Thursday, April 19, 2007


When I feel more able to talk about it, I'll explain more, but for now...

Dr Ruth just put me on a new medication. Under "if you experience any of these symptoms, go straight to the emergency ward", it lists...

Seeing or hearing things that are not there. would you know they're not there, if you're seeing and hearing them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet drugs. I love them and hate them all at the same time. I really wish I could function without them but that's not going to happen....sigh....

10:39 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Well, I'd pretty much say that if Hitler shows up wearing a tutu, offering you to sample from a tray of sausages, he's probably not really there...

11:29 pm  
Blogger Callie said...

Better yet- did it say anything about staying out of sunlight? cauze you know...some people turn oompa loompa orange....*yikes* feel better princess.


3:28 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Kyle, I have a love/hate relationship with them too. I'm hoping these ones and I get along ok.

Your Moucheness, it would depend if he was with Elvis, or not.

Hey Callie, it did mention the possibility of turning yellow. I don't want to turn into a Simpsons character! :-(

9:55 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

:) My little brother used to hallucinate when we were kids. Freaked my mom out.

Hope these agree with you.

6:15 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

Simple--act like nothing's there even if you see it/hear it.
Then when people scream at you "didn't you SEE that?!" you know it exists.

*scratching head*
I guess that only works if they don't hallucinate?

10:22 pm  

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