Saturday, October 21, 2006

Can you say, "break-up hair"?

I haven't had a fringe since I was a teenager, I think.
Maybe it woulda helped if I smiled a bit...

Ok, this one's better, but I should still learn to smile, I suppose. I'm going out tonight. About bloody time I had some fun!


Blogger SJ said...

At least you're not looking through a horse's butt :)

4:45 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hahaha I happen to like that horse's butt photo, even if it does make me look like I'm looking through a horse's butt. :-D

My hairdresser said I look like I'm 25. I pay him a lot of money to say things like that!

4:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute! I've had bangs since I was five, and my expansive forehead makes it unlikely I'll ever be without them. I'll be the 80-year old lady with fringe. Anyway, it's a very pretty, soft look for you.

5:42 am  
Blogger Mel said...

Yep--STILL pretty, break-up hair or not.

7:43 am  
Blogger SJ said...

5 Toblerones

7:57 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I like the bangs! It's very feminine (not that you don't ALWAYS look feminine, but you know what I mean)


8:24 am  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

The expression in the first pic is priceless!

I like the bangs and you look beautiful, as always!

I hope you had a great evening...

2:09 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Thanks guys. :-) I think it'll be a while till I'm used to it. I almost cried when it got cut, but I closed my eyes instead lol.

They're gonna freak at work! :-D

8:17 pm  

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