Saturday, December 03, 2005

Useful things I learned today

* When you're sick, eating an orange does not make you feel better. In fact, eating a kilo of them probably won't either. They just tell you they're good for you and they have Vitamin C in them coz there's no other way anybody would eat one.

* When you're sick, eating chocolate does make you feel better.

* When you run out of chocolate, search your kitchen for more, even when you know you don't have any. The thought that maybe you might find a secret stash will make you feel a bit better...even if it's short lived.

* When you're sick, order pizza. It will inspire you to get dressed and do your hair so the delivery guy doesn't think you've been in your pjs all day. It'll also make you feel like you've done one constructive thing all day too, coz let's face it, when you're feeling like crap, getting dressed and doing your hair is a major accomplishment!

* When you're sick, pizza won't make you feel better, but at least you're eating something, and someone else did all the cooking.

* When you're sick and you've eaten too much pizza, eat another orange. You can pretend it's doing something beneficial to combat all the grease you've just put down your throat.

* When you're sick, drink lemonade. I'm not sure why. Just do it.


Blogger SJ said...

Reminds me of a joke, about a guy who called into work and said "I'm not coming in, I'm sick." The boss didn't believe him and went round to the man's house only to find the man in bed with his own sister. "I told you I'm sick,' he said...

2:31 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Oh Ian, that's awful! LOL and yes, sick. Dear me...!

3:57 pm  

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