Monday, October 24, 2005

Unchain my heart

Timing is everything, huh?

I never lose anything. Never break anything. Always know where my keys are. The only time I've ever lost something is when it's been stolen.

I got to work today, sat down at my desk and something felt funny on my neck. My chain had come apart and the little gold and diamond 'E' was missing. I traced my way back to my car to see if I could find it, but I didn't expect to. Still, you never know.

It may have fallen off when I got dressed this morning, or doing my hair. I'll have to look when I get home. I'm not upset though, or annoyed. Perhaps a little disappointed, because I don't have or wear very much jewellery.

This particular chain was given to me by C. I started wearing it in place of a chain with a little diamond pendant that my previous bf had given me a few years earlier.

That it's now broken and part of it is lost, feels somewhat symbolic to me. Just another way the universe is freeing me from what was, and opening me up to something new.

Mmmm, yes....pensive, reflective, analytical today....and happy.

Update: I found my 'E' my bra. Well, at least it was holding *something* up all day.


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I am hoping that you've listened to the Universe and will be wearing the chain without the E going forward. ;)

12:23 am  

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