Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This week

Ok, so it didn't start off peachy, with my shoulder still sore, but at least it's improving.

I ran 8km around the bigparknearthecity on Sunday. Actually, it's almost 8kms and it's twice around. I knocked 4 minutes off my previous time, which is cool, especially considering I didn't hurt as much and it was 10 degrees hotter.

On the way home, I decided to get a protein drink from stinkin 7-11. Jerk tried to charge me 25% more for it than the sign said it cost. Then he was a smart arse about it when I questioned him. I had other stuff I wanted to buy, but as soon as he said in his stupid smart arse tone, "well, that's the price, are ya gonna buy it?", I said no and left everything there on the counter. Unfortunately, as I stormed out the door, I hit my forearm, near my wrist, on the edge of the door. That was Sunday. Today I have a bruise that is about the size of an egg. Nice.

So that's a shoulder injury and a rather large bruise.

Last night, I had to go downstairs in the middle of the night. My housemate had his bedroom door open, so I decided not to turn the light on. I slipped down the stairs. My right knee is sore, but I'm pretending it's not. As I fell, I instinctively put my arm out to hold myself up. Yeah, the one that was already sore. Yeah, it hurt.

Now we have a shoulder injury, a bruise and a fall down the stairs. Can it get better?

How about having to proof a cause of death report on someone who is the same weight as me, but slightly taller and read them described as obese? Ian, thank you for your email. I wasn't having a good moment! If I could be bothered, I'd get my soapbox out in reference to those ridiculous BMI tests. Ggrrrrr!

But the universe wasn't done with me. I checked my bank balance to find a payment had come out that I hadn't expected, so I was in negative figures for the first time ever. And had no cash. Yes, things are that pitiful till this job starts paying me a regular income.

Suffice to say, it's not been a pleasant few days.

Till I got to class tonight. I'm still not entirely confident and I'm not so used to thinking on the spot and being able to coordinate everyone smoothly, but I'm getting better at it. My trainer threw me in the deep end tonight. I wasn't happy and my arm was hurting, so I asked not to take the parts I usually take. In the middle, he got me to take over. Sheeesh! Before and after that, I was just pushing people, correcting technique, encouraging, etc.

We were boxing (me with my one arm hehe) and it was stinking hot, so it was hard to motivate people. I felt like I pushed them more than they wanted. He said I did ok and was good at making sure I worked with everyone one on one. All I need is to be louder and more confident (in myself), but that'll come.

One girl said she didn't like me anymore and I said that's ok, because I know she doesn't mean it. At the end of the class two of the girls came up, thanked me for pushing them, and asked when I'd be back. That makes the rest of what's been a really shitty week worth it.

It has to get better from here.


Blogger Mel said...

My boss told me longgggg ago that if they loved me outta the gate then I wasn't doing my job.

I try to remember that when I get called a 'twisted two balled homosexual bitch'. LOL (still think that means I'm 'normal'. ROFL)

Stay way from furniture and doors....and stairs.....and silly clerks who don't know nuffin'.

11:44 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

At least they liked you... otherwise you'd also have a bruised ego :)

1:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You really must stop beating yourself up like that!

Good job on the run and leading such great workouts :)

5:44 am  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

Hope your boo-boos are feeling better. You've got to be more careful, girl!!

i think Mel's name calling beats yours. LOLOL!!!


Really, though...Good for you, E!

3:37 pm  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

"Now we have a shoulder injury, a bruise and a fall down the stairs. Can it get better?"

Ummmm, be careful what you throw out there, missy!

Maybe we should have a contest about who's the most clumsy of the two? :)

10:25 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Time for your weekly post

10:16 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

*drumming fingers*


11:24 pm  

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