Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's definitely happening

Dad and I are going to trek the military track at K0-k0-d@ (don't want my family googling and ending up here!) in August.

I have faith the money and means to get there will present themselves without too much hard work. I'm looking at being sponsored and raising money for a charity or two. If I'm going to put myself through that much pain, I may as well do it for a good cause.

Speaking of pain, the training is going to hurt (in a good way), so I'm starting now. The more I do now, the less it will hurt (hopefully!) when I'm there. That's the theory I'm working on anyway.

The first day of the trip? My birthday!


Blogger SJ said...

Charity? I don't understand the concept. You'll need to explain that one to me... :)

8:51 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

You give me money to hike through the jungle in extreme discomfort for 10 days. Pretty simple, really. LOL

10:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting! I'd love to be a sponsor, so definitely keep me in the loop!!

3:55 am  
Blogger SJ said...

See, it's that bit about giving you money I don't comprehend... :D

9:57 am  
Blogger Mel said...


I'd say 'what fun!' but I think I'd be lying. LOL

How about 'wayy cool opportunity for photos!'?
Yeah, was workin' for ME! LOL

12:14 am  
Blogger caro said...

I wish that one day I could do something like that just to say that I have, buuut I highly doubt that will ever happen.

I'm with Ang though, I'd sponsor you, so keep me in the loop, as well :)

11:23 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Well Jones, how about helping me train then, if you ever get your arse back here? Howzat?

Mel, definitely way cool photo op!

I'm in the middle of setting up a blog and have an email address ready for the donations/sponsor side of things. I'll email the details to anyone who wants to know. I just don't want to link back here in any way.

1:41 pm  

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