Saturday, May 26, 2007


Ok, I get that it's a networking site. What I don't get is why random people want to be added as friends. My profile says I'm not there for friends, but so I can read my friends' blogs. Self explanatory, one would think.

Seemingly normal people (and not so normal) are asking me to add them as friends. Why??? I don't have a blog there. The only thing I have on my profile is a bunch of rambled thoughts put together late one night. I haven't filled out all the other jazz you're supposed to. Why would I, if I don't use it?

Some people seem to just go around collecting 'friends', but I can't see any normal person actually reading 200+ 'friends'' m-eye-space each week. If they are, they have way more free time than me!

I don't get it. I don 't want to be anybody's friend.

My m-eye-space is my space....and that's how I want it.....a space.


Blogger Mel said...

I'd whine about noone wanting to be MY friend but....LOLOL I like it that way!

12:00 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Because Myspace is not a social networking site - it is a dating site in disguise. And like all online dating sites, people don't read what you've written in your profile/ likes/ dislikes - they just see your pic, think you're cute and make a move.

12:09 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

It took me forever to figure out what M-eye-space was.

I'm going to blame it on ummmm... jet lag.

I belong to another site which allows for friends. I don't know 90% of the people who ask me to be their friend. It's like they're trying to get as many as possible- like friend trading cards or something.

I typically decline unless that person looks pitiful and doesn't many friends. Then the bleeding heart in me comes out and I click "yes".

It's so dumb...

2:58 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

See and that's the thing... I'll gladly knock back the ones who ask to be added so they can try and pick up, or whatever. I'm using the horse's arse photo, because I think it's quirky and funny. I don't think it's all that 'attractive'.

But I've just got two requests from seemingly nice girls (going by their photos)... But I can't see their blogs etc, so I'm assuming they're not altogether kosher. My bad, huh?

8:34 pm  

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