Thursday, January 19, 2006

Nothingness... upsized

That's what's inside my head at the moment. Nothing. So much to blog about, but the wiring from my brain to my fingers must be busted, because nothing's coming out. Hardly surprising since I'm back at work and dreading the thought of the next two weeks with teachers and students returning, and the crazy-making that causes.

...Or maybe it's simply because it's almost lunch time and I haven't taken my happy pills yet.

I'd like to rant, though. It's a rant that's been building for some time. Well, more like an irritant. It seems a certain petrol station chain has decided to take upon themselves their own version of McD's upsizing.

Example 1. I bought some milk the other night, on the way home from work, and was contemplating buying a bag of sweets as well.

Petrol dude: You know, you can buy two bags of [other brand] for $4.
Me: I know. I don't like other brand.
Petrol dude: How about two packets of Mentos for $3?
Me: No! I'm fine thanks.
Petrol dude: Petrol?
Me: No. Just the milk.

Example 2. I went to pay for my petrol on the way to work.

Petrol chick: Just the petrol?
Me: Yes thanks.
Petrol chick: How about a Mars bar and a Snickers for $4? Or maybe some Mentos?
Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgggh!

Ok, so I didn't scream. I wanted to. I just said no, instead.

T says I'm a tad antisocial at the best of times anyway. I'm not really. I just don't like people. Ha! You know I'm joking. Honest. I like people when I am in the mood to do so and I just find it insincere to smile at every stranger and there are times when I just don't wanna be peachy with the world. Especially first thing in the morning, when I don't want to be awake and going to work.

Anyway, I'm now wondering if this on-selling is going to come up in court at some stage. I'm sure some guy is gonna find a lawyer who gets him off a road rage charge by pleading that it really was the petrol company's fault that his client beat up another driver who didn't use his indicator, because his client was on a severe sugar-induced buzz from the two packets of Mentos, the Mars bar and the Snickers he was forced to buy.


Blogger SJ said...

Today's Judgement has been brought to you by Twix...

8:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loathe when people try to sell me additional products. at the store I worked at, they had signs posted telling us as good employees to encourage customers to buy auxiliary things -- i.e. a pack of batteries when buying a portable stereo or something of the like, or whatever... it's sneaky and rude, and I don't like it whatsoever. the bloody assholes who ask me "Do you have a card with us to save 10%?" and when I reply in the negative ask "Would you like a card?" drive me nuts. *shrugs* perhaps we're alike in that respect. heheh. i think any concerned consumer should be upset about minimum-wage cashiers plugging products so advertising doesn't have to...

12:55 pm  

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