I wanna be a cowboy
Hmmm, ok, cowgirl.
I had the most awesome, busy weekend.
About half an hour's drive from me, there's a horse riding school that does trail rides. One of the girls from my online social group organised riding for a bunch of us. I haven't been for a fair while and I wasn't sure how I'd go, but I signed up for the more experienced group. In the end, all of us, including the inexperienced riders, were in the same group.
I got a great horse called Roller. She was stubborn and sometimes didn't want to do what she didn't want to do, but she came good in the end. Except that every.single.time we stopped she had to eat.
I took my camera with me, but the only pics I could get were when we stopped at the top of a mountain to have a rest and something to eat. Trying to get the camera organised and staying on a horse who liked to do her own thing were too hard to do at once. By the time we'd walked off the farm and crossed the road into the bush, I had skin off three of my knuckles. My hands stung, my left thumb was bleeding and I was loving every minute of it.....once Roller got out of a slow trot (my poor arse!) and into a smooth canter.
Towards the end of the ride, I had aspirations of becoming the Man from Snowy River. There were about 30 of us in the group and we took a small track up towards a long, wide slope. The guys who were taking the ride asked if we wanted to do one last full-on canter. Of course!
O-M-G! I don't think I've been so scared and excited at the same time. We all took off in a group. Due to the drought, the ground was all dry and dusty, so the horses were kicking up an amazing amount of dirt. So much dirt that I literally could not see a thing and was just counting on the horse to know where to go and not crash into anyone else.
When we finished the ride, I was completely covered in dirt and dust, bleeding, and sore....and looking forward to doing it all over again. I was wearing sunscreen, so the dirt stuck well. My shirt had sleeves, but I had a dirt line at my shoulder. I had dirt down my shirt and bits of filth up my nose. It felt good.
The eight of us in our group went and had lunch in an outdoor cafe afterwards. We were scruffy, tired, and probably smelt, but we didn't care.
I drove home, had a shower, packed an overnight bag and went for a sleepover with some of the girls at another girl's place. We watched dvds till the early hours of the morning. I think I was too adrenalin filled to feel all the pain. I had a lot of difficulty getting out of bed on Sunday morning! My poor back! The bruises on my legs! The skin off my knuckles!
I staggered to work at lunch time (yes, on Sunday) and did a couple of hours, before I got a message from J inviting me over. I said I had no money (sigh...a whole other drama) so I'd take some dvds and we could watch a movie. Daylight savings mucked us up a bit. I got there around 4pm, but we ate and yapped till after 7pm or so. It looked like it was still lunch time. I can't remember if we got dinner first, or watched the movie first. Either way, it was late by the time it was over. I hadn't expected to stay and didn't take anything with me. J mentioned, "I notice you didn't bring your overnight bag". Huh? Didn't think I'd be staying.
After saying just a few days ago that I wouldn't be doing that again on a work night, I did. Truth is, I was glad to stay and leave early, after a decent sleep, than drive home late and night and tired. The only trouble with that plan was that I had to leave an extra hour early to get home in time to get ready to go to work. At least it only took an hour to get home, unlike two hours to get to work last week.
It doesn't really make sense to enjoy someone's company and spend decent amounts of time with them, yet not want to have a serious relationship with them. Does it?
Go-karting, sumo wrestling and blindfolded dodgem cars next Saturday! LOL
Oh, and we've already booked to go horse riding again on 3 March!

I had the most awesome, busy weekend.
About half an hour's drive from me, there's a horse riding school that does trail rides. One of the girls from my online social group organised riding for a bunch of us. I haven't been for a fair while and I wasn't sure how I'd go, but I signed up for the more experienced group. In the end, all of us, including the inexperienced riders, were in the same group.
I got a great horse called Roller. She was stubborn and sometimes didn't want to do what she didn't want to do, but she came good in the end. Except that every.single.time we stopped she had to eat.
I took my camera with me, but the only pics I could get were when we stopped at the top of a mountain to have a rest and something to eat. Trying to get the camera organised and staying on a horse who liked to do her own thing were too hard to do at once. By the time we'd walked off the farm and crossed the road into the bush, I had skin off three of my knuckles. My hands stung, my left thumb was bleeding and I was loving every minute of it.....once Roller got out of a slow trot (my poor arse!) and into a smooth canter.
Towards the end of the ride, I had aspirations of becoming the Man from Snowy River. There were about 30 of us in the group and we took a small track up towards a long, wide slope. The guys who were taking the ride asked if we wanted to do one last full-on canter. Of course!
O-M-G! I don't think I've been so scared and excited at the same time. We all took off in a group. Due to the drought, the ground was all dry and dusty, so the horses were kicking up an amazing amount of dirt. So much dirt that I literally could not see a thing and was just counting on the horse to know where to go and not crash into anyone else.
When we finished the ride, I was completely covered in dirt and dust, bleeding, and sore....and looking forward to doing it all over again. I was wearing sunscreen, so the dirt stuck well. My shirt had sleeves, but I had a dirt line at my shoulder. I had dirt down my shirt and bits of filth up my nose. It felt good.
The eight of us in our group went and had lunch in an outdoor cafe afterwards. We were scruffy, tired, and probably smelt, but we didn't care.
I drove home, had a shower, packed an overnight bag and went for a sleepover with some of the girls at another girl's place. We watched dvds till the early hours of the morning. I think I was too adrenalin filled to feel all the pain. I had a lot of difficulty getting out of bed on Sunday morning! My poor back! The bruises on my legs! The skin off my knuckles!
I staggered to work at lunch time (yes, on Sunday) and did a couple of hours, before I got a message from J inviting me over. I said I had no money (sigh...a whole other drama) so I'd take some dvds and we could watch a movie. Daylight savings mucked us up a bit. I got there around 4pm, but we ate and yapped till after 7pm or so. It looked like it was still lunch time. I can't remember if we got dinner first, or watched the movie first. Either way, it was late by the time it was over. I hadn't expected to stay and didn't take anything with me. J mentioned, "I notice you didn't bring your overnight bag". Huh? Didn't think I'd be staying.
After saying just a few days ago that I wouldn't be doing that again on a work night, I did. Truth is, I was glad to stay and leave early, after a decent sleep, than drive home late and night and tired. The only trouble with that plan was that I had to leave an extra hour early to get home in time to get ready to go to work. At least it only took an hour to get home, unlike two hours to get to work last week.
It doesn't really make sense to enjoy someone's company and spend decent amounts of time with them, yet not want to have a serious relationship with them. Does it?
Go-karting, sumo wrestling and blindfolded dodgem cars next Saturday! LOL
Oh, and we've already booked to go horse riding again on 3 March!

"It doesn't really make sense to enjoy someone's company and spend decent amounts of time with them, yet not want to have a serious relationship with them. Does it?"
Well sure. They're called...friends.
- Sandy
Nothing wrong with that.
There is if you're having sex with them.
But that's just my opinion, of course.
And it's actually none of my business. Probably best to delete my comment, and I'll stay out of the discussion from now on :)
Yeah, Sandy, I know. Sigh... It just feels like we're progressing - albeit very slowly - towards something both of us have said we don't want. (Good to see you, btw!)
SJ, I know where you're coming from. If either of us was not honest about our expectations, it'd be different. We're both ok with the circumstances. Sometimes I just wonder why.
Well, personally I don't think expectations make any difference. I just don't understand sex without emotion, or how anyone can have sex without emotion. I especially don't understand it when one or both parties are also looking for someone else to date for real at the same time.
To take an example, imagine how you would feel if you were starting to date someone and found out there were having sex with someone else at the same time.
Maybe that's the modern world. And maybe most people are fine with that. I just know that I'm not. But, like I said, that's just me.
And now I really am no longer in these conversations about you guys haha :)
Good luck...
Ah, you assume there's no emotion. We do like each other a lot. There's emotion there for sure. I doubt we'd make the effort we do if there weren't some level of emotional connection.
I'm not looking for anyone else at the moment, and neither is he. We just don't want something serious with each other, either.
Does that make sense?
And you know my views on the rest.
Me! Me!!! I get it!!! Hehehehe.
But then after being run through the wringer the past few years, I'm not up for one of those super-intense fall madly head over heels in love things...
As much as you guys say you don't want anything serious, I don't get the impression it's been ruled out, either.
Just a thought. Might be wrong.
Wow, those are awesome views! Kudos for getting on the horse. I'm terrified of them, myself. I think they're stunning creatures but I don't think I'll ever get on another one...
You sound like you're all super busy and have the most kickass social life. Go karts & dodgems? HELL YEAH!!
I want to go riding. Haven't been in years and years. Just how much is a plane ticket from Tennessee to Australia and where can I find a sponsor to pay for it?
Melbourne to Nashville return is $2409 AUD. Less from there to here and you get more for your $$ coz of the conversion. ;-)
Ummmm..........*sitting on hands*
I'm sitting on Mel's hands, too.
Oh! And the riding and girl's night out sounds like SO much fun!!!
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