Thursday, January 11, 2007

No perks if ya lurks!

Erica, just coz you got me thinking of rhyming words, I had to use that title...and now my brain won't shut off trying to come up with new 'urk' or 'erk' words. Joy!

Now, who knew it was National Delurking Week? Apparently, everyone 'cept me and Erica. So, could you all please do us both a favour and go read her post (coz she said it better than me - although I've never been a hottie woodelf druid...). It'll open up in a new window, so you can comment on both our blogs at the same time.

Two for the price of one! C'mon, say hi!


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

OH fine. I've been a long time lurker and will finally reveal myself.

Oh wait.

I guess I'm not 'officially' a lurker (although I do not comment every day, I do visit you every day!)

Oh, and I should read instructions, huh!

Blame it on the drugs.

Oh wait- I'm not on drugs.

5:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not delurking, but I'm saying hi!! So... hi!!

6:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How many other words did you come up with? And now that you've promised it... what are the perks for your lurkers for them to delurk? :P

8:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, ok...I'm officially outing myself. I've been lurking for about 3 years. Well, actually only lurking for about 2 months - before that I was hangin'.

Still enjoying your blog. :)


12:13 pm  
Blogger Mel said...


Better a lurker than a stalker?

I don't really think I 'qualify' as a lurker.
But if I WAS a lurker I'd wanna prezzie for delurking!

Can I be a lurker and get a prezzie? :-D

5:16 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sandy!! So good to see you! I wondered WTF happened to you! (((hugs)))

Oh, and the perks for delurking? Me, saying, "Thanks for commenting!!".


.... What? You wanted more?!

6:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a chocolate bar would be a nice perk. Or a mug that has your website url on it so it can't ever be forgotten unless the cat/dog/baby/drunk neighbour knocks the mug off the counter and it smashes into a million pieces. But I really like the chocolate perk idea the best!! HAHAHAH I *could* put a link on my blog and sticky it, that says "GO TO KALLIOPE's MUSINGS AND COMMENT TO RECEIVE A FREE CANDY BAR!!" (All the non Aussies would be all over you)

6:48 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Mmmm cherry ripes! They don't have 'em anywhere else ('cept a tiny shop in SC that I'll probably never find again...).

Or "Mugs for Mugs". I'd have to hide them from my family and friends if I had my url on them. :-p

Or, what about just a framed photo of me? LOLOL

6:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm delurking, but I want a prsent for doing so...

10:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YA SEE?! PRESENTS GIRL! It's all about the presents!! Besides, how do you *really* think all the "popular" blogs became so popular? ;)

Cherry ripes are delish...but imagine a little basket filled with bite sized chocolate candies such as picnic and mars and aero and ... oh, I said "a" candy bar in my original comment, didn't I? Clearly I didn't think the whole thing through.

11:06 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Ha, well since none of you are technically lurkers ('cept for Sandy now), I'm not sure you qualify for perks.

Besides, surely it's perk enough just to know me? Ha!

12:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm any good at being a lurker ... I have too big a mouth and have to comment (most of the time)
You could start a new Club "Lurk for Perk" ...

9:25 am  

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