Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Let's start with a little song

Parts of a song, at least....

I don’t wanna think about it
Don’t wanna think clear
Don’t analyze
What I’m doing here
Wanna be impulsive

You’re giving me a feeling
It’s a sudden rush
Acting on the moment
Wanna be impulsive... reckless

I wanna be... impulsive
I’m gonna be impulsive... reckless
And lose myself
lose myself

Points for the person who can tell me the artist (and Ian, that ought to be you).

If you know me, or you've been reading me a while, you'll know I have a tendency from time to time, to do things on impulse. So I got off the fence......in a way. And now for the story...

In Which She Removes Some of the Ambiguity

I broke my dating/meeting someone criteria (my 'rules of engagement' in the Land of Singledom) and started talking to a guy in Perth (as far west on the AU coast before you have to start paddling for Africa - and of course, I'm on the east coast). Essentially, it started out as nothing, like most of these things do. As much as he seemed like an interesting person, he'd contacted me with a compliment about a couple of things in my profile, not with the intent of anything more, so I took my time replying to each of his emails. I figured he seemed ok and didn't mind corresponding, but wasn't going to go out of my way to do so. Ah, the best laid plans, huh!

We've been exchanging emails for a few weeks. Now it's daily phone calls of up to 3-4 hours each night. Who knew long distance rates capped out at $1.50 late at night! For once, I'm pleased with a telephone company! Mind you, I'm sure the lack of sleep (moreso than the usual!) is going to catch up with me pretty soon.

Anyhow, despite all the contact and the obvious chemisty, we're keeping it on a level. My brain can't compute the relationship thing just yet. My brain can't compute doing the long distance thing again (not yet anyway). It can't even compute the next three weeks at this stage. Which brings me to my original point about being impulsive.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided I was going to go on a trip here in January. I sent him a link to see what he thought........and it's all been a bit fuzzy since then. That conversation turned from, "here's where I'm going", to "what will there be there for us to do?". Freaked us both out just a little. Two strangers, never met, planning a tropical island holiday together. But then, some of you know I've been found to do similar things in the past.....

Sensibly, we thought it might be prudent to actually meet for a weekend first to see if we got on in person. Sounds fair enough, right? Ok, that weekend has morphed into a 4 day trip 3 hours from where I live, in the mountains.

Make sense? In order to find out if I can spend time away on a trip with an almost complete stranger for a week, I'm planning to spend almost a week on a trip with an almost complete stranger.

Now, before you all flip out with the precautionary stuff, I know this already. My current point of view is that I need a break - a decent break away from things - and I seem to get on with and have enough in common with this person to go and have good time, regardless of whether it is platonic or otherwise, or even if we see each other ever again.

I do acknowledge the element of risk involved, but I'd prefer to concentrate on the fact that spontaneity and a little recklessness are what I need right now. I need to have some fun and I need to do something a little out there.

It's taken a guy who licks rocks for a living (yep a geologist - at least I've moved away from damn IT engineers!) to tap into a side of me that's been dormant for a while (well, since the last time I got on a plane to nowhere...). I must admit it's also liberating in a way. It's nice to be independent and spontaneous and a little crazy, not be responsible to someone else, and be a little selfish.

Yes, there's a bunch of nervous apprehension and excitement. Yes, the thought of allowing myself to potentially get close to someone again scares the poop out of me. But flights are booked and accommodation is organised.

And I have another three weeks to happily sit on that fence of non-committaldom (it's a new word, you know), until I have to go to the airport at midnight and meet a stranger, who, if I hadn't have broken my own rules, I would never have had the chance to meet.

The bravado masks the trepidation, you know...


Blogger SJ said...

It's Wilson Phillips! Oh come on, woman - did you seriously expect me not to recognise that one? I could sing you the whole album! (Yes I did say album and not CD...)

Anyway, Perth isn't really long distance. And if it works, you don't face any visa issues. So go for it. Just make sure it's real. I'm more concerned that you're actually considering a club med holiday...

3:45 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Ian, I could hug you! For a start, I knew you had the album too, but I thought I was the only one who could recite it word for word. LOL

And secondly, you made me laugh about the 'Perth isn't long distance' thing. You're right, even though it makes me wonder about myself when I don't consider 4000kms & a 3 hour time difference 'long distance'. LOL

Of course, now I know what we're singing next time we do karaoke! *grins*

4:21 pm  
Blogger ezri.blue said...

I'm totally hoping the best for you, and to hell with precautions. (mostly) I did this twice, once was a relationship that lasted 10 years, the other is my current relationship so I'm abit biased. ;)

Bugger it, go for it, have fun and let whatever happen, happen. Can't wait to hear about it!! :D

8:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go and have fun - you deserve it. And thanks for letting us in on your adventures. :)

10:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like you're doing so well girlie! It's wonderful!

10:28 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Uh, I'd never admit to having a Wilson Phillips CD. *whistling*

2:04 am  

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