Princess Grace
No, not the one who met an untimely death in a motor vehicle accident. Princess Grace is my new blog renter. I like her stuff.
I'll be heading over to see T tomorrow morning...can't believe I'll be there in less than 24 hours! Time does fly! I won't be back till 21 Dec, so ya'll can go visit Grace while I'm away.
Speaking of T, I think I should put more thought into how I plan my next trip. I booked a 6am flight. That means getting up before the butt crack of dawn to get to the airport. Not pleasant. And despite the fact that the trip is a few hours, time differences mean that I'll get there at 7am, which means he also has to get up before the butt crack of dawn to pick me up.
He didn't mention till afterwards that his work Christmas party is tonight. His friends told him not to be too concerned about that and just party and pick me up in a taxi. He thought that wouldn't go down too well, because I might actually have some kind of reuniting/greeting expectations. Methinks he's right!
Coming home wasn't planned all that well either. Sure, my flight leaves at 5.30pm, but with time differences, I get in at midnight. That'll have me home at about 1am. Mmm...better planning next time!

I have hayfever and bronchitis and a huge new gash in the back of my ankle from shaving last night. The blood flow was comparable to that of a guy who's cut himself shaving just under the know, where it just does. not. stop. bleeding. Good thing I'm a warrior and can handle seeing my own blood. (Anyone else's and watch me throw up....).
Fake tanned myself too. I now look like two people joined together in an experiment gone wrong....dark legs and arms on a pale, pale body. Ha...not really that bad, but it could have been if I followed the instructions the way the bottle said. I think they musn't allow for the fact that some people really are still pale to the point of transperancy. One coat was just fine. Two coats and I would have had to wear long pants or jeans for a week....which would defeat the whole purpose of self tanning in the first place.
Anyway, enough rambling for now. A couple more hours in the office and I don't have to come back till 16 Jan. C-a-n-n-o-t wait!
Will post more later. In the meantime, go say hi to Princess Grace.
I'll be heading over to see T tomorrow morning...can't believe I'll be there in less than 24 hours! Time does fly! I won't be back till 21 Dec, so ya'll can go visit Grace while I'm away.
Speaking of T, I think I should put more thought into how I plan my next trip. I booked a 6am flight. That means getting up before the butt crack of dawn to get to the airport. Not pleasant. And despite the fact that the trip is a few hours, time differences mean that I'll get there at 7am, which means he also has to get up before the butt crack of dawn to pick me up.
He didn't mention till afterwards that his work Christmas party is tonight. His friends told him not to be too concerned about that and just party and pick me up in a taxi. He thought that wouldn't go down too well, because I might actually have some kind of reuniting/greeting expectations. Methinks he's right!
Coming home wasn't planned all that well either. Sure, my flight leaves at 5.30pm, but with time differences, I get in at midnight. That'll have me home at about 1am. Mmm...better planning next time!

I have hayfever and bronchitis and a huge new gash in the back of my ankle from shaving last night. The blood flow was comparable to that of a guy who's cut himself shaving just under the know, where it just does. not. stop. bleeding. Good thing I'm a warrior and can handle seeing my own blood. (Anyone else's and watch me throw up....).
Fake tanned myself too. I now look like two people joined together in an experiment gone wrong....dark legs and arms on a pale, pale body. Ha...not really that bad, but it could have been if I followed the instructions the way the bottle said. I think they musn't allow for the fact that some people really are still pale to the point of transperancy. One coat was just fine. Two coats and I would have had to wear long pants or jeans for a week....which would defeat the whole purpose of self tanning in the first place.
Anyway, enough rambling for now. A couple more hours in the office and I don't have to come back till 16 Jan. C-a-n-n-o-t wait!
Will post more later. In the meantime, go say hi to Princess Grace.
Have fun!
I meant TTFN. Holy cow.
Have a WONDERFUL time, and can't wait to hear all about it when you're back!
There'll be a lovely legal letter from the Lonely Planet waiting for you when you return, for using their map without permission!
Have a fantastic time!! I'm sure you'll have plenty of stories :)
Geez you are funny! Have a safe and enjoyable trip.:-}
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