Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The squeaky wheel got a response!

I just received this email in response to my little complaint about my taxi dramas the other night.

Dear E,

Would you be kind enough to contact me on the numbers supplied below to discuss the appalling service you received.


Government Dude

Wonder what he wants to discuss. Giving me my money back? Offering me a high paying job ridding the taxi service of dodgy drivers? Making me a secret passenger, marking their customer service skills? Hmmm....

Stay tuned...


Blogger SJ said...

Wait - you mean his name is Government Dude and he works for the Government?

::shakes head::

The irony of it... ;)

Excellent developments though! Will be interested to see what comes next...

2:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for the secret passenger dealie! Get him to give you a crate of mace too, so you can spray the ones who really need it. ;)

!!!!!Happy (belated) New Year!!!!! to you too :D

2:36 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

Boy.......dunno....... I mean, I'd go into it very suspicious simply cuz of my distrust of the 'dude' word. You add 'government' to it and I'd run the other way!


1:12 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Dude, how can you handle this heat??

12:17 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Air conditioning, my friend. I'm at work! (Although with the amount of ungrateful people I've dealt with today, I feel like I should have stayed home...I didn't *have* to be here...)

12:45 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

I am actually standing right beside the freezer with the door open, trying to get cool. It isn' working.

2:56 pm  
Blogger SJ said...


you're in grave danger of being relegated to the lower grouping :)

9:50 pm  

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