merry Christmas everybody!


Blogger SJ said...

Shouldn't that be Joyeux Noel...?

3:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! ! !

just relax and enjoy every moment.

hugs and love and all that stuff,
~Anonymous G


3:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive safe and have a terrific time!

9:20 pm  
Blogger monica said...

oops, sorry... that last one was me. ;)

9:20 pm  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Happy Christmas to you!

I am lucky to have you for a friend

Thank you for everything

2:29 pm  
Blogger Mia Goddess said...

Merry merry! And I never got the chance to thank you, but the comment you left, about the "view from the top", it was so lovely. Thank you!! It just touched me very deeply. You'll be missed... xoxo Mia

2:37 pm  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Happy Holidays missy!

2:40 pm  
Blogger Rob Burton said...

Happy Christmas from the UK

12:53 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:20 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I'm a bit late and you are off enjoying your holidays with HIS family!! EEP! I hope you had a fabulous time...

And hey, there's nothing wrong with visualizing the future... as long as you don't let it rule your present. :)

Happy holidays, girl!



p.s. sorry but i had posted my whole name! LOL

1:25 am  

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Imelda came home, thankfully. And my poor little beaten up girl is doing ok. She let me give her the first of her tablets this morning without too much fuss. Just gave me a "why are you doing this to me?" look. She's limping quite a bit and looks a bit frustrated that she can't go outside and play, but both of them are sooo grounded for the rest of the week!

After my totally crapola day yesterday when I posted, it got even better. The normally easy 35-40 minute drive to C's place took almost an hour and a half. There was no reason for so much traffic, it was just insane. And despite driving most of the way up the highway in first gear, I did manage to almost drive right up the arse of the car in front - had to brake so hard my tyres screeched. Oops! I did apologise to him for giving him a mild heart attack - when I started breathing again. The best bit? It was right on the stretch of road outside C's work! Yikes! Ha, but he'd left work early and was caught in traffic somewhere else.

By the time I got to C's place, I was cursing life in general and had analysed the entire world. I decided I was technically homeless and I was a bad mother to my four legged children and I was going to be perpetually broke forever.

We watched Amelie, but by the time I went to bed, I was going nuts. I got up to read at about 1am, coz I couldn't sleep, fell asleep on the couch and woke up again at 3.30 and went back to bed. I didn't talk to C when he woke up to get ready for work. Usually, he can't shut me up, so eventually he came and asked what was up. I told him I felt homeless and that I was a bad mother. He said I'm not a bad mother, I just have difficult kids. Ok, so that made me a bit more cheery. We're gonna talk about the homeless bit tonight.

Two months today since our crazy first date. Time flies, huh?

Oh, and tomorrow night we're having our first official 'invite the neighbours around for drinks and finger food' event. Ugh, this means I have to brave the supermarkets and shopping centres again - and not go home empty handed. Is it illegal to spray other shoppers with capsicum spray if they piss you off? Just asking...


Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I'd recommend a cattleprod. See if you can get one delivered overnight from an online store. Cattle Prod's have a way of visible showing just where your bubble is.

2:05 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Ok, first of all I'll say this and take the flack - I hate cats. I've always hated cats. And they hate me. A year and a half ago my housemate's cat ran away and she spent days searching the streets for it. I just thought "good!" (Ha ha, I'm so heartless!)

Now to other things - so, first public event as a couple? Hmm, serious stuff. People will be expecting engagements to be announced...

7:04 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I'm such a bad friend, I've not even posted a comment in a couple of days. erg. lol
But I'm glad the children are home and safe, and I'm with Sal...the whole world seems to have gone mad, so try to breathe through it (and if you figure out how to work these things out, you make sure to let me know, my lease is up in February, too)

12:30 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

I never did mind about the little things - Bridget Fonda, from The Assassin

1:31 pm  

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Reflections and duality

I’ve been thinking a lot about what Sandy said about me having defences up and being on guard – not showing my feelings etc – and how I said that’s not really who I am. When I think about it, I’m both – defensive, but also completely vulnerable. Really, everybody is. It just depends who you’re interacting with at the time and how much of your ‘self’ you’re willing to give them.

Initially, I wanted to be defensive with C. I wasn’t prepared to believe in his acceptance of me. Remnants of the way I’d trained myself to think, given recent experiences, with D saying one thing, but meaning another (or not really knowing himself even what he wanted), and E who was just completely emotionally inept. I didn’t want a relationship with him. I knew too well he was not what I needed. I knew he’d bring me down, not lift me up. But he was good company all the same – for a couple of weeks anyway. And of course, there’s the bj guy who, after an absence of about 6 weeks, left me an offline message the other day wondering why I never contacted him. He got pissed off when I told him I was in a relationship. Sorry buddy, but I went for coffee with you once because I felt sorry for you, but you were never, ever going to get a bj from me.

So you tend to question everything, whether it’s warranted or not. That’s internal insecurity being projected onto another person. I know that now. I can tell the difference. You never really know the other person’s motives. All you can do is have faith in the belief that they mean you no ill intent, and if they do, it’s about them, not you. I know this now, too. Faith. My tattoo. My constant reminder.

My feelings are my responsibility. Facts and feelings. Rely on facts. Feelings result from the facts and how we interpret them. Or misinterpret. Or assume. Fact…and action…the true indication of intent. Feelings are fleeting. They’re moment to moment. At the time, well, any time, they’re as real as fact – at least to that person – but it’s the ongoing facts – calls to action – that determine the ultimate longevity of the feeling.

It reminds me of what the psychic said; “Right now, whatever it is, it’s true”. I’ve used that when I’ve doubted lately. Doubted what? I’m not sure exactly. Myself? Moreso than anything else. But that’s nothing new. C? No. Whatever it is, it’s true. Faith.

Logic would suggest I (we?) tread carefully. I mentioned the other day to someone on the board that it’s been a whirlwind from the beginning. Whirlwind and careful hardly go hand in hand in a sentence. Perhaps careful isn’t even the right word. Cautious? No, because I think we are cautious. Can you have a whirlwind and yet not rush things? Yes. I think so. I think that’s our circumstance. And it’s good. And I’m content. But you knew that already. Could be simply that being logical means doing exactly what we’re doing because it’s working. That makes more sense.

You guys know a lot about me. Things I haven’t told my friends. Things I’ll never tell my family. Things I don’t like to admit to myself. I was going to say that if I met the majority of you IRL, I’d probably tell you all these things at some stage. But that’d contradict myself, because I don’t tell people some of this IRL.

Anyway, back to my original point. Yes, I’ve got walls that can be seen from space just as easily as the Great Wall of China. But in a tiny space, a small corner, tucked neatly away where few can find it, there’s a door that’s open. I am not my walls. I am what’s behind that door.

….my, what a long diatribe that turned out to be! But y’all know I talk a lot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl...I really hope I didn't come accross like I knew more about you than you do or anything like that. I guess I just know that sense of of somehow feeling separated emotionally from things that should make me feel. And at times when I've allowed myself to be vulnerable with people (so not easy for me) all that feeling comes back in a rush...either that or I'm smooshed under someone's thoughtless foot. But that's the risk.

Anyway, I'm so happy you've found yourself such a supportive person to play with. You deserve it...I'm sure your cats think so too.

10:00 am  

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Monday, December 20, 2004

Baaaad day

Ok, so on the scale of things, it's just been a complete bummer of a day, but since I haven't had one recently, I'm sulking big time.

First of all, it's Christmas and I hate shopping and shoppers at the best of times, but I swear, if you have NO idea about what you want, get the hell outta the shops! Do not dawdle, do not stop dead in your tracks when people are trying to get past, do not walk the wrong way down the aisles (ok, so technically there is no wrong way, but if you're going against the traffic, it's the wrong way!), and do not stand three across and walk like sloths when there are people on a mission behind you, who are about to strangle you, drop you to the ground and walk over you in an effort to leave said shop.

Second, my cat, newly christened Imelda because of her freaky shoe fetish, was not home when I got here this morning. This means she's been gone all weekend. Slight need for concern, but I'm not too stressed ....yet.

Third, I am home no longer than an hour when I hear god-awful noises on my roof. My other cat is up there being beaten sensless by another much bigger cat and I literally have to get up on the roof to chase it away and get her to come down. Yes, I scaled the roof to defend my child. The things ya have to do!...

Then I go to the closest vet, because she's breathing heavy and limping. "Did you make an appointment?" "No, I freakin don't have ESP, so I didn't know my cat was gonna get terrorised today, but hey, I'll call next time I have a premonition, ok?" Well I wanted to say that. "It's after 12 and you should have called. We're not taking any new patients for a couple of months." "Um...she's just been attacked, you can't take a few minutes to look at her?" "You should have called."

As I walk to the door, doing the 'talk to the hand' sign, with smoke coming out my ears, she's still carrying on. Ok bitch, yeah you're busy yapping to two other people at the counter, oh but wait, it's after 12! It's a freakin Monday. A weekday. As far as I'm aware, there ain't nothing special about Monday 20 December, so what the frig does it matter if it's after 12 or not? You're open till 5pm you miserable witch! But that's ok, I wouldn't want your evilness anywhere near my cat anyway. Hope you get coal in your stocking this year. So much bad karma being sent in that direction!

So I'm a little stressed by the time I see vet number two. Vet number three would have been my regular vet, but they're a distance away. At first, vet number two does not look promising. Bring on the waterworks, because I'm so mad and frustrated with vet number one. In the end though, she says my girl can stay with them while they finish off a surgery and they'll call me later. $125 later and my girl is looking better, with tablets and injections. Just gotta keep giving her drugs for the next four days....and keep her inside....which will prove hard because I have to keep the garage door open in case Imelda decides to rock on home again.

So back down to the shops to try to get some photos developed off a USB stick. Why the hell doesn't anybody do this? Oh, sure, off a card, but not a USB stick. Is nothing ever freakin easy?

And my mobile is now officially dead. Well it lets me send the occasional message and I can receive one every now and then. Perhaps it'll let me take a call for a minute or two, but no longer than that. The guy at the shop says it's most likely the battery. Cool, I'll get a new one. Nope. Nobody sells them. I have to buy a whole new damn phone. Yippeee!

C asked me if I wanted to stay here at my place tonight because of the whole drama with my cats. To be honest, I can't wait to get out of here. I hate it in this place now. I hate all the bad crap that's happened with my landlord, with moving in, with my cats always getting beaten up, my crazy neighbours who fight constantly. I just wanna be gone.

I have accomplished nothing today and I'm so mad. I just wanna go to sleep.

....after I punch something...


Blogger SJ said...

Oh alright then, you can punch me. Well, why not - the rest of the world seems to be doing it right now!

10:15 pm  
Blogger Rob Burton said...

I'm with you on your first para, all those people getting in your way, I think I'll probably shop like Madonna next year just ask the stores to open up for me on the quiet times.

I too get soo pissed when thimngs that seem locically simple like the usb stick seem like something unimaginable to the rest of the retards that people this planet, and yes I too seem to buy phones etc that seem to be obsolete 3 days after buying it.

1:32 am  
Blogger Mia Goddess said...

E - I'm so sorry, but when you're having a bad day you should try not to be so damn funny! I was torn between sympathetic noises and laughing out loud. My apologies, but I do blame you. xoxo Mia

2:49 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...


I hope you're just getting all of the bad stuff out of your system and everything is great for an entire year (at least!)


3:03 am  
Blogger sic said...

Vet receptionists are always either stupid or evil. I once got home to discover that my dog had discovered and torn open a bottle of sleeping pills I didn't even know I had. I called my vet. They said bring him in right away. But they were an hour away. The emergency clinic was 45 minutes away. I need somewhere close and and I need them now. I call a vet down the street. They say, hmm... not sure... After hemming and hawing for a bit she says she'll go ask one of the vets what to do and call me back. She calls back 15 minutes later.

Hi, the vet said to take your cat to the emergency clinic so they can observe him overnight.

Thanks, but I'm perfectly capable of observing him myself. If he does turn into a cat overnight, though, I'll be sure to head straight over to the emergency clinic.

6:28 am  
Blogger monica said...

(((((((E)))))) Hope poor kitty is feeling better and pampered today. Had the same thing happen to my cell phone recently... my only advice is to avoid sending the new phone on a swim in your purse... and failing that, not to use a hair dryer to try and dry it out. Hehehehe. :) Chin up, Christmas will be over by this time next week!

7:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was, in my first life, a veterinary receptionist. For six years I was a helpful, patient, efficient and caring veterinary receptionsist. I'm not stupid and I'm only evil in a fun, gotta love me sort of way.

(((E))) Hope you and your cats are feeling better.

~Anonymous G

12:15 pm  

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Saturday, December 18, 2004

How to be a bad parent. Lesson #243

The scene: The parking lot at the back of Dr Fun Killer's office. My car and a Ford with a V6 engine.

The actors: Mother, 3 year old toddler and baby.

The mother is strapping the baby into its seat in the back of the car. Toddler is walking around beside the car.

Mother to toddler: "Here are the keys. Go start the car."

I wonder if I heard correctly, so I pay more attention.

Mother hands the toddler the car keys, while she's still strapping the baby into its restraint. Toddler walks around the front of the car, opens the door, gets in, shuts the door and starts the car.

Can anybody else see what is wrong with this picture? Or is it just me?


Blogger Randygirl said...

Ohhhh boy.
My best girl friend left me in the car with her son while she ran into the grocery store once. He asked if he could sit in her seat while we waited, and said "I promise I won't turn things on and wear out the battery this time"
"This time"?!?! how often does she leave her 4 year old unwatched in the car that he could be wearing out the battery?

11:11 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

My god! That's for the chuckle but that's scary! How'd Dr F-K go? (I love what that looks like!)


12:36 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

I know, I know - the kid didn't finish his beer first, right?

11:12 pm  

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Friday, December 17, 2004

Now what?

Two weeks ago, when C had A for the weekend and we went and stayed with his family for the weekend - that Friday night's the last time I spent time apart from C.

I am tonight, too. I told him I'd stay home to give him time with A tonight and tomorrow. I think it's important that just the two of them do things together. Tomorrow night we're all going to go driving around the suburbs looking at the houses all done up with Christmas lights (sooo family-like and unfamiliar to me, but should be good - I'm learning). On Sunday, C's brother and his family are coming down and I think we're doing Christmassy family stuff with them.

But right now, I have the night to myself and all of tomorrow to myself as well. All this time and not a lot to do. Sure, I could do a number of things, like clean my house (which will happen eventually), do some Christmas shopping (not likely, when you consider mixing sweltering heat and crazed shoppers), look for other places to rent (still keeping a backup plan).

I have to go to my girlfriend Josie's place tonight. I booked and paid for our flights for our girls' weekend away to Sydney in January, so I'm going up to her house to collect some money for that and to talk about accommodation. Can you comprehend how hard it is to arrange inexpensive accommodation for five women for two nights? We're happy to share rooms and beds, but seriously, that tends to freak people out when you say you're happy to sleep three women in a room with only a queen sized bed and a fold out and you want another adjoining room. I think we'll end up getting a two bedroom apartment, but keeping it cheap will be the trick.

I have a 9.30am appointment with Dr Fun-Killer tomorrow morning. I only have a few more kilos to go till I reach my goal. Strangely, I really don't have a goal. Dr F-K gave me a weight he'd like me to be at, but I didn't actually set out to achieve a certain weight - just to tone up and lose body fat. So, I'm only a few kilos away from Dr F-K's goal weight for me. Until last week, it still seemed a long way off, but now it feels closer. I think it'll take another 5 or 6 weeks, then it'll be a case of just maintaining and that should be fairly straight forward. I'm used to my change in diet now, and that's been the hardest thing to adjust to.

So...I have the next 24 hours pretty much to myself and it feels a little strange. I really like having my own space, but now that I have it, I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Makes me realise how easy things have been with C - I like my space, but I haven't been craving for it like I expected to.

Think I might just spend some quality time with my cats tomorrow....and put my music up loud and dance around my house like a nutcase....just because I can.


Blogger SJ said...

"Think I might just spend some quality time with my cats tomorrow....and put my music up loud and dance around my house like a nutcase...."

We deserve to see that on video...

6:43 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

We'll have to start calling you 'Crazy Cat Woman' if you dance with your cats! (That IS what you said, wasn't it? LOL)

Ahhh, a night to yourself! And unable to think of what to do with it! I'm sure you will be entertaining yourself in no time. But it's got to feel good to realize how comfortable it is with C (all posts have been good lately, from what I can see!)! I'm so thrilled for you and hope it keeps going as well.

As for going out and looking at lights with the kid, there's something about spending Cmas with a child. I can't remember how old you said he was, or if he even believes in Santa still, but kids somehow haven't been jaded by the same cynicism that we have around Cmas.. so I always find it a different experience, maybe you will to. ENJOY!



10:39 am  

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Whose shirt is that?

Ever notice when you're driving along that there's stuff on the road, and you wonder how it got there?

I'm in the car up to three hours a day now and I've seen the strangest things lying in the middle of the road and it just makes me wonder how they got there. Like a single shoe. Or an old t-shirt. Or plastic bags with what looks like clothes in them. Or boxes. Pieces of rope. Or dolls.

And they're never in the middle of the lane. They're always to the side, or just on the centre line - like they've been strategically placed.

Do people throw these things out the car window as they're going along? Why?

And why do birds choose the precise moment you're driving past to decide to cross the road? Do birds play chicken? Is it a game to mess with our heads? Why, if their little wings are supposed to produce airlift, do they choose to fly at a level that, if not timed correctly, will propel them into a windshield or radiator grill? If I could fly, I wouldn't be flying a metre off the ground and tempting fate with speeding cars.

I need to get new cds for my car. I'm thinking far too much!


Blogger E in Oz said...

Nameless, I've seen two really pretty cats that've been hit in the last week or so, on the same stretch of road. Makes me feel awful and think of my own two - and why I'm so glad they're paranoid of everything and don't venture too far away from home.

EJ, dontcha hate that? You can almost see them weighing up if they're gonna make it or not. Must be like humans and just misjudge sometimes.

11:35 am  
Blogger SJ said...

I once saw a bird fly straight across the road and collide with the helmet of an oncoming motorcyclist. The bird exploded...

3:07 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

As long as it's not one of my shirts, I'm not too bothered.


4:09 pm  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I used to know a guy who picked up his wardrobe from the side of the road. LOL He said all he had to do was wash it and it was usually fine! (Needless to say, he was single most of the time I knew him... I wonder why!)


10:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know just the other day, I saw an old mattress on the side of the road, crazy!! --Jass

5:28 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hey there Jassy girl! Good to see you chica!

11:19 am  

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So we're driving along last night and I'm talking about R and M and Brad as if I've met you all in real life (well sometimes it feels like it). C asks me how many people regularly read my blog and I estimate. Then he said something about how it's funny that all these other people read what I have to say every day, but he doesn't even know the address. Hhhmmmm.....

He wasn't asking for it. I know he didn't want me to offer it up to him. He did say he understands that it's like my diary, so he can see why I'd keep some thoughts to myself. I told him that he knows pretty much everything I say on here anyway. Really, the only things I don't relay back to him are the parts where I'm battling my own insecurities - because they're for me to deal with and they're more often than not (well rarely) anything to do directly with him.

Still, I feel a little bad for not wanting him to know some of the things I think and say. I guess it's because I work a lot of things out here before I actually tell him. These are my raw thoughts, rather than the structured ones that he hears - that sometimes make more sense.

I dunno. There wasn't really much of a point to all of this, except that it's obvious he's thought about the fact that so many 'strangers' read my blog, but he doesn't. Then again, he gets the real person. I dunno which is worse. Ha!

(Brad, sorry 'bout last night. I didn't end up going home at all (which is why we were talking about you in the car, coz I missed our rendezvous), but I'll be there for a while tonight.)


Blogger E in Oz said...

I like J Cool. :-) He's your C.

11:49 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

It's funny, I gave B the URL within 3 days of starting my blog. I know he doesn't read it often, has read it more times here in my living room than he has when I'm not around, but he knows that it's here for him to check any time he wants to. Originally I did not intend to give the URL to anyone that I know other than him. I wanted him to be able to see whatever I'm *really* thinking, no censoring myself. Even though I know he might read it, I pretend he has no access and just put whatever I really want to say. I think I'm bassackwards. lol

3:22 pm  

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Thursday, December 16, 2004


C went to his son's end of school year concert thingy last night (very cute photos I wish I could post!), so he didn't get home till about 10pm. I went to gym, bummed around at home for a bit, then made my way to his place about 7.30pm.

About half way to his place, I came up with some thoughts I wanted to get out on here, so I decided to type it all out on his computer when I arrived. C has never hidden anything from me, so I don't know why I expect it. Still trying to reprogram myself, I guess.

We'd been on his computer the night before last, using Word, and I saw a file in his recent files list that said something about a 'virtual kiss'. No big drama, but it got my attention. Can you see where this is heading?

Anyway, I typed out what I needed to and saved it to his desktop. I asked him to email it to me next time he logs into his email, because I couldn't be bothered waiting for his dialup to kick in. Yeah, I'm a cable snob now! There's stuff in there about him. He'll read it, I'm sure. That's ok. I'm getting used to allowing myself to be vulnerable with him.

So I checked that 'virtual kiss' file. I don't know what I expected, or how I thought I'd react. I reacted by kicking myself for allowing stupid thoughts to escape my brain. The file contained cut and pasted standard rejection responses he'd sent to people who'd contacted him on Yeah, he's a sentimental git and keeps everything he's ever written or received....same as me.

It made me feel better about things. I know it shouldn't have, because he hadn't done anything and it was only my stupid insecurities and an expectation of him doing something wrong, because everyone else in the past has, that made me wonder about it in the first place.

I've had the keys to his house since three weeks after we met. You'd think I'd get it into my thick skull by now that he's got nothing to hide. Old insecurities die hard, huh.


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Yup, old habits do die hard. Been there, done that and was pissed at myself for doing so. I'm glad to see you're human too missy....

12:33 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Daffy...welcome to my cyberworld. Stick around. :-)

RG...well yeah, it's hard to admit it, coz you know I think I'm superwoman, but ...sigh...I'm only human. See? I said it! hehe

1:16 pm  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I told B about two weeks ago that sometimes on a long weekend when I'm already struggling, I'll be afraid to open my email because I think there's going to be an email from him saying he needs space or something. He was amazed to hear that the thought would even enter my mind (although glad I felt comfortable telling him), and very seriously asked how often he should tell me he loves me and never wants to lose me in order for me to feel better about it.
I told him I think that telling me daily for about the next 50 years should do it. ;)
Glad to know I'm not the only one who can get insecure.

1:23 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hey R, well I am definitely doing better than I used to...I haven't searched for my Christmas presents yet. LOL

2:16 pm  

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Everyone should start doing this....

Spam the spammers. Too funny not to share.

Brad fights back...

(Thought I ought to work for my free t-shirt and direct some traffic your way, Brad.)


Blogger Bradley Robb said...

Yea... I was really tight when I wrote that.

4:09 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Spam, Spaaam, lov-ely Spaaaaam!

6:42 pm  

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A cop out?

I have been trying to think what to get my mum and dad for Christmas. Usually, I take the easy option and order a hamper on line and send them one each. But I don't have that much money this year...especially now that I have to buy C and his son presents as well...and I suspect I may have to get C's immediate family something small as well, since we'll be staying with them over Christmas.

Anyway, I was thinking of just getting a copy of the picture of me that's on my blog and putting it in a frame for each of them (although C says that photo doesn't look like me and it's false advertising haha). Really, I dislike giving photos of myself. But maybe they'd like it since, I haven't seen dad for eons and I last saw mum in March and that was only for two days.

I dunno. Is that a cop out? I don't normally do presents, but I should get something for them....shouldn't I?

Should I get something for C's family? Maybe get something together with C? I should just ask him.

This present giving stuff is bloody hard work!


Blogger grrltraveler said...

I think the photo idea is a good one, if you are feeling like you MUST give them something.

I don't actually exchange gifts with my family, unless we spend the holidays together. I don't feel inclined to give them anything and they aren't getting me anything either. I don't think you need to give yours anything either but that's just me.

In the case of C's parents, well.. i'd probably get them something.. Even just as a 'thanks for having me stay' sort of thing. A bottle of wine (if they drink it) or even flowers. I'm sure some other people will give you better ideas than that... thinking of things to buy has never been my strong suit! LOL


11:27 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I've been getting pissy all day thinking about the same stuff. My family is easy. We do a gift draw amongst the parents and siblings (and my boys). Although "Santa" does visit my boys..with cash. Ho ho ho.

Hubby's family.. a bit different. Hubby is still procrasinating this and it's driving me completely insane. He thinks we'll get it all done on Saturday and THEN have time to attend a party in the evening.

I'm crabby about this whole thing. Oh, and I agree with "A". ;)

12:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say toss em a bottle of wine if you've never met them but you're going to dinner at their place. If you're staying for a few days, it's a really good idea to bring something for under the tree - I've been caught emptyhanded like 3 times by parents of boyfriends - kinda the case of parents, you could find out what they like doing together and get them a pretty or practical book on the subject (example: local weekend get-aways, drinking wine, or home improvement).

10:07 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Heidi, I love that new photo of you on your blog! Actually, I thought the original one was great too.

10:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg...I just thought of another inexpensive parent-gift. How about a CD of tasteful Xmas-themed music in a genre they like - like blues or jazz...nothin too cheesy ya know.

11:08 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hmmm, music might be a good option, actually. They're ex ballroom dancing champions/teachers, so that could go over well. I've met them a few times now and they're pretty cool. I know they won't expect anything, but still, I'd like to do something small. easy it is to be nice to someone else's family!!

11:21 am  

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Chop Sue

No, I didn't mean chop suey...check this out...

I think I've seen everything now.

China Awaits Crowning of Miss Plastic Surgery

BEIJING (Reuters) - China will soon host the finals of the country's first beauty contest in which every contestant has gone under the knife.

Twenty "man-made" beauties will parade their surgical nips and tucks next Saturday in the hope of taking home the country's first Miss Artificial Beauty crown.


Blogger Mia Goddess said...

I thought that this was a wholly U.S. phenomena. There's actually a TV show, where contestants go through all their surgeries, then some of them are chosen for the pagent. (No! I don't watch it, in case you were wondering!) When I thought it was the U.S. only, it seemed so typically pathetic, in a way, but now. Now I'm just depressed. - Mia

1:43 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

Ugh! They are showing that here in Ireland as well. It embarrasses me as an American. I suppose someday, though, plastic surgery will be something EVERYBODY does - unless we don't have to have it because we will be genetically perfect in the future.. sigh.

10:01 am  

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For the festive traveller...or just if you're a geek

C bought one of these yesterday to plug into his computer at work.

Well he is an engineer and he does like gadgets!

I want one too!

...edited to add...he just sent me this text message, spoken like a true geek.

Everyone digs my USB tree, but not as much as I dig u. :-) xxx


Blogger monica said...

LOL. Silly boy! BUT, since you're also a computer techie type, perfect for you!!! :D And Christmas is coming...

Isn't amazing how much things can change in just a year?

7:49 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

JAYsus (as Martin would say it)!

Why that's lovely.. and very festive! :)

Geeks are good!

10:03 am  

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Haloscan commenting

I've been trying for two days to post comments on blogs with Haloscan comments, but I'm getting a message saying commenting is disabled because of some proxy server setting. It may be something they've changed here at work, coz I haven't tested it at home yet.

So, for people like EJ, Nameless etc....I've had plenty to say....I've just been silenced for a bit!


Blogger Randygirl said...

Message for you on my blog.

4:12 pm  

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Monday, December 13, 2004

All smiles

Despite my bah humbuginess (new word) and the tone of my previous post, I'm pleased to say this December has been much better than I expected it to be. For starters, I expected to be single and to stay in hibernation until at least the middle of January.

I was with Sara in SC this time last year, preparing for her wedding. While I'm here, and since it's already the 13th here, I'll say a quick...

Happy 1st Anniversary Sara and Michael!
Love you both!

Sara, Dad finally sent me this, and it'll be on its way to you some time this week. If I can work out a time when it's not too early or too late for both of us, I'll try to call you as well.

I bought C's Christmas present today. Well, one of them. I realised I've been in such a calm, better place than I thought I would be at this time of year. Even though I feel a little like it's been an out of body experience, it's felt so right and so natural. I always feel like I'm gushing when I talk about C. The fact is, he hasn't put a foot wrong and has always come through for me at exactly the right time. I've never been so relaxed around someone before. At least, not that I can remember.

I'm not doing anything Christmassy in my own house. I'm happy to be a part of someone else's Christmas. I think the last couple of years of turmoil and crap were what I had to go through to see the good in what I have right now.

I'm content. Things could be better...but they could be a whole lot worse too.


Blogger Randygirl said...

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it over and over. If ever there were a group of people who deserved the happiness that seems to be shining through right now, it would be you, and L, and S, and A, and G, and M, and V (you know who I mean, right?) (and is it ok for me to put myself in here?).
Every day that I read the "gushing" and every day that I type up my own, I smile and I'm glad. It's about bloody time, ya know?

5:08 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

"Bah Humbugness" - I like that word. I'm going to start a band and call it that...

2:30 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

R, I know who ya mean and I definitely think you can include yourself!

E, I have to agree with her, you DO seem happy and it's great to hear it. I think this guy sounds wonderful and even though you might not think you are entitled to this existance you are having, you are! I think one day you just change from thinking you aren't to knowing you are enjoy! Make the most of this beautiful time and help him decorate his garden! :)

many hugs,

7:36 am  

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Family - part 2

Logical to be called part 2...this is the first real follow up to Family - part 1. I'm not quite sure where it's going to go yet. Soon find out.

Ever felt like you're not living your life? Like somehow, you're in your body, going through the motions, but it's not you. Like you know you're having the thoughts and doing the actions, but you feel as though you're looking at yourself from another angle, separate from yourself. So how can you possibly be in that body, doing those things, thinking those thoughts, if you're watching yourself from a distance?

I felt like that this weekend. Really, I feel like that all the time, but I realised this morning when I woke up, that I had coasted through the weekend and I felt like someone else. It turned out a lot quieter weekend for us than we expected. Most of the outings we'd planned were cancelled or we just didn't go. We spent the bulk of the weekend looking for outdoor furniture, water features and ideas to do up C's back garden.

Yet, at 32, I don't feel grown up enough to be doing that, and I know it must sound odd. I look at C and think how responsible and mature he is, how sensible. I don't feel responsible or mature. I wonder what it'll take for me to feel that way. I wonder what I think I have to have that'll get me to the point where I can feel entitled. I guess that's it. Entitlement. To what? I dunno. I feel like I have to earn something. What? Dunno that either.

It all goes back to growing up. Seriously, there are so many things I can't remember from my childhood - places we lived, what they looked like. I know, obviously, my sisters lived with us for a while, but I don't have a memory of them being around.

I can't remember when I shut my emotions off. One thing that probably should have been more significant at the time, was when I was about 15 and my boyfriend of the time fell down our back stairs. Mum said it was the first time she'd seen me laugh in a long time. There wasn't much to laugh about. I didn't cry either...for a long time.

So many people throw out the statement, "but you love your parents, because they're your parents". Well, I can't say I do. Never have. I know I feel a closeness for my dad. He's great. He's the loveliest guy and so easy going, but I truly struggle to right 'love' on cards and things, because I honestly don't feel it. Now that I've typed that, I feel guilty, because Dad really is great. Maybe it's just that I don't know what it's supposed to feel like - to love family.

Mum's another matter entirely. I like her, mostly. She can be funny. She's very smart - she knows things nobody else would know. If you need to know something obscure or you want to find out something straight away, she's the one to ring. She just knows stuff. But if you're not like her, or you have opposing views to her, you're 'wrong'. Nobody can be different. She's judgemental, can be racist, has a tendency to be snobbish (due to her upbringing rather than her current circumstances), and uses emotional blackmail without blinking and as if it's the norm. Do I love her? How can you love someone who wasn't able to show you what love was?

In the house I remember the most, where my brother and I lived with mum and her boyfriend (and I'm pretty sure two of my sisters were there for a while too), my brother and I fought constantly. I'm sure it was out of frustration and the fact that we weren't allowed to do anything, say anything, go anywhere, without getting in trouble in some way, or being made to feel guilty ("My children aren't allowed to have opinions."). Mum didn't know how to raise a boy, so C got treated like a girl and was chastised if he did normal boy things. He was the 'filthy bastard'. I was the 'dirty slut'. I don't know why. We tried to be perfect. Well, I did. C was just trying to grow up.

I imagine using a wooden spoon was a pretty standard parenting technique back then. And belts. I remember my mum's boyfriend's black leather belt hung on the back of their bedroom door. I remember it being taken down from there. What happened after that is some of what I can't remember. There are images in my head, but they're hard to describe.

My bedroom was next to my mother's. The head of my bed was against our adjoining wall. She and her boyfriend would fight in there. I heard a lot.

I never had friends over. Even if I wanted to, I was too embarrassed. Our house looked like shit. Yeah, the table was clean, the beds made, the carpet vacuumed. But there were cobwebs, insects, things were falling apart. The house smelled of stale cigarette smoke and beer. The garden was a mess. Nothing was ever new.

I don't think mum ever wanted kids. She certainly didn't know how to raise them, how to show affection, how to give positive reinforcement, how to encourage. I always had the feeling that having kids was a burden to her. Like somehow, having kids had spoiled things for her and that we were a hindrance, disallowing the life of luxury she could have had.

My brother and I learned to survive on our own. The determination we both have now, comes from within. We weren't taught how to be independent. We had to be. We had no other choice.

I have a few close attachments now. People I care about deeply - and I'll go out of my way to nurture those relationships. But they're few. I find it very easy, almost too easy, to detach myself. So you came into my life for a while. I like you. That's cool. But if you're not around? Oh well, I got on before and I'll get on again. Discard seems like a harsh word to use, but in essence, that's what it is, isn't it? Discarding people, or parts of your life that no longer suit.

My sister described me a long time ago as 'resilient'. No. It was more like, I was living in a house with people I didn't relate to, didn't want to be with, didn't need and didn't feel any emotional connection with. I'd already separated myself from myself, back then. It's easier to deal with things when it's not really you dealing with it. It's easier to walk away. It's easier to forget.

I don't want to continually be feeling detached. Or does everybody feel like that?

I did have a point I originally wanted to make, when I started typing. I haven't been able to put it into words. Today wasn't the day for it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((you)))))))))))))) understanding every bit of this. Yep, we've discussed how I so easily detach from people. I used to feel more like you are now feeling, but things have changed for me as I've gotten older. I hardly ever felt attached to anything, even my children sometimes. I'd pretend to feel attached.

It's only in the last five years or so, after that complete overhaul that I've rehashed more often that people care to hear, that I've become more attached and able to form emotionally intimate relationships. Granted, those are few and far between, but at least I know that I'm able to do it now. Used to be that the only emotionally intimate relationship I could form was with my sister. The list is starting to grow. I hope yours does too.

Anonymous L

1:59 pm  
Blogger Randygirl said...


Still here, still holding out a hand. I wish I could say my previous post was the worst event I've been through. But because it wasn't, I can tell you, it is still possible to form attachments. For me it was a matter of trust. Not of other people but of myself. Don't know how I can explain it. The idea swirls around without landing. If I get it in words I'll let you know. In the meantime...
hugs n love,

2:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I just wanna send you a hug...

I used to have this "tough girl" act...only I didn't know it was an act. I thought I really was tough. Then one day in shrink school a fellow student said to me, "Is it possible that 'not needing anyone' thing is just a defense?" It should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't..I was pretty disoriented for a couple days after that, but what emerged after a while was a scared kid who really wanted so much to be a part of everything and who craved connection more than anything. Suddenly I was in touch with my emotions again.

I know you've got your own story...and your own layers. I believe maybe there's a very soft vulnerable side of you that wants to feel attached...maybe it's too scary at the moment. Maybe writing about the things that got in the way is it's way of speaking up...((((E))))

3:53 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sandy, I'm about the biggest bag of mush you could know. LOL I'm the most empathetic, touchy/feely, emotional, intuitive, sappy person...but I also have equal capacity to shut off when required. Yeah, it's a defensive mechanism, but I think it balances the emotional me. The ratio of walls to emotions is dependent on the situation for the most part.

R and L, hugs as always.

4:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - I'm wrong a lot :)

5:39 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Isn't it ironic how intelligence, while generally a blessing and a coveted trait, can also be a bit of a crutch and sometimes a handicap in affairs of the heart? Tons of hugs, E. I don't think it's that she didn't want you kiddos... just that she didn't know how to nourish your souls instead of just your bodies and brains.

6:52 pm  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

Hugs, you!

Alot of things you mentioned rang a bell with me. The feeling of being detached from your life, like you aren't entitled to be in it - for whatever reason. It took many years for me to figure it out - it's not easy - but it will be there for you. Whatever you are doing with C is meant to be, to experience someone else's interests can sometimes develop things for you... help you find something that you have been looking for but never known you were looking for it!

I can also relate to your thoughts about loving your parents, just loving in general. I disagree with whomever said you have to love your parents because they are your parents... maybe you will, maybe you won't, maybe you'll just understand them someday, maybe not. I know it took me forever.

as for discarding people from your life... well, i think it's just a natural occurrence. i mean, you've heard the saying about people coming into your life for a reason, i'm sure. there's that longer one about people being footprints in your life, that satisfy a certain time in your life - others who are meant to be there for longer periods and others forever. i'll have to see if i can find it because it's a fitting poem. anyhow, i think it's natural and i certainly understand it! LOL

anyhow, ive gone on about me. just wanted to see you lots of hugs!

8:01 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sandy, you weren't wrong. Most of the world gets only the defensive version of me. The inner circle gets everything - depending on my mood lol.

M and A, hugs. Thanks. :-)

9:05 am  

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Friday, December 10, 2004

Friday arvo

Yeah, 'arvo' is Aussie slang for 'afternoon' for the uninitiated.

It's just on 4pm and my boss said, "I'm going home. You are too, aren't you?"

Okaaaay, well, I guess I am! I'm not supposed to be, but hey, if you're telling me to go, I will!

So I'm going home! Ha!

Might actually catch one or two of you on chat when I get there.


Blogger Randygirl said...

Erg! Why on the night that I am actually saying goodnight to B and logging off before he does, does it have to be the one night that we could catch up on chat?!?!
Oh, well. Considering how I barely made it home awake last night, and only got 3 hours sleep, I'd better head to bed.
Glad you got to go home early, though. Use the time to do something non-productive.

5:14 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Yes, everyone - as an imigrant to Australia's sunny shores, my lesson to all of you who want to learn the language is simply to chop the word in half and stick an 'o' on the end. Afternoon becomes arvo, service station becomes servo, bottleshop becomes bottleo, documentry becomes doco. Easy.

9:40 pm  

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You started a blog about me?

As I walked into C's place last night (R, while I was waiting for him at my place, he was waiting for me at his place! D'oh!), I noticed his computer was on and his email was open. So he'd read my email. I didn't ask him about it till later on.

E: So the attachment came through ok?
C: Yeah, it was only a small file.
E: Ok, cool.
C: You didn't say anything about me.
E: No, I just didn't have to show you what I say about you, because you know and besides, it's all good anyway. This is just other stuff you didn't know.
C: Oh, ok.
E: You know, I had a dream about you the other night. You'd written a diary and you had pages and pages of things you'd written about me. It must have been good, because I can't remember and I'd remember if it was bad.
C: I started a blog when we first met. I put one entry in. It's about you. I just haven't been back to put anything else in there. Maybe I should check it to see if anyone's commented on it.

The rest of the conversation was me sounding surprised - well I was suprised he told me about it. I really did have that dream. It was pretty strange. I already knew he had a blog. He and I were on his computer quite a while back, doing various things, and I noticed it. I didn't know what it was at the time (just a strange name in his favourites list), so I didn't mention it. Like he said, he hadn't written anything in it since, so it wasn't really relevant.

The end result of the conversation was that we didn't discuss what I emailed him. I did find it interesting that he volunteered the information about his own blog, when he didn't have to, but that just made me even more happy that he is who he is.

He did say some pretty nice things about me (ha of course!). I'm not going to say what the name of his blog is, (on here at least). I just think it's cool that he thought about starting one in the first place.

The other good thing? It helped me to finally work out what I want to get him for Christmas!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've started something E... R started it too. I guess we're all up for full disclosure...

This really is scary...

3:28 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Just hugs, ya know. xx

3:46 pm  
Blogger Randygirl said...

E, do you mind if I borrow your comment area for a moment?
This message is to the "anon" commenter. I automatically went to the URL given. Before I read very far it became clear that it was a place I feel I should not be reading without knowing it's ok w/ you that I do so.
Sorry for the hijacking, E, but I certainly can't post this question on her "usual" spot.
hugs to both of ya

3:55 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Feel free to hijack my comments any time, R.

And to anon... I know how hard that initial post is to get out. Be good to yourself, ok?

3:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you for asking. I hijacked this post because the people that I knew would understand would be reading this. It's ok for anyone really...

Those that don't know me, don't matter. KWIM?

4:40 pm  

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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Blogger user stats

Do they ever change? Mine has sat at 115 posts for eons now.

It used to change. Anyone else noticed this?

Meanwhile, go to Blog Explosion if you haven't already, and tell 'em I sent you.

Rate me, dammit. And rate me well! You know you want to! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn !

6:43 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Wooohooo! My first irrelevant, pointless comment!
hehe I've moved up in the world! ;-)

6:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah...blogger gets jammed sometimes. My profile stats only update about once a month for some reason. I think they know it's a problem...but do they care? Hmm...? BTW...yay for pointless posts...significance rocks but balance is better.

2:19 am  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I'd like to think that most of my comments are irrelevant, not pointless, just irrelevant. Just like my blog, only smaller. Fun-sized Brad, available in multi-packs for holidays and birthday parties.

3:31 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Sounds like *someone* wants some attention...! ;)

6:18 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I've been stuck on exactly 100 for like 5 weeks. Was thinking it was a problem with going higher than that number. Glad to know that's not it.

4:58 pm  

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Taking the easy way out

Yesterday, I copied and pasted a number of my posts into a document and emailed it to C. It included things about my family, stuff I feel strongly about, or simply things I haven't told him yet. I could have sat down and tried to talk to him about these things, but I figured that since I'd already got them out in here in some sort of sense, it would be silly to try to formulate the words all over again in my head.

I told him when he got home that I'd done that. I almost forgot. He asked if he was supposed to talk to me about it once he'd read it all. That's up to him. I just needed to give him an insight into me in a way I didn't otherwise know how to do.

Can you believe we still haven't known each other two months yet? I don't know if it feels longer than that, or less than that. But it's been so easy. He hasn't done one silly thing, or made me doubt one moment in that time. That's not to say I haven't had my own doubts and insecurities when I've been left alone with my thoughts for too long, but that's for me to deal with.

But for now, I wait. I know there'll be things he'll want to talk to me about, after he reads the things I've given him. His life and mine growing up, were worlds apart. Maybe in some way, that's helping us now. Who knows.

All I know is that I really do appreciate his acceptance of me - as I am (and mine, too). Could be that I'm starting to grow up after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicken! ;)

There are a few things that hubby doesn't know about my childhood, but he does know about things that happened in later years. Actually there is no one person who knows everything, not even my sister believe it or not. She knows about the childhood, but not things that happened in later years. She and I are fiercely protective of each other and I just didn't want her to know.

I think it's because I feel protective of them and think I know what sort of information to protect them from. Both know more about me than anyone, but neither know it all.

A part of me also worries that they'll look at me differently if they knew everything. I look at it this way, I am who I am. A lot of it does have to do with "stuff". I think I'm the only one who can see the good side of it, ya know?

Anonymous L

12:18 pm  
Blogger grrltraveler said...


I think that whatever way you say what needs to be said is the right way... I agree with S that usually when I have something big to say, I worry about it more than the person who ends up with that information. And as she said, the 'right' people do the right thing with it. C sounds like the 'right' people. It always takes me aback a little when I say something to M that I think he is going to be weirded out about and he's not. And it makes me know the power of our love. I have a feeling you have that same respect in your boy. :)

The right people can see that whatever happened in the past made you who you are today.. whenever you decide to tell them all that information is up to you.. you're doing a great job!


5:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, your post plus something I saw on a TV show sparked a conversation with me and hubby that I wasn't quite prepared for. Nor was he. I think I'm going to start a "my dark side" blog, since his family reads my regular blog.

Lots of psychological fall out today, which lets me know that I keep that stuff way too locked away.

Anonymous L (you know who this is, don't you?)

12:15 pm  

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Which American City are you?

Which American City Are You?

Los Angeles
You are the epitome of duality. You'll deal with all the strife to bask in all the glamour.

Duality? Yeah. Not so sure about being LA though...


Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I got NYC... and nobody saw that one coming...

4:54 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

Which American City Are You?


Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it.

This made me giggle. I can see myself as Seattle, actually. One of my favorite places...


8:01 am  

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There's something to be said about blogs, on line diaries and other places one can pour out their thoughts with some degree of anonymity, yet still be able to get feedback, support, encouragement and empathy from strangers. Strangers who often become friends. Friends we may never meet in person, but friends all the same.

I didn't expect an audience when I first started typing. I liked the idea of being able to say what I think and what I feel and be completely me, without hinderance, without second guessing myself, without fear of some sort of retribution for things I may have said and done. But, in various ways, people find us, or perhaps are drawn to us, because they see a part of themselves in what someone else writes. Whether they like what they see or not, is not the point. It's the fact that someone, somewhere in the world has been through something similar to ourselves and, in a little way, we feel that maybe we're not so small and alone after all.

I haven't held back on what I've wanted to say. This is me. Take it or leave it. There are things I so desperately need to say, to get out of my head. The thoughts are there. But they're so mixed up, jumbled and disjointed that, right now, I'm unable to formulate them into anything that will make sense. And I need it to make sense.

My past is not who I am now. I've seen and done things I shouldn't have. I've been through some things that I still can't talk about. I tell people who need to know. That's it. Strange as it sounds, there are words I cannot use in my vocabulary, for the fear of the emotions and the memories they stir in me. I walk out of the lounge if certain scenes are playing on the tv and I can't change the channel. I don't find certain jokes funny. I'm told I'm too serious at times. Maybe I am. But some things just aren't funny - under any circumstance.

So this week, R and EJ both posted about situations that hit very close to home with me. There are others I've read too, including Sandy and Heidi. Reading these helps. It forces me to think about things I don't want to face. It forces me to look at why I'm not ready to deal with things.

I hate knives. But it's made me admit that I like the feeling of having a knife in my hand. No, not to harm myself. I turned off that road a long time ago. It's the empowerment and finally knowing I can look after myself if I need to. Not just with a knife. That's just a representation.

Thank you to everyone who comes here to read what I say. And thank you to those who continue to say what is true for them, for allowing the rest of us to feel more 'normal' and less isolated. I know, in time, I'll be ready to say what I need to say.

This blog is all me and I show different layers at different times. Some are just more difficult to reach than others.


Blogger Randygirl said...

You know me...product of waaay too much therapy that didn't do much good, lol.
But I do post for me, not for my readers. The post you're referring to was an attempt to take back a little piece of me from the dark place that it's been lurking.
Tired of renting space in my head to the slime of humanity.
When you're ready, at least you know you have a place where you can get it out.
And in the meantime, you know you've got an unlimited supply of hugs and support coming to you from Cali.

2:36 pm  
Blogger V said...

Sometimes I feel I've said too much. Do you ever feel that? Sometimes I ask myself "Have I given too much of myself away?" It sometimes scares me when I finish publishing a post and wonder if that was truly OK to post. What amazes me is that I get responses and it makes me feel better. Sometimes I feel it benefits someone else to read something put in a way that you haven't thought of. And make a connection.. as I have with so many other blogers out there. I truly feel like I'm part of a community now. Feels good.

5:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm finally getting caught up in blog-world...I'm glad cuz I wouldn't have wanted to miss this post. I love coming here to visit you...and I agree - blog-world friendships are very real to me...I have come to accept my own vulnerability so much more since blogging. I'm so glad you are exactly who you are. (And that you've got the meds you need to heal your body.) (((hugs)))

2:31 am  

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A diagnosis and a decision

The first doctor I went to yesterday wouldn't take me, because I got there 10 minutes before they closed and I didn't have an appointment. Mind you, they had nobody else waiting there, so I was rather unimpressed. I drove to the next doctor I knew (that is further away and always has a line up of people waiting), and managed to get in fairly quickly.

Turns out I have bronchitis. Not at all happy with this, but at least I can work on getting it fixed. No wonder all the sinus/hayfever drugs I've been taking, haven't worked. D'oh! I'm on antibiotics now and he gave me an inhaler. Generally, I can't take ventolin inhalers because they make me shake so much I can't even hold a pen, but the one he gave me must be different, because I've had no problems so far, despite taking double doses. I know, my bad, but hey, I feel better.

The boy bought me red roses last night and took me to dinner. That kinda stuff always helps with recovery too! He brought up moving in again, and again, we didn't come to a decision. But it's on the table and we talked about our concerns. We still have some time to make up our minds, so we're just going to take our time to think it through properly.

As for the property my mother and brother want to buy, I'm not going to do it. For a number of reasons. The primary ones being a) if I buy an investment property before I own my first home, I won't get the Government grant of $7,000, b) I won't get any return on the investment I put into the home until it's sold, because mum will be living in it and there wouldn't be any rental income, c) it's too close to my family and d) I'd just rather do my own thing, in my own time, rather than have to agree to every decision with my mother and my brother.

Oh least I can breathe again. I don't know what's in that inhaler, but I'm feeling very relaxed!


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I'm glad you finally went to the doctor. I don't know why we fight that so much because they always fix us right up. Well, not always, but in this case they did!


3:36 am  

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Time to admit defeat

I've lasted about 5 weeks transporting a box of tissues with me everywhere I've been and popping pills to the point where I and my handbag both rattle now. It's not been fun or pretty.

Last night was the final straw. At the end of last week and over the weekend, I thought I was improving. Apparently not. I got to bed relatively early last night, but by just after midnight I was awake and having a coughing fit that would rival an old man with emphysema. After that, in half hour intervals, I'd be awake and keeping the stray neighbourhood cats away with my horrid wheezing and choking. Seriously, I could hardly breathe.

At 3.15am I got out of bed (so as to at least allow the boy to get some sleep), went downstairs and got online for an hour or so. That was ok, because I could breathe if I sat up. But I had to come to work today, so off I trundled just after 4am and tried to get back to sleep sitting up. It was good in theory, but didn't really work out so well.

Needless to say, by the time I was supposed to get out of bed, my head was thumping and I felt like I'd been punched in the chest. So I rang my boss' secretary and told her I was sleeping in and I'd be in when I could. I got to work at 10.30.

But I know I can't have another night like last night. At 1pm I was alseep at my desk. I have to go see a doctor today. I've relented. I need to know what's wrong and how to fix it. And I'm sick of always being sick around C. He seems not to be bothered by it, in that his behaviour is more of concern rather than annoyance. But I don't want pity. I want to be well....better than this, anyway.

I do have a regular GP, but seeing him is an event in itself. He doesn't take appointments, he's a long way from me and basically, I'd have to take a day off work to see him. I can't do that right now. So I'll see a local GP...and I'll pray that he doesn't have an accent I can't understand. You see, I live in a pretty diverse area, multiculturally speaking, and to get a doctor who's first language is English, is a struggle. The Italian ones I'm fine with. My doctor is Italian. The ones in my area are mostly middle eastern. I'm cool with this as long as we both understand each other and they can help me to get well.

So there you have it. My body has beaten me. I have to go to a doctor. But the way I feel right now, not being able to breathe, I'd do just about anything to get it fixed.

Hmmm...maybe it's this time of year. Last time I was feeling like shit this much was this time last year when I was in the US.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this isn't a stupid or weird question for any reason...but is there any chance you've developed athsma? I developed it at the age of 32 - it started with a cold that just wouldn't go away - I had a lot of trouble breathing, especially when lying down. I went to the doc a few times - cough medicine didn't help, antibiotics didn't help. 3rd time, 3rd doctor told me within 5 minutes that it was athsma, gave me an inhaler, and then I was all better. I still use the inhaler once every couple days, depending on the time of year. I hope you feel better soon.

2:51 pm  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I hate to point this out, but your body didn't beat you, because you and your body shouldn't be in competition. Forcing through, pushing past, ignoring pain, none of that is a sign of strength, it's a sign of fear.
Sorry if that sounds witchy, but having passed out at work today and spent 6 minutes unconscious on the floor before spending 4 hours in hospital makes me want to force people I care about to *pay attention* to what their bodies are telling them.
feel better! hugs,

4:26 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Yeah, I know it's fear, but you know me - I'm stubborn to my detriment.

As for you...are you ok now? Sending you soft hugs.

6:00 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Nameless - thank you for the vibes...they're helping. :-)

EJ - The chicken soup worked wonders!

9:27 am  

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Monday, December 06, 2004

A great opportunity?

My mother and my brother a buying a house together - across the road from one of my sisters, and down the road from another. My brother suggested I go in on it too, but mum told him I never have any money (um perhaps because I'm currently paying a fortune in rent that I didn't expect to this year and perhaps it's because I'm tired of being the family bank...).

Anyway, mum just asked me just now if I want to go in on it as well. It's soooo wrong to me in so many ways that I can't even articulate right now. It's not a place I'd want to visit. It's just too close to my 'family'. I wouldn't be interested in anything to do with it, except for financial issues. But the location is prime real estate in an area that will always increase in value. Purely from an investment perspective, it's a steal (particularly with the deal the current owners have offered).

I have to make this decision in the next couple of days.

What to do???????


Blogger Randygirl said...

Well, I would hate to advise you and have it backfire, so I'll just say my own rules for self.
1 Do not get into any financial arrangement without all parties involved signing papers on it.
2 Do not get into any financial arrangement if you can't afford to lose what you put into it
3 Do not get into any financial arrangement with family if you want to maintain friendly relations unless it's last resort
But I know you'll make the right decision for you. Your circumstances and mine are not the same :)

3:57 pm  
Blogger Cori said...

no, no, no, nix, nix.

3:23 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Yeah, be careful. It it all goes tits up, it could pnly cause more family problems...

7:13 am  
Blogger monica said...

One more "nay." Heck, I don't even want to rent property to my family... and we get along pretty well! Don't take the "mum told him I never have any money" bait. Never, never, never!

8:09 pm  

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Funnily enough, my shoulder pain was gone by Saturday morning (thank G-d for having a body that generally recovers quickly!), but C had spent Friday afternoon playing backyard cricket at work and his shoulder was sore exactly where mine had been. Personally, I like to think it was one of those sympathy pain transfer occasions and he just didn't want to see me suffering and took on my pain. Ha! Well, it's a nice thought.

It ended up that the go-karting was scheduled for the exact same time we had to be at C's nephew's 7th birthday party, so we couldn't go. Nice co-ordination happening there between C's brother and sister who organised both events! Pity, coz I would seriously have kicked C's butt in the sorry state he was in. And Brad, no problems with the 'drive like you stole it' thing - I already do!

I met dozens of C's family members and friends over the course of the weekend. I do remember a few names at least, but it's going to take forever to work out who's related to whom and how. Typical Catholic Irish family really - and they all get on really well with each other. They welcomed me in like I was one of them, which was nice. So far removed from my own family experience - polar opposites.

I still haven't quite fully explained the dynamics of my own family to C yet. He thinks I'm waiting till I'm fully entrenched in his life before I give him the full rundown. Really, there just hasn't been an opportune time so far. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. Maybe then.

C's son, A asked me again (for the third time), when we were staying at C's sister's place, if I was C's girlfriend. I said yes and asked him if it was ok and why he asked. He said, "because E (C's ex) comes down here in the beetle (C's car) to stay as well". I said, "well she doesn't anymore".

A bit of history here. C's car started off as E's car. It was her car, but, to show he was committed to the relationship, he got it on a lease through his salary. She was making the payments to him. When she left, she dumped him with the car and the payments. So he sold his own car (last night) and is keeping the cabriolet.

E and I have very similar names. She was also blonde. She and C broke up only a couple of months before I met him. C thought that A understood what had gone on because when he said he'd broken up with E, all A said was "she talked a lot", and that was that. We think maybe A thinks C is still going out with both of us, because while we were in the car on the way to C's sister's place, A had already asked if I was C's girlfriend. About ten seconds after that, he asked C if he knew about Henry VIII. We have no idea how that related to the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but we don't think it's because A thinks C chops the heads off all his girlfriends...but you never know...

I also finally got to meet A's mother - C's ex. I've been looking forward to it, because I figured I should just accept the situation. Funny, in a previous life I would have been horrendously jealous of her. She's a nice person. We got on fine. I didn't know how she'd react seeing me playing with A (at his request) in her house, but she was cool and got into it too, which is nice.

C sent me a text message last Thursday, saying 'hurry home, we haven't seen enough of each other lately'. Taken literally, that doesn't make sense, because we've spent every day together - every weekend, every evening, and I've stayed at his place every night except one in the last three weeks. But I know what he meant. We just haven't had time to sit and stop and talk. We go walking most afternoons and we talk a lot then and we talk a lot over dinner and things like that, but we haven't just stayed still in a long time. So in a strange way, it really does feel like we haven't seen each other. Hard to explain.

I can't believe how well we've merged our lives. We both still have our things we do for ourselves. I have my gym and my net stuff and he has his volunteer emergency stuff. We've just managed to balance everything else around those things so that neither of us feels as though we've sacrificed anything.

If it all died in the arse tomorrow, I wouldn't regret getting involved with him. I'm just enjoying the moments and hoping they continue.


Blogger Randygirl said...

Awwww. Now, when he said "Hurry home", did he mean to *his* house? Because I'd say that it sounds that you two have reached the place where home is defined by where the other is, as opposed to where the cats live or where the clothes are being stored.
Don't know if that helps the moving topic that you're both avoiding, but thought I'd mention it, since it stood out to me.
I can't imagine why E2 (I call you E on my blog so what do I call her?) would not want to meet H. To me it's disrespectful of A (I don't care if he is a kid he's still a person and that's his mom) and ignores the fact that C will always have to have a connection with her.
omg I rambled. sorry, didn't mean to take up such space.

2:18 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Yes, well that was the conversation we had one the way to H's house. To my mind, I signed up for the whole package and I knew that's what I was getting myself into. Apparently E2 thought she could handle it, but couldn't.

As for the 'hurry home' comment, yeah, he meant to his place. :-)

2:31 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

...I can *definately* hear those wedding bells...

3:46 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

LOL Ian, you're scaring me! You sure that sound you're hearing is not just that big mother of a moth you had buzzing around your place? What ever happened to that, by the way?

Seriously, even when I was with my ex for over 7 years, I never even felt close to all that white dress stuff. Right now though, I do, and it scares the poop outta me!

3:53 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Eve, the moth and I have come to a truce for Xmas. It's sitting here beside me right now drinking a glass of brandy...

7:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...seriously...I can hear them too!! That's so sweet though and I totally know what you mean about not feeling like you've been still together. Time to veg on the couch!!

I'm so happy for you!! Its just so wonderful!

9:19 am  

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Friday, December 03, 2004

Pain is my friend

I always manage to hurt myself. Even when I'm doing something completely boring and dull. I have an extra high pain barrier, which I think is probably a really good thing.

At my last gym, I used to do Body Attack and Body Combat classes a few times a week. Inevitably, I'd twist my ankle or do something similar. One time, doing a punch combination, I hyperextended my arm backwards and couldn't move it for 4 days. Mind you, this was in the first minute of the class, but because I have this notion that I'm some kind of superwoman, I kept going and did the entire class (as I did when I twisted my ankles). My arm is tingling?'s ok, I'll go to the doctor afterwards. Problem was, I could barely get into my car afterwards and change gears. But I got home eventually.

I don't like being in pain. So I pretend it doesn't exist. The thing with this is that I push myself because of it and don't do something about getting it fixed. If it doesn't exist, there's no need to go to the doctor, right?

Tomorrow, we're supposed to be going go-karting. Last time I went, I was taking a hairpin turn when this stupid chick who couldn't drive a kart to save her life, rammed into the side of me. Immediately, I knew I'd been hurt. Both my legs went numb. But it was the first practice round, to get timings. My mission for the day was to beat all the women and at least half of the men (there were about 30 of us). So I wasn't going to go down in flames before the race even started. Keep in mind, this was just a nice outing with friends. Some switch in the competitive side of me kicked in though, and my evil twin surfaced.

I could hardly walk, but I perservered and achieved what I set out to do. It took me two days before I let myself check out what that chick had done to my legs. She hit me from the side and both my legs hit the steering column. My left thigh had a bruise on it from my hip to my knee and I literally couldn't touch it. My right thigh wasn't so bad. After two weeks, I could barely put any weight on my knees. After six weeks, I figured I should go to the doctor. See? Denial. I could still function ok. It just hurt.

So we're going go-karting tomorrow. It might be a bit of a problem for me. I did something to my shoulder on Wednesday. I have no idea what I did, but I can hardly move my arm, I can't lie down (or if I do, it's a feat to get back up again), I can't lift anything, and I can't turn my head fully. I went to gym on Wednesday night and did my normal weight/cardio routine. Nothing out of the ordinary at all, and I was perfectly fine when I got home. Three hours later, a slight twinge. A bit after that, Houston, we have a problem.

It gets better. It's my left arm. I'm left handed. I have a manual car. I have to change gears with this arm. I have to drive two hours to C's sister's place tomorrow - before go-karting.

In my brain, I don't have a problem. Tonight, I'm scheduled to go to gym. I know I shouldn't. I know I can't. It won't stop me thinking, till the last minute, that I really can go and I really can lift weights.

I have some anti-inflammatory pain killers from the last time I did something dumb to myself. I'm taking those. I'll probably be a bit of a space cadet by lunch time, but it'll help me in the denial of pain.

C has given me $50 to go get some remedial massage today. I have issues with this on a number of levels, not the least of which being, if I want to go get help, I'm gonna pay for it myself. Stupid, independent, stubborn git that I am.

I will go go-karting tomorrow. I may be on crutches next week, but I'm gonna get in that kart. I wanna kick C's butt!


Blogger E in Oz said...

hehe hugs to ya Sal sweety. I'm not angry. Just frustrated with feeling like there's always something wrong with me, so I try to block it out.

I'm annoyed right now, because I think there's only been a week since I've been with C that I've actually been close to feeling 100%. It wears on me, so it must wear on him too, even though he says it doesn't matter.

2:50 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

You're just getting old, Eve... (ducks for cover) ;)

9:52 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Well, hehehehe, alls I can say is, "Drive safe and give 'em hell!"

What do you need that shoulder for, anyway? It's a go-cart race! And I know what you mean about paying for the massage. It's a struggle to let people help, isn't it? Go on wit' yo' bad self, there!

1:25 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I have the same problem with pain. Often I don't notice for a day or so. That and the old Army mentality of "Suck it up and drive on" is one that I've learned I can do very easily.

And as far as driving goes, the drivers in my company in Iraq had a motto "Drive it like you stole it". Served them well.


4:11 pm  
Blogger monica said...

"Drive it like you stole it?" Haha, I heard that all the time in the Navy too. Makes for some pretty interesting and fun manuevers.

5:12 am  

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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Crazy daze

I'm tired. I'm always tired. I can't remember a day when I was not tired. Living with narcolepsy is a bitch. No, I don't fall asleep instantly in my soup, but I am always tired. I could close my eyes and go to sleep anywhere, any time....except at night.

Every afternoon, I sit at my desk and it's an effort not to let my eyes close. There are times I'll suddenly realise I've had my eyes shut for a couple of minutes and I hope like heck that nobody's noticed.

I thought being on Dr Fun-Killer's diet would help in some ways - not eating sugars and high GI foods, making sure I'm balancing my sugar levels during the day. But it hasn't helped. It's just reiterated the fact that it's something I can't control without being on some sort of medication. The only medication that helps is a narcotic. I haven't taken it in over a year, because I really wanted to try to live without having to pop pills every day and feel like a junkie. But I'm seriously considering going back on them so I can concentrate and be more alert again.

I don't sleep at night. I don't go through the regular sleep patterns that people do. I go from being awake, straight to dream sleep, then awake again, averaging about every 90 minutes.

Generally, it doesn't stop me from doing anything. Once I'm up and doing something, as long as I stay active, I'm good. But get me at a party at night, where everyone sits down after a while, and I'm gone. If we're going out somewhere, keep me on my feet and active, or I'll crash quickly.

Because of this, I find it hard to come up with activities to do. Not because I don't want to do anything, but the thought of using energy and knowing I'm going to have to make concerted effort, makes getting up and motivated difficult. But tell me we're going somewhere, or we're doing something, I'll get organised and I'll be there. I just don't want to have to think of it myself. It's not coz I'm lazy. It's just coz if I didn't have to make the effort, I wouldn't - because my body wants to sleep.

I have to push myself so hard to complete a task sometimes. If I take a break from doing something, it's likely I may not come back to it. It's a conscious decision to keep ploughing on when my body wants to shut down. When there are other people involved in that task, it's worse. It's not that I'm less keen to finish it, or that I don't care, or that I don't want to put in as much effort. It just takes me more effort to keep going.

Psychologists would tell you narcolepsy is a form of escapism. Sleeping is hiding from the world, escaping from reality and not wanting to face certain things. Maybe. But it's certainly not a nice reality in itself.

I don't want to be always tired. I don't want to think I'm always complaining about how tired I am. But I don't want to be constantly medicated either. I don't know that there's a balance between the two though, so it's one or the other. The question is, which is worse?


Blogger SJ said...

I never sleep either - maybe we should fins an all night bar some time and let the wierdo normals sleep...

5:36 pm  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I like Sal's suggestion. Hypnotic suggestion might just do the trick...

I'm curious, do you work out? I know you used to, from reading things, how often to you go and does it change how you feel at all during the day or how you sleep at night? That's the one thing that works for me - aerobic activity keeps me awake most of the day (of course, there was the 9:30am slump when I used to get up at 4:30am for the gym. there was always a slump..).

Do you think it could be a food allergy? Although it sounds like you've felt like this your whole life so at some point you would have found out that food that could cause it..

I'm sure you've tried everything and thought of everything.. so I guess I'll just give you hugs...

2:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

((((hugs)))) from me too.

3:39 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I've talked to you about my insomnia and B's apnea, so I know you know I know. You know? lol.

Just my opinion, due to having had to come to terms with being on an opioid narcotic 24/7 for the pain control, but I don't think there's any correlation between taking medication and being a junkie. Believe me, I know the feeling, and I know how you don't want to rely on a drug, especially considering the stigma society puts on narcotics. But you know there's a huge difference between medication and drugs.

Anyway, I know you've tried a number of alternative therapies. So, here's a (((((hug))))) as my contribution.

2:06 pm  

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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

ET phone eBay

First there was the Virgin Mary toast, now there's the Nutri Grain ET face. This actually got a main story spot on the local current affairs show.

Yes, a piece of breakfast cereal sold for $1, 035 AUD.

Some people obviously have more money than sense. Crazy!

I think it's totally funny and it really does look like ET, but still....


Blogger SJ said...

I once saw James Dean in a piece of mango...

8:55 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I think it's time to start a company that crafts odd images into food, call it Culin-art, or something and then sell our pieces as "random creations" on eBay.

Beats paying for college.



1:25 pm  

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Cross Kringle

Ok, I understand the concept of Kris Kringles and I think it has merit in some instances. I believe C's family do it. $20 or so on a present for one person in the family, so everybody doesn't have to spend a fortune buying the whole clan something.

But in an office environment, I have a bit of an issue with it. I was temping for a company once and everyone had to participate. I hadn't been there long and ended up getting some stupid gift pack thing you get from a pharmacy. The type of cheap perfume, soaps and powders that little old ladies with dyed purple hair wear. The stuff that kills grass as the person walks by. It showed the person knew nothing about me, didn't care what they got me, and that they had no taste or imagination.

So it shouldn't surprise anyone that I didn't go in either of the two different Kris Kringles they have going at work this year. Why two? Who knows! One of the secretaries started one for anyone who wanted to participate. Then another secretary started one for administration staff only. Doesn't make sense.

As she was distributing her envelopes in our department, the first secretary made a comment about how we're a 'bunch of scrooges in this department'. First of all, it's voluntary and therefore we're under no obligation to go spend money on people we have no interest in at any other time of the year. Second of all, our department is mostly 25-30 something technical computer guys. They're not going to be skipping down to the shop to buy something for a 40 or 50 year old secretary. Thirdly, if we liked any of these people enough to be bothered to buy them something, we wouldn't wait to be asked. We'd just do it.

Have your Christmas spirit. I'm happy for you. Be festive. I will smile at your excitement. Heck, despite my lack of cartwheeling and skipping down the street at this time of year, I still have a great time setting up a Christmas tree, or putting up lights, or buying and wrapping stuff for people I care about.

But please don't come into my space, chastising me in your knitted santa sweater, with your Christmas tree earrings and fake reindeer antlers, telling me I'm a bad person coz I don't want to spend $10 on a present you'll probably hate anyway.

Ok, so she wasn't wearing all the festive stuff, but she may as well have been.


Blogger Randygirl said...

I am always glad to say that the only gift giving we do at my work is to have 3 different Christmas trees. The ornaments are paper and each one has a child's name and gift wish on it. Pull an ornament, buy the gift, put the name on it, put it under the tree.
No Secret Santa, no gift exchange at all. Much better this way. Plus we adopt 3 families. One per shift.
Although I do have one of those women with the sweaters that actually light up because there's a battery pack inside. erg

5:20 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Christmas? Bah, humbug!

8:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should start a movement - everybody gives each other cash for Xmas. It's simple, convenient, cheap on postage...ah, the holiday stress is dissipating as I think about it...

8:05 am  

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