Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Car trouble

The drive to and from work usually sees me singing at the top of my voice, the entire way there. Yes, I'm that dork next to you!

I stopped at a set of traffic lights this morning, in the middle lane, minding my own business. I couldn't decide between a cd or the radio, so the car was quiet for a change. Then I heard it.

Bee-beep! Beeeep! Beep Beep!

I checked in my rear view to see if it was the guy behind me. Nope. Is the light green? Should I go? Nope.

Beep! Beeeeep-beeep! Bee-beep!

I was starting to get irritated. Maybe it was a truck that just went past. Maybe someone cut him off?

And the beeping went on and on. Finally, I turned to my left to see an old lady in the car waving frantically at me. Huh?!

Now, I've obviously heard one too many horror stories. My initial reaction was to turn and look in the back of my car to see if there was an axe murderer lurking there, just waiting to get me, if some frantic little old lady didn't warn me first.

Really! I turned around expecting to see some dude with a carving knife in my back seat. Could it be that perhaps I have an overactive imagination?

So what was the real trouble? The woman wanted to know what intersection we were at. Never mind that she had me starting to worry that I was going to end up on the news. She needed to know what street we were on and she needed to know NOW.

I swear I'm keeping my music turned up always from now on.


Blogger monica said...

Who needs OnStar when you have a horn? LOL.

6:14 pm  
Blogger said...


I guess you lot don't have signs down there either eh? Queensland's the same way. Can't tell you how often we've gotten lost because there's no freaking signs anywhere.

6:52 pm  
Blogger consise10 said...

This is hilarious! Does she not own a Melways! Silly idiot! LOL

10:02 am  

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