Thursday, November 15, 2007

The craziness just keeps on coming

I'm gonna break out the popcorn soon, coz this is turning out to be quite a show. Keep in mind, I'll only be in my current job another 8 working days.

My boss was in the office today. Everyone was taking bets on whether he'd ignore me completely, or just pretend like nothing happened. As it turned out, it was the latter. He only approached me once to ask me to do something, but said it in a way that meant I was supposed to have predicted the future and known to resolve a situation I knew nothing about before it happened. No big deal, though. I sorted it in a few minutes. There's a general feeling of bemusement in our office now, about the whole situation.

Officially, I've been told absolutely nothing of any plans they have for my position or what they're doing about me leaving. Actually, I've literally been told nothing from my HR department, or my boss. He did get our team leader to tell me half of what the plan is today. I have to sidetrack for a bit, though.

There are two (or three, we can't work it out) new people starting. A guy, who is supposed to be assisting with the more technical network stuff, and someone to replace me. I assume they're not going to be expected to do the job on their own, so there has to be a third person in the mix.

My team leader was told to let me know that the guy would be starting some time next week and I'd be showing him my job (remember, he thinks he's doing high level networking) not telecommunications and administration. He would, in turn, show a girl who's starting on 17 Dec how to do my job, then go off and do what he's supposed to do. The girl would then, if our theory is right, show the other girl, who's apparently starting some time in January, how to do my job.

It took me almost 3 months to get Daniel up to speed on most (not all) of the job, up to date in our tasks, and to the point where we were fairly cohesive as a team and working well together. And they think I can show a guy everything he'll need to know to pass onto someone else in a matter of days. My current temp will be leaving on 19 Dec, so the new people will be on their own from that time.

I'm almost disappointed I won't be there to see what happens. It truly is ridiculous.


Blogger Unknown said...

HEHEHE. Won't they be stuck! And it's not your problem!!!

Anything's got to be better than this place...

3:30 am  
Blogger SJ said...

I was in a similar position once. I ended up showing 2 managers half of my job each. For several months after I left I was still getting emails asking what to do.

8:28 am  
Blogger caro said...

I'm sitting here in complete shock that they think this is an acceptable way to handle this situation. I bet you are so glad to be [almost] outta there!

I would run out those doors and never look back...except maybe to see their faces when they realize just how screwed they are!

10:11 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

I had to send out an email to a large number of staff today, to let them know who'll be doing different parts of my job till the new person/s arrive.

I received an email back from a rather unexpected ally, reading, "Smile. A few more people should leave so they can see who really does the work around here."

The guys already know I will not be answering phone calls to assist once I'm gone...unless they want to pay me contractor rates for my time. Ha!

11:20 pm  
Blogger Mel said...


At this point in time...I'm thinking a bowl of popcorn for the show is about the only viable option left.
Now how sad is that?


2:53 am  

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