Saturday, December 23, 2006

Smoke and mirrors

Thursday's post moved up to move the last two posts down. I'm gonna take the photos off later today.

The fires are still burning and the city is still covered in smoke. Yesterday, it was difficult to breathe. We go walking along the river at lunch time, but none of us ventured outside the building, because it was too hot and too smoky. They're predicting rain tomorrow and I really hope it gets at least some of the affected areas.

Today wasn't so bad, but it was hotter. I went out with the rest of my department for our Christmas lunch to a Vietnamese restaurant. Me and 14 guys. Sometimes it's weird being the only girl, but not with the guys I work with. I'm just one of the guys and I like it like that. Ok, so they were all drinking beer and I was drinking Baileys with mint (OMG Ian, that stuff rocks!!). I shared a bottle with one other guy. We didn't drink it all, despite my boss' encouragement. We took it back to the office and we intend to drink it some time tomorrow morning, before the official break up bbq lunch we're having for the whole company. I like the fact that my boss is cool enough to not have a problem with us drinking on the job....even if we probably won't really do that.

I have to also talk about my sister's wedding. It went as well as it could go. My nephew walked around the entire day with a sullen look on his face. I can understand. It's not just his mum and him anymore. It's them, plus her new husband, plus his 4 daughters (who don't live with them, but still...). Not only that, they're moving to the other side of the country and leaving behind everything they know. Tough on a 12yo boy.

Mum thinks everyone should think the same way as her. I tried to explain that just because you think you're right, it doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. That's when I got told I'm disagreeable and argumentative and don't let mum have her own opinions. Yeah, that sounds familiar, mum! Ah well.

I did have one moment during the reception where I was getting annoyed with certain things. I went off to the bathroom and gave myself a "this isn't about you" talking to and was more settled after that.

The actual wedding was great. My sister looked awesome (I'll post some pictures for a while but I won't keep them on here long) and her hubby dressed in his Navy dress whites. They looked great together. The groomsmen and bridesmaids looked great. The girls wore bright pink and the guys wore white shirts - untucked, with bright pink ties. The ring bearers wore the same, but with bright pink thongs (that's flip flops to the uninitiated to Aussie slang). It was a beach wedding and a hot day, so it was appropriate.

Now, about the family intricacies... My family grew more than I realised on the weekend. I knew my sister's husband had a 4yo daughter. I didn't realise he had three others; one who has a stepchild and husband of her own. I knew my sisters' half brother (my quarter brother? :-p) would be at the wedding with his wife and daughter. There's another sister as well, but she is not well, so she didn't attend. I think I already told the story on here once before about the half brother? My sisters have been looking for him for about 10 years. By one of those freaky coincidences, he happens to be one of new husband's best friends. Not only that, his son has the same name as younger sister's son. Their birthdays are one day apart. Two of my sisters and half brother all honeymooned at the same place. How's that for coincidence? Aaand, in the photo of my sister with the two blonde girls? They're not twins. One is new husband's daughter. The other is half brother's daughter.

I liked new husband. There was an undercurrent of unease in peoples' conversations about him and I can see why, but I'm not going to pre-empt issues like everyone else seemed to be doing. I also liked half brother and his wife. They're great.

Ok, here's a run down of the photos. I'll probably remove them from here on Saturday. The first is my sister and her son. The second is the bridesmaids and flower girls. BM on the far right is my youngest sister and that's her daughter in front of her.

The next is sister's son up a tree (he went up there coz he was upset and didn't want his photo taken. He didn't realise my brother and I both thought it was a great shot and once he was up there, he'd be trapped. hehe) In the one beside that, my sister is talking to her stepdaughter and half brother's daughter. Those girls look so similar it's spooky. Oh, that's my mum in blue in the background.

Pretending to sign the marriage certificates, after they'd already been signed. I think the one beside that is new husband's father doing a reading during the ceremony. The last photo is the groomsmen. Left guy is new husband's best mate, middle is new half brother, right is other sister's husband.

No, it didn't occur to me to get someone to take some of me with my sister, with my camera.


Blogger SJ said...

Your sister looks like you. Only older. And not so cute ;)

Are those three at the bottom posing for a catalogue?

10:13 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

She's taller and skinnier. :-p

The guys didn't know I was taking photos of them. I like that last photo coz it's natural.

10:32 am  
Blogger Mel said...

OMG....that's uncanny. They're splitting images of each other.

And she's beautiful--though I suspect that's hereditary, huh?

BE NICE.... (I know you wanna negate that.)

5:29 pm  
Blogger consise10 said...

Hello E.Beautiful looking wedding and people.Nice setting by the water.Family dynamics are always so interesting! Last nights rain was so welcomed! The stench of smoke has had alot of people coughing in the streets...its been sickly horrendus...hasn`t it! Lets hope for more rain all round and a wet wet summer down here...( emply all your readers...lets do a rain dance.) Global warming is scarey!!

All that aside I want to wish you a very

***Merry Christamas***

and an even better and more joyus

***Happy New Year***

May all your dreams and desires come to fruition in the near new year 2007.

6:30 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

I know, Mel. My bad! I'll gracefully accept yours and Ian's comments.

Consise, it's good to see you. Thanks for all the good wishes. I hope your 2007 is happy and positive, too. :-)

9:46 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

I still say those blokes look like they are advertising speedos ;)

10:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks a lovely wedding and I love her dress. You must all be very attractive.
Happy Christmas and have a great start to 2007 ... Best wishes.
And yes... mint Baileys rocks ... Yum!

2:38 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Does this mean that today you are Christmas Eve? ;)

7:28 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Happy Xmas Eveie :)

7:40 am  
Blogger monica said...

Merry Christmas!!!

I tried leaving a comment earlier, but I'm having browser issues, among other things. Your family is absolutely gorgeous- and those little girls!! Wow!

And here's hoping we both find some decent men this coming year! HAHAH!

1:19 pm  

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