Saturday, April 19, 2008


I picked up a new client this week; one of the girls in my office, who's technically my supervisor, but now I do most of my work directly for her boss. I'll train with her three times a week. This week was good. I didn't push her too hard, but I made sure she worked. Whatever I did, it's made her into my biggest fan and she's basically selling my services all over the office, which is great in a way. The unfortunate thing is she's so manic about it, she's annoying people, including me. She spends a lot of time, apparently, texting and emailing her friends about how good the training is, but it means she's not doing her work and that's falling onto other, already busy people, who are getting pissed off. I can't control that, but I will say something if it starts to mean people start to associate her bad work performance with my training.

I'm grateful that she's 'recruiting' clients for me and I've got at least one more person who's a definite. The flip side is she's encouraging other people to come train with us - um, no, not going to happen in a one on one session - and sent an email to the entire office (which is basically all the people in the court facility, the medical facility and the police facility on our site) trying to organise a running group and has proposed two 10km runs for everyone to do. Aarrrgh!

I already had a bit of a health incident at work last Friday and had to be driven home at lunch time. The last time I had similar symptoms, I was working at the school and they carted me off to hospital in an ambulance, because I lost all my motor skills. The nurses and ambulance staff actually fought over who would take my heart rate chart they produced while I was on the way to hospital, and eventually took half each. It was that unusual. This time was not so bad. But I know I have to be mindful of not pushing myself too hard....especially because school starts back up in a week, for another 8 weeks.

I think I can get around the current dilemma by organising a couple of group sessions per week, at lunch, or in the mornings. But I need to find a diplomatic way to get this girl to stop committing me to things. After our very first session, she told me one of the guys asked if he could come running with us. I said fine, because he's a sports coach and him running with us would not detract from what I do with her (if anything, I could learn from him). I spoke with him afterwards and discovered she suggested it to him, not the other way around.

I can do this if I plan well, eat well and get enough sleep. I just have to work out how to do that. The sleep thing is the biggest problem. It's 3am at the moment and I've been awake since 2am. Not that I sleep well at the best of times, but my sleep patterns have been extra shot this week. I need to be up at 6am to take two morning sessions. At least I can be back in bed before 10am. And it's Saturday! Yay!


Blogger SJ said...

Set the boundries. Fan or not, she needs to know where the lines lie.

4:54 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Yes, Yay that it's Saturday. Well, for you anyway.

Are you taking anything for your sleep? I'm just curious.

I'm also curious as to whether we were separated at birth.

And the health scare? Take care of yourself, my friend.


11:09 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

RG, I was taking melatonin to help me sleep, and that stuff works really well, but I can't locate anywhere that sells it at the moment. I'm now taking a few drops of Rescue Remedy (Sleep) when I go to bed. I'm finding I have uninterrupted sleep for up to 4 hours, rather than 1-2 hours, which does make a difference.

9:33 am  

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