From horse riding to horse power
Who is the next go-kart champion of the world?! Uh-huh! Me! Yup!
The anti-me got a partial integration into another part of my world today; social acquaintances, at an indoor go-karting place. It looked like a dump when we got there. Neither of us said anything till we were home, but both J and I were very disappointed - it took a bugger of a long time to get there - and the activities didn't look promising!
Then everyone organised themselves, we sorted out a misunderstanding with the staff about who was going to go on the karts and when, and we were finally set. And everyone's mood lifted considerably.
Last time I did go-karting, it was a big outdoor track, a number of years ago. I hit some tyres on a hairpin bend and slowed down long enough to try to correct myself. At that point, another girl didn't even see the bend and T-boned me. Let's just say it hurt...a lot. I had a massive bruise on my thigh (think whole thigh) and couldn't really walk properly for about 6 weeks. Keeping that in mind, I had every intention of staying out of everyone's way today.
So, today, after warm up laps, then time trials, I was 4th on the grid for the race. I knew I passed two people and lapped a few and I thought I was coming second the whole time. We weren't told the results straight away. It wasn't until after we'd played dark zone laser games (at which I failed miserably! - eventually, I worked out how to use the gun...) that they gathered us up to let us know our final places.
I got a trophy, too! LOL it does say "Western Auto Indoor Raceway 1st Place Champion", which I think makes me sound like some bogan drag-racing chick. Just a bit different from dance trophies, lemme tell ya!
J came in 6th. He did collect a couple of other drivers along the way and had a few altercations, so I made him feel better by thanking him for taking out my opposition to let me win. He got a much better score in laser games than me, so we're even.
There was only one person in our group who truly irritated me. He's one of those people you wanna smack just coz he's breathing. Man, he annoyed me! He was a sore loser in the go-karts (came second by a full minute!), so he targetted me in the laser games. That was ok, coz I got as many other people as I could to team up with me and go after him. Hehehehee! Oh well, J and I figure he has to live with himself for the rest of his life, so that's enough bad karma on him that we didn't have to pull his hair and poke his eyes out (even though I really wanted to!).
It's rare that I win something. I don't participate in anything competitive, so it was good to win just by having fun.
I'm supposed to go out to a girlfriend's daughter's 21st party tonight. I'm so freakin tired though, so I may stay home and watch dvds.
Being go-karting champion of the world is hard work!
(Sometimes my mum can be very funny. I sent her a text message to say I won a go-karting trophy and I wasn't even wearing flannos and ugg boots. Her reply...."Fabulous. You'll be on a massive pub crawl tonight, I expect. Or dragging down the Princess Highway??" Maybe only Aussies will get that, but it cracked me up, coming from my mum.)
The anti-me got a partial integration into another part of my world today; social acquaintances, at an indoor go-karting place. It looked like a dump when we got there. Neither of us said anything till we were home, but both J and I were very disappointed - it took a bugger of a long time to get there - and the activities didn't look promising!
Then everyone organised themselves, we sorted out a misunderstanding with the staff about who was going to go on the karts and when, and we were finally set. And everyone's mood lifted considerably.
Last time I did go-karting, it was a big outdoor track, a number of years ago. I hit some tyres on a hairpin bend and slowed down long enough to try to correct myself. At that point, another girl didn't even see the bend and T-boned me. Let's just say it hurt...a lot. I had a massive bruise on my thigh (think whole thigh) and couldn't really walk properly for about 6 weeks. Keeping that in mind, I had every intention of staying out of everyone's way today.
So, today, after warm up laps, then time trials, I was 4th on the grid for the race. I knew I passed two people and lapped a few and I thought I was coming second the whole time. We weren't told the results straight away. It wasn't until after we'd played dark zone laser games (at which I failed miserably! - eventually, I worked out how to use the gun...) that they gathered us up to let us know our final places.
I got a trophy, too! LOL it does say "Western Auto Indoor Raceway 1st Place Champion", which I think makes me sound like some bogan drag-racing chick. Just a bit different from dance trophies, lemme tell ya!
J came in 6th. He did collect a couple of other drivers along the way and had a few altercations, so I made him feel better by thanking him for taking out my opposition to let me win. He got a much better score in laser games than me, so we're even.
There was only one person in our group who truly irritated me. He's one of those people you wanna smack just coz he's breathing. Man, he annoyed me! He was a sore loser in the go-karts (came second by a full minute!), so he targetted me in the laser games. That was ok, coz I got as many other people as I could to team up with me and go after him. Hehehehee! Oh well, J and I figure he has to live with himself for the rest of his life, so that's enough bad karma on him that we didn't have to pull his hair and poke his eyes out (even though I really wanted to!).
It's rare that I win something. I don't participate in anything competitive, so it was good to win just by having fun.
I'm supposed to go out to a girlfriend's daughter's 21st party tonight. I'm so freakin tired though, so I may stay home and watch dvds.
Being go-karting champion of the world is hard work!
(Sometimes my mum can be very funny. I sent her a text message to say I won a go-karting trophy and I wasn't even wearing flannos and ugg boots. Her reply...."Fabulous. You'll be on a massive pub crawl tonight, I expect. Or dragging down the Princess Highway??" Maybe only Aussies will get that, but it cracked me up, coming from my mum.)

Hey let me know when you get a sponsor for the kart races. You can list me as your coach and they can comp the ticket to Australia. ;-)
I confuse go-karts with bumper cars.
I don't suppose this surprises anyone! LOL
Congratulations you racing queen, you!
Will you pay for my ticket to Australia? LOL
I agree, the process is a bit...tiring. There's only one guy that I feel some sort of connection with [WV, btw] and it's extremely hard for me to turn down the others.
Ah well, congrats on the trophy. I've done the whole go-kart thing, but never a full out race like that. How cool!
Laser tag too? Oh how I love laser tag. I wanted to buy a set for the house, but BJ looked at me like I was a nutcase.
He's right about that, I am a nutcase, but still I think laser tag is fun!
Congrats on the trophy!
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