Monday, December 27, 2004

The last few days...the abridged version

* I never knew before Saturday that 4 kids under 7 could cause so much wrapping paper carnage.

* I don't remember volunteering to be the wrapping paper collector...but I couldn't handle it everywhere. I had no choice.

* Three year old girls, once with bike helmet on head, will not remove said bike helmet until bike is fully assembled....even if this doesn't happen for another 7 hours. Her dad really should have read the instructions.

* Three year old girls, once they've decided to become a klingon, will not let you out of their sight for three full days - and will ask why you want to go to the bathroom alone.

* At any other time of the year, eating cold ham, chicken and turkey three days in a row would really, really suck.

* One autistic child and three others, really equates to 7 or 8 kids.

* It's a strange feeling when you realise that the gift the ex gf (A's mum) gave you from A is scarily similar to the one C gave her from A.

* I think when A said, "Nah, E's ok, she's not like other girls", it was a compliment.

* He also asked if C and I are going to get married. But he wants a baby brother too. This could be a problem!

* C bought me a gold chain with an E, a silver, heart shaped jewellery box, and a silver photo frame key ring for Christmas.

* He has something else planned, but won't tell me what, or for when, because "you shouldn't need an occasion".

* I feel more comfortable with his family than I did with my ex's even after a number of years.

* I discovered I should have been a catcher in a ball game, when I saved a sauce-covered sausage from landing on the kitchen floor - and averted the tears that would have ensued.

* C's sister needs a medal for patience and perserverence.

* C's mother is always smiling.

* I spoke to my mother.

* After some major guilt-tripping, she spent the day with my sisters.

* I spoke to two of the evil step-sisters. Oh the pretence of happy families!

* There was a tense moment when one said I should keep in contact more often and visit them. Pause....I couldn't think of an excuse on the spot.

* I need to make a list of excuses.

* Today, I've experienced gail force winds, sun so hot I'm lucky I didn't burn, rain I couldn't see to drive through, hail, and a brilliant rainbow. That's Melbourne weather for you!

* I can't remember the last day I was not with C.

* He said, "Noooooooooo", when I told him I had to leave this afternoon. I was secretly pleased.

* The kids didn't want me to leave. I was secretly pleased. Well, everybody wants to be wanted!

* My cats were so pleased to see me, they had a fight over me.

* I gave them expensive food because I was feeling guilty for leaving them for a couple of days.

* I cannot wait to see C again.

* I miss him. I'm smitten. There... I said it! Ok?

There's more, but I'm almost grumpy tired, so I'm off to bed.


Blogger grrltraveler said...

Yay!! You said it, you're smitten! So happy for you!!


Does it feel good? Because it sure sounds like it does.

It sounds like you had a great weekend, his family sounds pretty darn cool and you aren't kidding how it's nice when the kids want you to stay! LOL

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

5:25 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Good for you, Eve. I'm glad. I hope this turns out to be everything you hope for.

8:02 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Thanks guys. :-)

9:35 am  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

Wow, sounds like someone had a good holiday. You deserve it darling... if only I weren't jealous of C... Of course you know I love you.


6:29 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Yay! Sounds like a terrific holiday!!! Glad to hear it, but not surprised... you are such a wonderful gal, how could C's family NOT like you! (Especially since they think you're Blondie, right?) Hee hee.

Oh, to have the bathroom to myself again... at our house, if it isn't the kid, it's the cat. Meow, meow. Paw, paw, paw.

Isn't life a wonderful ride?

5:29 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I'm so happy for you in so many ways!

You so deserve this.

8:12 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sal - I'm fwigggin excited too. LOL and moreso, I'm excited for you. You can't believe how happy I am for you and how much I've enjoyed your friendship the last couple of years.

Brad - You know it's mutual. I think you rock. Can't wait to be a *productive* part of your team.

cnfg - A's meeting my cats in an hour. LOL this should be interesting.

R - Just thanks....for being a fanstastic friend.

DaFFy - smitten is great.:-) Thanks for dropping by again.

3:10 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Happy New Year Eve!

12:39 am  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Tried to post this morning and it wouldn't let me.

Happy New Year!!!

Miss ya. Glad it's good things keeping you away from the computer.

11:54 am  
Blogger Mia Goddess said...

Happy new year, Eve! I have enjoyed your blog so much - so many changes and laughs in 2004! Can't wait tohear what 2005 has in store..... xoxo Mia

4:03 am  
Blogger Pecola said...

eheheh Have a wonderful new year. :)

10:11 am  

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