Sunday, October 23, 2005


Yeah, well I'm a black sheep, but I never said there weren't times I can still follow the crowd! Thought I'd jump on the "100 things" bandwagon, since I have nothing exciting to report. Can't guarantee I'll get to 100, or that the train of thought will be coherent, but we'll see how we go.

1. I'm 33
2. But most people think I'm still in my 20s
3. I'm naturally blonde.
4. My hairdresser keeps it that way.
5. My two cats have Italian names. It's a long story.
6. I moved out of home when I was 16.
7. I followed my boyfriend interstate when I was 17
8. Instead of going to study music and become an opera singer.
9. That might just be my only real regret in life.
10. I never expected to be working in IT
11. I'd love to write full time
12. And be paid well for it.
13. I'm already having trouble making this list!
14. I don't like my voice
15. I've had more than one long distance relationship
16. My first one was with a Marine
17. He was the first person I let get truly close to me
18. I was 29
19. Sara is my best friend
20. I hate that she lives so far away in SC.
21. I miss her everyday
22. We've only met twice (for a length of time each time)
23. I was in her wedding party
24. I haven't seen her since December 2003
25. I have two tattoos
26. One on each ankle
27. They're the Chinese symbols for faith (trust, belief) and peace (calm, tranquility)
28. I am spiritual
29. I am not religious
30. I have no debt
31. Except for my credit card
32. I'll have that paid off in the next few months
33. Then I'll look at buying a house
34. I don't care where I live
35. As long as I'm content where I'm living
36. I only have two real girlfriends here
37. I'd miss them if I moved away
38. They're the wives of my ex's best friends.
39. Most of my friends are Italian.
40. It just happened like that
41. I've had two Italian boyfriends
42. I've had two Scottish boyfriends
43. My accent changed so much with one Scottish boyfriend that mum sometimes didn't understand what I was saying.
44. I pick up accents really quickly.
45. After a month in the USA I came home with a whole new way of talking
46. Took me a while to get back to normal
47. Italians who meet me think I'm Italian
48. People are forever asking me where I'm from
49. Apparently I have a weird hybrid accent
50. I was taught to speak with a very proper English accent
51. I'm sure my mother cringes when she hears me now.
52. I wanted to join the Army as an Intelligence Officer a couple of years ago
53. The SMO knocked me back and I appealed
54. They knocked me back again and deemed me 'permanently unfit for service'
55. That was for medical reasons, despite them not having their own MO see me.
56. I couldn't watch or hear anything military related for almost a year after that
57. It upset me too much.
58. I don't like wearing skirts and/or high heels
59. I prefer jeans and boots
60. I modelled for a while when I lived in Sydney
61. I had a decent body back then
62. Mostly it was hairdressing competitions
63. But I did have some photos taken.....
64. I sing in the car every day - loudly
65. I can tell if I'm really sick
66. It's the only time I can't listen to music
67. I've been taken to hospital from work in an ambulance twice now
68. The last time, I had lost all my motor skills and couldn't move
69. The doctors couldn't explain why
70. My work colleagues were worried.
71. I sat there joking, "My legs, my legs, I can't feel my legs".
72. I eat way too much chocolate
73. I don't exercise enough
74. I can cook
75. I hate cooking
76. I notice I haven't talked much about my family yet
77. I think that's a good thing.
78. Are we there yet?!
79. I have no idea what my favourite movie is.
80. It all depends on my mood.
81. Same goes for food.
82. I prefer mountains and lakes to beaches and surf.
83. I'd like beaches more if it weren't for the sand and the salt
84. I have no piercings at all, even my ears
85. I want to get my nose pierced one day
86. I'd like to get a motorbike licence
87. I'd love to compete in the WRC.
88. I'd buy a Subaru Imprezza RSX if petrol wasn't so expensive
89. I used to want to be Colin McCrae
90. Yeah, I know he's a guy
91. I wanna be a princess too, but you can't have everything.
92. I am stubborn
93. But I am caring and sensitive to a fault
94. I hate bad spelling and grammar
95. I reserve the right to use bad spelling and grammar on my blog from time to time
96. I've never seen any of the H@rry Pott3r movies, or read the books.
97. No, I don't know why. Just haven't, ok.
98. War and human suffering makes me cry
99. I don't want kids.
100. If my 100 things hasn't completely bored you, I'll be surprised!


Blogger Anonymous G said...

Wowee cazowee! I must know you quite well because with the exception of numbers 60 & 89, I knew everything on this list!

Oh, and 100. Didn't bore me a bit. Moved right along...


3:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading people's 100 things, very cool!


12:36 am  

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