Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bloglord Christmas rentals

My first stint at renting out my blog was, I think, a success. I've gone through my stats and those of other people who have their blogs listed for rent, and I'm not exactly sure if my stats are good, bad or ugly, but they seem good to me.

It was a completely painless experience, so I've advertised again....spreading the Christmas cheer by giving someone some extra exposure on their blog, charitable person that I am. Ha, then again, I am a Bloglord and this whole exercise is really of a selfish nature, to get more traffic (Why, though? I need to ponder my motivation...), but I think my fee is reasonable.

On a somewhat related note, it would appear some thanks are due to everyone who reads me. I checked my BE profile and discovered that I'm still being rated as provocative, with good writing, which is a big compliment. The thing that I'm really feeling quite modest about though, is that my average review score has gone up from 79% to 85%.

So, thanks everyone. I'm grateful for the appreciation. :-)


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