Monday, March 24, 2008


Not all protein powders are the same. I knew when I took the large can off the shelf, I should have maybe gone for the smaller option, but hey, I've had protein powders before and they were alright. I find myself requiring a serious psychological effort now to prepare myself to make another shake tomorrow morning.

The powder by itself tastes fine. The skim milk by itself tastes fine. Together they taste....well, you know when you go to hospital and they make you drink that thick, foul barium drink, or whatever it is? That's what it is like. After the first mouthful, I thought, well it's only 250ml, that's not so bad. Uh, yeah, it is. I haven't struggled so much to drink so little in a while. Thankfully, I had a bottle of water on hand to wash it down.

I am going to have to find out what the hell I can put into this stuff to make it taste better and still keep it fat and sugar free. Chocolate never tasted so bad.

Tomorrow morning, I'm starting a cleanse with granulated psyllium husks. I bought 'original flavour' of that powder and I'm thinking that was probably a mistake as well. Oh, well, as long as I can get it down...


Blogger SJ said...

Try it with water - or orange juice

3:20 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

I'm going to try a half water/half milk combo (I know it sounds gross, but hey whatever works) and add some Stevia to it, just to experiment.

Juice = not good. Too much sugar. My brain won't accept it anymore. :p

6:12 am  
Blogger Mel said...

How about no calorie flavored water?

Could be worse.....could be drinkin' those Ensure High Protein shakes someone you know is stuck drinking.

11:58 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I'm pretty sure you don't have a Costco in your neck of the woods, but I've picked up a really tasty whey protein shake mix. I mix it with water and it's really good.

I don't know if this would appeal to you, but I also have vanilla and I get sugar-free syrups to mix in it (rootbeer syrup in vanilla protein shake makes a great rootbeer float!)

4:57 am  

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