Thursday, September 30, 2004

Careful, I'll pick you out of a line up

Back in April when I was more regular on a particular dating site, I was suprised to find that three or four out of five contacts I received were from Aries guys. The other thing I found was that I'd read a subject line or look at a picture and invariably they would turn out to be an Aries guy.

So I decided to experiment tonight. I did my regular search, and going simply on the look of the guy in the photo, I was zeroing in on all the Aries guys.

There has to be a way I can make some money out of this newfound skill!

You would think though, that I would learn. The last two guys I dated seriously were Aries guys. Apparently, Aries and Sagittarius are my best matches, if you go by all the star sign stuff. But Aries guys in particular have a flaw. That is that they can't make a decision - well they don't like to make decisions, so they sit on the fence. I've had enough experience with this kind of guy to know this is accurate.

The positive is that once an Aries guy makes up his mind (about a relationship), it's made up. I just have to find one of these ones.

I wonder how long it will take for me to not only be able to pick an Aries guy out of a line-up, but also be able to tell from the same picture if he's ready to get off the fence. That would save me a whole lot of time and effort.

In the meantime, I deal with Ed, the uncommunicative, potentially potato farming Pisces.


Blogger Randygirl said...

I'd like to thank you for passing this so-called skill on to me through IM. I don't know how you did it, but my aries guy seems to be the most typical one, and once, just once! I'd like a decision made before the last minute.
I seem to fall for Cancers, too, what does the good book have to say about them? (narcissistic, that's my guess lol)

12:09 pm  
Blogger Sara said...

Hmmm Aries eh? Seems that my pattern was Saggitarius. For the LONGEST time. And now I have a husband... and I have no idea what sign he is. LOL

hope that you're having a lovely Saturday am.

miss you


6:42 am  

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