Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Would you trust this face?

Apparently, someone does. Have I mentioned the name of the group I'm doing work experience with? If yes, let me know, so I can delete it.

I have that 80s song "Ive got the power" running through my head. Unfortunately, I'm also picturing Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty while it plays. Such a waste of water in that fire hydrant scene!

I have, sitting beside me, a document. Practically a bible for the type work experience I'm doing. My life depends on me a) not losing it b) making sure I take it back to its owner on Thursday. I should not have it and technically, at this stage, I am not allowed to see it. So, I'm excited, because I get the importance of having it for the next 24 hours.

The flip side is the pressure will now be on in terms of my performance. It's definitely a challenge. Luckily, as much as my whole body hurts right now (full weight session, cardio work out & kick boxing work out in two days! Ack!), I'm enjoying it.

We're not allowed to use the lift at school. Walking up 5 flights of stairs to class tomorrow night is not going to be pleasant. Did I mention our gym is on the ground floor and class is on the top floor? Up, down, up, down, up, down....

But, I have the book and that is good.


Blogger Mel said...

don't lose the book, don't lose the book....got a fireproof box? What about burglars?!
OMGosh....don't LOSE the book..

(yeah, but aren't you just WAY excited!!?)

12:18 am  
Blogger SJ said...

I'm going to steal it

8:11 pm  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Here we go again, a millionty posts to catch up to. :)

Ready? Set? GO!

PS- thank you my friend for your support in my dark days. I think I'm seeing the light now.... xoxo

7:40 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Time for a new post, Toots :)

1:15 am  
Blogger Enigma said...

Hello, one Aussie, to another. are you talking about "The Big Book' if you dont mind me asking, that is.

6:41 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hi Enigma. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you stay. No, it's not that book, but I probably could do with reading a copy.

6:56 pm  
Blogger Enigma said...

Well, it would have to be ACIM then LOL

7:00 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Haha no, but I want that one, too!

It's a training/session plan manual for a fitness franchise, that I really shouldn't have had access to take home. Not yet, anyway.

7:06 pm  
Blogger Enigma said...

sec=classified, I do it all the time:)
That does sound interesting,though, maybe you could blog about it:)
I did a blog about my work last week, then felt paranoid, and deleted it.

7:35 pm  

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