Monday, January 01, 2007

Still drinking...

It's highly unusual that I will drink a lot. Moreso that it's almost 8pm on NY day and I still have a glass of baileys in front of me.

I had a great night last night. Thankfully, I only got seriously hit on by one guy who thought he'd rub me in so many places that I asked him if he thought he was applying my sunscreen. It took an insult or three to get rid of him. The only person I was in any way attracted to was a girl in our group. That's a bit of a concern and shows the distinct lack of male talent that was out where we were.

I stayed in a hostel with 5 other girls and one guy from my social group. Not including all the alcohol we had on the floor, picnic-style, in our dorm room, I spent $2 on alcohol all night...and that was for vodka jelly shots. The rest was free drinks and lots of bottles of water. I didn't take my camera with me, but a number of people did and there were some great shots taken. I will post them when I get copies.

We had pizza and gelati for dinner, then finger food all night, which is just as well. The Twisties and basil dip we had before we left the hostel didn't really constitute 'dinner'. I won't even try to list all the alcohol I had...I still can't believe it myself. Those of us who left from the hostel were pretty much gone before we got to the venue. I was worried how I'd deal with the night when I was feeling....less than peachy... at about 9.30pm. However, all was good and I was pretty much back to normal before midnight.

The interesting development of the night was the frequent text messages from Mr Sonotright. It appears the boy is more keen than I thought....or maybe it was just 'the moment', or something. He certainly wasn't drunk when he sent his messages. He only had one drink the entire night and called me at 4.30am and was more coherent than I think I (and the rowdy mob in my room) was. Either way, it was nice, even if I can't see myself getting emotionally attached to him.

Those of us in the hostel finally got to sleep around 5am. Somehow, we managed to be out of the room by midday and went out for breakfast in one of the restaurants in the casino complex. (Oh, don't get me started on the number of kids sitting outside the casino, without parents, in the early hours of the morning!!! Talk about child abuse!!!)

We were met by some others who had been out with us last night and had a great breakfast/lunch. They're really a nice bunch of people and I'm glad I've met them. I'm booked into eleven events with them over the next couple of months, including pizza on the beach, a karaoke night, high tea at the Sofitel, Killing Heidi at the zoo, and Miss Saigon in March.

I got home close to 5pm tonight. Considering I got picked up by one of the girls at 4.30pm yesterday, it's been more than 24 hours of socialising and partying. I think it was a NYE about 9 years ago that was the last time I did something like that...except that I was sooo far gone that it hurt to open my eyes at 2pm the next day.

I really needed this weekend. Mr Sonotright just called to say I have an open invite to catch up with him this week. I said I'd take his dogs (two rotties) walking in the park with him.

I think it's going to be an interesting 2007!

Happy New Year!

"To have a new beginning, something else has to end." from Apocalypto


Blogger SJ said...

Da one of the new year and Eve is batting for the other team. Guess it will be an interesting year after all ;)

Of course your new beginning of having to do all these things is to make up for the ending, of me leaving the country. Yes, yes, I know, it's a hard thing for all Australians to come to terms with haha

Do you really want to be quoting Mel Gibson...?

9:02 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

LOL! Well, I'll choose a girl with nice eyes over a gropey guy any day...well any day I've had a lot to drink anyway.... Hmmm... I'll quit while I'm ahead now...

Um, yeah, I'm still all bitter about you going, but hey, I'll be over it by the time you get back. :-p

As for the MG quote, I thought about that, but I decided I liked the quote enough to be able to reconcile the source.

9:07 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

"I'll choose a girl with nice eyes over a gropey guy any day...well any day I've had a lot to drink anyway..."

Hmm, I see... interesting... so does that mean you don't mind a gropey guy when you're sober?

Good to keep in mind for the next movie we go see haha ;)

Did you go see Apocolypto or do you just know the quote?

9:21 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Haha, I have to be so careful what I say around you, don't I? Gropey guys are worse when you're sober.

Heard the quote on a tv ad just when I was finishing typing the post. Timing...

9:26 pm  
Blogger monica said...

LOL. Well, I can't imagine women are any less complicated than men... although I've got another nutcase on my hands. So maybe they really are all neurotic.

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Happy New Year and many more to come!

4:12 am  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

Cheers! and Happy New Year!


4:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast and I hope your 2007 is an amazing year!

8:56 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hey girls! I gotta say, if 2007 keeps me in touch with you & Sara, Mel, RG, A and everyone else, I'll be happy. You're such good friends and I thank you for that.


9:52 am  

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