Friday, April 06, 2007

Decent Friday

I spent another interesting afternoon at the house of car guy. He's an unusual person. Very....well, he doesn't go overboard on showing emotion of any kind. It's a little unsettling. There are moments when he will laugh out loud, or respond when prodded for a reaction. Most of the time, he's pretty difficult to read. Still, we're now clear about the absolute lack of potential for anything romantic and that makes me more comfortable than I was previously.

We watched Borat. We couldn't work out why the deleted scenes didn't get into the movie. They weren't that bad. Next, we watched Welcome to the Jungle. Both movies you don't have to think too hard about and that's what I need right now.

The thing about car guy? He cooks. As in, he'd make someone a lovely, perfect, SAH wife. OMG! The first time I went there, he made home made meat pies. The next day, he made a full roast meal for lunch, followed by a cake he baked. Today, he made pizzas (even made the base from scratch) and another cake. He cooked and cleaned while I watched the movies and ate.

His friend P turned up later in the afternoon and she was going with him to the city to the comedy festival. I was already invited, but I didn't feel like being that social. I wanted to stay home, (which is why I pulled out of the girls' camping trip I was supposed to go on). She's a nice girl. Loud, girly, and funny. Had I been in a better overall mood, I'd have gone out with them. I think I could learn to get on with her, despite us being completely different, personality-wise.

Anyway, car guy has suggested we catch up again on Sunday. He's a nice enough guy and I said we could do something. I think I need to spend more time getting used to his personality and minimal displays of emotion. It's my nature to shy away from people like that, because it's hard for me to relate. It can't hurt to get a little more exposure to someone who's so different from me. I might learn something.

Besides, did I mention the food?


Blogger Mel said...


You did mention the food.
A man who cooks--wise move, no matter the nature of the relationship. (just my dime, mindyou....)

10:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I've finally caught up on life in your world--or at least life on your blog :) It sounds like it's been quite a stressful time for you of late, and I think it's completely normal for you to want to just relax on your own a little, but it's also great that you still have fun people to spend time with when you do feel like getting out! Take care of you, and I hope your weekend is equally as decent as your Friday ;)

9:46 am  

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