Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Maybe, hopefully, the sun's starting to shine again.
At least, it's nice to have some confidence back.

He apologised for all the times he's been hurtful recently.
He's never said sorry before. He was sincere.
I really needed that.


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

That is a GREAT start! Sincere apologies. Sounds like he's had some time to think about things, eh?

Still sending lots of good thoughts your way, girlie..


12:20 am  
Blogger monica said...

Well, that's progress.

While on one hand, I agree that you shouldn't have to force the relationship, on the other, there are rough patches and tough times that require a bit of stick-to-it-ive-ness.

Trick is knowing which situation you're in. And for better or for worse, you're in the best position of all of us to tell.

Hope he's finally starting to figure things out.

9:28 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

He's been on night shift this week, so we haven't spent much time together at all. When he's been home (about an hour each night), he's made sure we've spent the time together, either making/eating dinner, or just sitting on the couch in each other's arms. It's been nice.

I guess he has been thinking about things while he's been home alone or at work. I questioned him on some dumb stuff he said and his answers reassured me (somewhat) that he'd just used inappropriate phrases to try to explain how he felt. What he said didn't come out exactly as he felt. At least that's been cleared up.

It's baby steps, but it's in a forwards direction and I'm happy with that for now.

Thanks for the thoughts guys. :-)
I should really have started a new post to get all my thoughts out. Oh well...

11:40 am  

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