Who knows...it might be a book one day, or maybe it'll just be my own personal therapy sessions. Time will undoubtedly tell.
My life. My thoughts. kalliope72.blogspot.com
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Minor war wound
I just noticed the small price I've paid from go-karting. Smaller than the bruises I got from horse riding and less painful than my last go-karting experience. But no wonder my leg felt funny... That's my calf muscle.
posted by E in Oz at 12:16 pm these thoughts escaped my brain at 12:16 pm
Ya know, after I posted that, I went to do my hair in the bathroom and noticed TWO bruises about half that size on my left elbow. G-d knows how I did those!!
Ouch! That's gonna be hurting for awhile :(
The trophy was totally worth it though, right? :p
Ya know, after I posted that, I went to do my hair in the bathroom and noticed TWO bruises about half that size on my left elbow. G-d knows how I did those!!
Must have a higher pain barrier than I thought!
(and yeah...totally worth it! LOL)
*shaking head*
I never know where I get mine from--but I know where they don't come from!
That counts for something, I'm sure of it. LOL
Yeouch. Youch. Yeeeeooouuuch!
That's gotta hurt!
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