Hide n seek - cat style
First, you find something to hide behind, so your sister can't see you. A boot will do just fine. Sneak out into the hall and crouch down so you can attack your sister if she decides to walk around the corner. Once you've attacked, run back into the bedroom and hide under the lamp table so she can't get you back.
Repeat x 10 while your person tries to get to sleep.

Repeat x 10 while your person tries to get to sleep.

Puss n Boots :)
If you can't beat 'em... well, you might as well document it in photos! lol
I hope you got some sleep after that!
"Pussycat wasn't a kitten
And not as dumb as they thought
She had a good head on her shoulders
And beauty that couldn't be bought
The royalty made her an offer
If she'd keep trouble at bay
They'd give her the money and diamonds
Be queen for a day "
Cats are smart that way.
And the human did catch on--eventually. LOL Only took ten tries, eh?!
Cute concept for keeping company during the wee hours.
I think I might have to steal the idea from the cats!
LOL I love it!! I so wish we could have cats. sigh.
The ridiculous thing is that they're both calm all night until I go to bed. Then some crazy "gotta get all this energy out" switch goes off in their heads and they go mental for a while before settling down.
Almost every damn night!
How many cats do you have, Eve?
- Ben (nosugrefneb.wordpress.com)
Ben! Hi! Good to see you! I have two cats, both girls, called Aglio and Olio (garlic and oil in Italian). It's a long story hehe.
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