Saturday, October 02, 2004

Some people just don't deserve to be breathing

There's a lot of crap I've been through in my life, some things nobody should have to go through, things that still affect me years later. For the people who caused me that grief, I send you the most serious bad karma.

But to these people, I say, you are cowards. Taking your own lives was a cop out and the cheat's option, but thank you for making it unnecessary for my taxes to feed you for the rest of your miserable lives.

I'm normally generally passive and don't wish anybody harm, but there are those who give up the right to breathe the same air as me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They already made hideous bad karma.
And it's only fitting that they killed themselves and went to meet that karma sooner.
(sorry, child pornography always makes me cry. It's the absolute death of innocence.)

12:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm as passionate as you are my friend about this issue. Perhaps because this hits a little too close to home. There are very few things in this world that cause me to hate. This would be one of them, and it's only because I am intimately aware of the after affects on the victim.

I don't think you need to spend any of your emotional energy in sending them the bad karma. They invited it when they did these vile things.

My abuser died a horrible painful death as a result of cirrhosis of the liver. I didn't shed a tear. Suicide would have been much too easy....


11:13 am  
Blogger Humansufferance said...

Some people are born to die. Let's just wish them die in the most horrid ways.

4:31 pm  

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