Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hospitals are for sick people

I had a regular check up today. Ok, so not regular regular, but I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary. I ended up having everything from my shoulders down to my thighs checked. In addition, those things that were checked were thoroughly checked. There's something about having all your bits poked, prodded and swabbed that makes you all emotional. There's something about, "well it's probably nothing, but if it's still hurting in a week, go see another doc", that's unsettling - especially when you weren't there to have that bit checked in the first place. So, I walked out of there a little high strung.

I was almost in tears when there were so many people vying and pushing for the lifts to the carpark that I got shoved out of the way twice and had to wait for four lifts before I could force myself on. I hate rude, inconsiderate people. Dudes, I know you don't want to be there and you want to get out as fast as you can, but SO DO I!

I bought donuts on the way home. Big ones. They made me feel better. Now I just have to go to gym tonight and work the damn things off.

Speaking of doctors, I've never seen K in person or with makeup on, but I think she'd look a lot like Kate Walsh from Gr3y's An@tomy if she were dressed up. :-|


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope the day gets better...


11:28 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

I'da waited for the masses to move.

Strike that.
I'da taken the stairs.

Silly people.
Sillier me, huh? LOL ya doing today?
JUST askin' cuz I can, yaknow.

2:17 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Three floors up, plus three levels of parking and me in a crabby mood. There's no way I was doing the stair thing! LOL...and I couldn't find them anyway!

I'm more ok than I was yesterday - regarding this *and* the post below.

I've had a headache that's bordered on a migraine all week, so this afternoon I'll be back to acupuncture/massage for the second time this week. I'm trying not to worry about the expense!

2:33 pm  
Blogger caro said...

Lots of hugs coming your way! You seem to be handling everything so well...or at least so much better than I would be. Or am. *hugs*

2:39 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

I bet you have everything from your shoulders to your thighs checked every day... especially when you walk past a group of guys ;)

4:02 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

LOL Jones!

4:04 pm  

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