Thursday, October 27, 2005


What are you scared of? Rational or irrational. Real or imagined. What freaks you out?

I am not scared of spiders. I just absolutely c-a-n-n-o-t stand them. I have a kill-on-sight policy that's working well for me and is not about to change. So spiders don't rate on my fear list.

I'm scared of heights, but only when it comes to man-made objects. Somehow my brain computes that man made objects are more likely to fall, bend, or break than natural objects. For example, I can't go up the stairs of a water tower, because I can see through the stairs to the ground - it doesn't 'feel' safe. Depending on the height, I can't lean against balcony railings. I won't go near the edge of the roof of a building. I am, however, quite happy to climb to the top of a tall tree, or stand on the edge of a rock face. It's not rational, because I do realise I'm equally liable to fall out of a tree, slip off the edge of a cliff, or descend to my death because a balcony railing gave way. But my brain says nature is safer than man made.

I'm scared of dark hallways. I can't walk alone down a dark hallway without feeling like I'm being watched or that something bad is going to happen. Yeah, I know. Slightly paranoid. But it's my paranoia ok. ;-) I need there to be a light switch at both ends of the hall so I can turn the light on, walk down the hall, and turn it off at the other end.

I have a fear of being cut, sliced or stabbed with something sharp, like a knife. (Hey, never said my fears weren't morbid too!) The image of blood and my skin tearing makes my stomach turn. Conversely, I have no fear of guns or being shot. Analyse that!

I'm scared of being pregnant. The whole concept freaks me out. Having something growing inside me is such an alien concept, I can't wrap my head around it. And geez, having to protect it for all that time inside you? Ugh, I have images of bumping myself somehow and causing it severe damage, or worse. I cannot ever, ever get pregnant, because I will seriously need to be hospitalised in a psych ward. No joke. :-/

I'm scared of failure. But 'failure' is so evolutionary and intangible at times that I should probably just try to let that one go.

So.....fess up folks! What makes you just want to hide under the bed and not come out?


Blogger Milt Bogs said...

I know exactly what you mean about the heights thing. I'm the same. If I'm watching tv and they show a shot of people about to jump out of a plane my stomach just turns way over. Knives and blades in films have me covering my eyes and plugging my ears whereas a shooting on film doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm pretty lousy when it comes to snakes too.
Pathetic isn't it. :)

9:32 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

hehe good to see I'm 'normal', whatever that is. However, my irrationality extends further. Can't do heights but would like to sky dive! Jumping out of a plane doesn't scare me. LOL

9:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guh. Roaches. Particularily flying ones.

1:06 am  
Blogger said...

I think my biggest fear is drowning. I once saw an "inspirational" picture of an iceberg. On the top of the water, it didn't look that big, but underneath it stretched down for miles and miles and miles and all I kept thinking when I saw that, was "My god, what if you were stuck under there?" :\

8:31 am  
Blogger SJ said...

I'm scared of women who peek through shower curtains

3:00 pm  

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