Age might not...
...but lack of sleep certainly does weary, me.
I took this picture with the camera on my phone while I was out to dinner with Ian and a couple of my girlfriends on Saturday night. I'm not sure exactly what it's supposed to mean, but I think it's showing the nearest exit to run to, if you can't afford to pay for your meal. I wish I was able to get a photo of the painting in the back of the restaurant, because that was certainly classified as a thing to make you go, "Hmmmm...". I even g00gled to see if I could find it somewhere, but no such luck.
A good night was had by all. At least I think so anyway. Ian, next time there'll be more cocktails, no carpark curfews, and karaoke will be had by all. Ha!
My mother gave me a couple of books for my birthday that, on face value, concerned me. One is called Earthly Delights. The other is Heavenly Pleasures. Apparently they're written by a Melbourne woman, about a woman who owns a bakery, and they're very funny. The picture of a woman in a black latex catsuit with a whip on the cover of one doesn't really give an accurate idea of the content....or maybe it does. I'll have to read and find out.
She also gave me a book called The War at Sea that has a photo of her father in of the few we well as a wall plaque from his ship. Soooo very awesome!
Dad gave me money (badly needed!) and my brother and his girlfriend took me to dinner. As far as birthdays go, this one wasn't so bad. T had a huge bunch of red tulips sent to my work. Yes, of course I've posted pictures. He deserves the kudos for all the effort he goes to so often. I don't have my real present yet, but I don't mind. He'll be here this weekend again and that's enough.
T's been away this week. Not unusual, but I've been unsettled and anxious and that's not good. I explained to him why. I'm not sure he completely understood. It's nothing he's doing intentionally....just stuff that's my 'stuff' to work through. I think I've taken some pressure off myself in telling him and maybe I'll sleep better tonight than I have the last two nights. So tired!
I have two more topics to talk about and this could get long. Better start a couple more posts....

A good night was had by all. At least I think so anyway. Ian, next time there'll be more cocktails, no carpark curfews, and karaoke will be had by all. Ha!
My mother gave me a couple of books for my birthday that, on face value, concerned me. One is called Earthly Delights. The other is Heavenly Pleasures. Apparently they're written by a Melbourne woman, about a woman who owns a bakery, and they're very funny. The picture of a woman in a black latex catsuit with a whip on the cover of one doesn't really give an accurate idea of the content....or maybe it does. I'll have to read and find out.
She also gave me a book called The War at Sea that has a photo of her father in of the few we well as a wall plaque from his ship. Soooo very awesome!
Dad gave me money (badly needed!) and my brother and his girlfriend took me to dinner. As far as birthdays go, this one wasn't so bad. T had a huge bunch of red tulips sent to my work. Yes, of course I've posted pictures. He deserves the kudos for all the effort he goes to so often. I don't have my real present yet, but I don't mind. He'll be here this weekend again and that's enough.
T's been away this week. Not unusual, but I've been unsettled and anxious and that's not good. I explained to him why. I'm not sure he completely understood. It's nothing he's doing intentionally....just stuff that's my 'stuff' to work through. I think I've taken some pressure off myself in telling him and maybe I'll sleep better tonight than I have the last two nights. So tired!
I have two more topics to talk about and this could get long. Better start a couple more posts....

Happy Birthday, Eve :) Lovely flowers.
I still say my first cocktail should have had something floating in it
Pretty, pretty, pretty!!
Oh, how could ya NOT love those tulips?!
AND the package they were delivered in.............rocked!!
Thanks Sandy. :-)
Ian, it should have. They should also have known how to make a Toblerone too!
Mel...yep. :-)
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