Friday, January 07, 2005


I mentioned C's been on night shift this week, so I've been staying at my place. He's come over the last few nights and we've had dinner together. Funny, there's a fine line between being pissed off that he has to literally eat and run each night and realising that he is not going because he wants to, but because he has to. I've learnt to just get over myself.

I was feeling a bit narky last night because he didn't call me from work like he usually does. Yeah, I'm a spoilt brat. Anyway, he called me at 2.45am to see if I wanted him to come over, coz he'd finished work way earlier than he expected to. Seriously, he's gotta ask?? So I got up, put the dishes in the sink, tidied up my clothes and made the bed before he got there. Ha, I can live like such a bum when I am by myself!

He asked what I want to do tonight (Friday night). I said, "nothing". If anything, I'll be happy to watch a dvd and go to sleep early, or something. We've done so much the last couple of weeks. I just want to stop for a bit. Really, I'd like to do nothing all weekend. But I have a 9am appointment with Dr Fun Killer and then we're meeting a friend in the city to have lunch and go see the Munch exhibition with him. I have a feeling C might have organised dinner with someone on Saturday night as well. I can't remember.

At this stage, Sunday is free, and I'd like to keep it that way. I think we're going to start working on landscaping his backyard. Maybe he can do that and I'll just supervise and take him cold drinks every half hour. Ha!

The night before last, I sent him an email while he was at work to apologise for being moody lately. He sent me back this:

You may feel moody on the inside, but you're just a little quieter on the outside. You don't get to call yourself moody until you start hurling things in my general direction.

I'll miss you this morning.

I've got a good guy. :-)


Blogger grrltraveler said...

...sigh!... he sounds like a lovely guy, E!



5:56 am  

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