Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wishing for a wish list

While I think of it, I need some suggestions. I found T a book on the net and told him I'd ordered it. Now he's worried, coz he thinks he has to get me something in return. First of all, I need to get more original in my gift selection. Last time I saw him, I bought him a book too....oh and a 5x3 foot Everton FC flag! Ha!

If you've been reading a while, you'll know he gave me two pieces of rock when we first met...and I loved it. When I saw him in Adelaide the other weekend, as well as a bunch of beautiful lillies (I'll have to post photos), he gave me a piece of wood from a sandalwood tree that he picked up in the middle of nowhere, and a swiss army knife so I can whittle pieces off it, so it smells pretty. Honestly, I love that he gets me things like that. I told him it's like the little boy in primary school who picks up a frog on the way to school to give it to the girl he likes. Sticks and stones are T's 'frogs' to me. I think it's awesome, because it's different and it's him. It's school boy romantic.

He's a little worried, though, that people are going to start to question his gift choices and that he should be more 'romantic'. Personally, I think it's kinda romantic that he gives me boy stuff like that. We had this conversation last night and we were trying to think of other, more mainstream(?), things he might think to get me. I couldn't really come up with any, because I'm not really good at the whole receiving thing. I don't like asking for things and I don't like that someone is spending their money on me. I know I should let him, if it's his choice and he wants to, but ugh.... I suppose it's me trying to steer clear of the whole gold digger/high maintenance thing and going too far in the other direction. But let's face it, any girl who's happy to be given rocks and sticks for gifts has to be pretty low maintenance, right?

So I pondered a while. I don't need 'things'. I have plenty of 'things' and they're all in storage, because I have nowhere to put them. That's what you get when you move from a three bedroom house to a one bedroom unit. No space. I can't have more 'things'. There's no point, because when I go over to T's for (minimum) three months, they'd be put in storage anyway.

Books? Yeah, books are always good, but again, they'd go in storage temporarily and I already have about a dozen I have yet to read/finish - plus the multitude of ones he's bought lately.

Perfume, or anything that smells, is out. Scented stuff is not my friend!

Things I'd like but don't need are a dvd player and an iP()d. Yes, I think I'm the only person without either of these. I just don't need them and really can't justify purchasing them, as much as it'd be nice to have either one. Nor do I want the boy buying me big ticket items like those.

Clothes? Oddly enough, the stranger I lived with has been the only person to ever successfully buy me clothes - and without me being present. Mind you, it only happened once. I am bad with clothes. Bad bad bad. I don't even buy myself clothes. I hate how I look in everything. It's never a pretty thing; me and clothes shopping.

Wanna know what I came up with? A small fire extinguisher for my car. Yep. How sad is that? Seriously! I am sooo Ms Practical that I can't even think of something nice that I want, just for me. Only problem with that is that a fire extinguisher is hardly transportable in hand luggage on an aircraft. Are you carrying dangerous goods? Yeah, tick that box!

I have issues asking for jewellery too. I like it and I wear it occasionally, but can you honestly ask someone to buy you jewellery? I don't have pierced ears (no, I don't know why, I just don't), so earrings are out. That leaves rings, bracelets and necklaces. I wore a necklace with a diamond, given to me by my ex (before the stranger I lived with, who's been newly nicknamed f*cktard, because it's a shorter, more apt description, but who will still be called the stranger I lived with on here, because I'm not all that keen on swearing a whole bunch on my blog). That was replaced by a necklace given to me by the stranger I lived with one Christmas. Strangely, that necklace broke shortly after I met T. Although I have fixed it, I haven't worn it since.

That leaves my neck currently bare. But again, I have issues requesting jewellery as gifts. I have one bracelet that I hated when it was first given to me. I've grown to like it, despite not wearing it often. Maybe I should. I have a number of rings too. Most given to me over the years. I just don't wear them. Honestly, I should figure out why. I'm not one for trying to draw attention to myself and I just feel like adornments do that. ....and all that last statement shows is that there are plenty of valid reasons for me continuing weekly counselling.

I bought a really pretty, very fake ring in Bali. It's a beautiful blue stone on a silver ring, with a fairly wide band. I've yet to find anything to match the colour. I would have liked a bracelet or necklace the same blue. It cost me all of $20, but I love it.

I really like sapphires and emeralds. There are so many amazing colours. Mostly though, I like them because they remind me of when my brother and I were very young and dad used to take us gold panning and 'gem hunting' in central Queensland during our school holidays.

I think most of my rings are silver. I prefer silver to gold and platinum to silver. I think silver/platinum show coloured stones a lot better than gold. With gold, I think it all depends on the stone. I've got/had a couple of pieces with gold and diamonds. For me, gold works best with smaller stones, although it definitely depends on the cut too. Maybe it's all about how my hands look? I have little hands and I think I'm more suited to silver/platinum (crazy huh, since the boy's job is to find gold). Gold = small ring, small diamond. Silver/platinum = bigger stone of any colour.

Oh my G-d! I am sooo waffling on now! Drug induced ramble that is nothing near what I expected to post! I've gone off on a serious tangent.

Ok, getting back on track...

Um...yeah, I dunno. I need ideas. What do people like giving/receiving? I have never been able to come up with a reasonable response when asked what I'd like, gift-wise. I really do not have a clue...apart from a fire extinguisher for my car, and really, that isn't the response normal folks are after.

Help me out folks!

I had something else to blog about too.....can't remember...... I'll be back.


Blogger Zelmarq said...

hello, have a nice day! Just blog hoppin'
God bless!

7:28 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Hi there zelmarq. Thanks for dropping by. Feel free to stick around. :-)

8:21 pm  
Blogger kT said...

An ex once gave me a piece of sandalwood. It was a neat gift because it was him. I understand that.

My favorite gift from an SO was a tool belt and a hammer. There's a not-so-interesting story, but suffice it to say that it was special to our relationship as well as being damned practical.

Does T cook? Ask him to cook for you. Or the flowers are nice, too. I like gifts that are a doing something -- a movie, a hike, a trip. You get memories, and yet not stuff to clutter up your space.

(I think the rocks are really sweet.....but I'm dating a rock guy, too, so.....)

6:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the rocks are a great gift...he's really giving you a part of himself.

If you're still at a loss, think back to gifts you remember getting. That's where your heart lies. :)

3:15 pm  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I love the comment you made about rocks and sticks. Priceless!

My dad gave me what looked to be a polished rock for my birthday. I *knew* there had to be a story behind it because I'm not really a rock collector.

Turns out that it's petrified dinousaur poop.

My dad.... sheesh.

3:01 am  

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