Wednesday, July 20, 2005

And I thought I worked in a school

Bi-annually, we have 'literature week' here at school. Not only do big name authors come to do book signings etc, but there are also other activities held. For example, last week we had a snake guy here, which is pretty cool. I like snakes and it's fun to watch a bunch of school boys freaking out and holding snakes of all different sizes.

Today we've got a rock concert going on. The school kids who have their own bands are putting on a performance in the theatre in our building. Just outside the door to our office. Sweet Child of Mine, for example. And a bit of Lenny Kravitz thrown in for good measure.

It's LOUD. Right outside my office. If I closed my eyes and pretended to smell cigarettes and beer, I could be in a pub....except that the vocal mics could be turned up a bit more and the voices could be a little less flat.

Such a good thing that nobody around here has to concentrate on anything like Well, everyone else except me. I'm just bloggin' and reading message boards....

Vodka and lemon thanks.


Blogger Anonymous G said...

i see nothing wrong with this picture...


3:31 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Are you gonna go my way?

LOL. Sounds like fun for the kids, anyway.

Sick thing is that Sweet Child O Mine is like, 15 years old and practically an oldie now.

9:04 pm  

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