I did not teach her this!
She has a serious thing for peas. I don't know where it came from, but all she has to do is see a pea and she goes crazy. If she can't have peas, carrot, corn or beans will suffice, but it's peas that she's completely addicted to. I could put a piece of meat beside a pea and she'd choose the pea. Her sister? Couldn't care less for either.
This is 'her chair'. She sits with me while I eat dinner, every night, hoping I'll have peas and share with her. Tonight, I wanted to eat in peace, so I made her a plate of her own. The video I took is way funnier than the photos, but it is too big to post here.

This is 'her chair'. She sits with me while I eat dinner, every night, hoping I'll have peas and share with her. Tonight, I wanted to eat in peace, so I made her a plate of her own. The video I took is way funnier than the photos, but it is too big to post here.

That is TOO cute! I love it.
But you let your cat sit at the table with you during dinner??! lol
One of mine really loves bread. Not quite as funny as peas, but still amusing.
A - I have no choice. (well I know I do LOL). As soon as I bought the chairs, she started sitting on the other one as soon as I sat down. It's like she has to be a part of whatever I'm doing...or hopes peas will be offered. LOL
kT - you just reminded me...my other cat goes crazy over vegemite on toast. Haven't tried her with just bread though hehe.
Rae - our web filter here at work reckons that site is porn. LOL I'll have to check it out over the weekend. Thanks! :-) (Good to see you too!)
Dude! Your cat peed on the plate haha :)
Eve, I don't know about peas, but my cat sure likes the canned pineapple & the juice with it. He also likes French dressing...and sitting at the table, too.
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