Thursday, October 20, 2005

The things people do

This is an article from the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper online. In my mind, this woman's actions may be partially justified by her age, reduced faculties etc, but I don't think the blindness had anything to do with it. Methinks rather it was a case of, "seemed like a good idea at the time", that turned out to be not so smart after all.

Still I couldn't imagine contemplating doing this...

Blind woman dies after microwave tragedy

An elderly Newcastle woman has died in a house fire after apparently trying to dry her clothes in a microwave oven.

Police were called to a home in the suburbs of Birmingham Gardens at about 5pm where they found the body of a blind 86-year-old woman in her dining room.

Investigators believe the woman placed some clothes in a microwave which then set the garment alight.

They believe that the women's night dress caught fire when she tried to remove the burning clothes from the oven.

A crime scene was established and fire investigators called to examine the home. The kitchen and dining room sustained minor damage due to the fire.

Police inquiries are continuing and are preparing a report for the Coroner.


Blogger said...

You ever see that ep of Seinfeld where Kramer puts his clothes in the oven to warm them up? I've done that on really cold days. Of course, I've never done it in a microwave, and I'm not blind, but... if you could smell burning from your microwave, and being blind, why wouldn't you just call the fire dept??

3:07 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Maybe she had a date and wanted to look hot

5:31 pm  

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