Friday, July 22, 2005

Oooh cross your fingers for me

My specialist's secretary rang me just now. They've brought forward my follow up appointment to Monday morning. Monday! I can find out then if they'll put me back on the drugs, or not.

Please, please, please!

I want my drugs. I neeeeed my drugs. NOW NOW NOW!

In other news, my adjourned court case from earlier this week may not have to turn into another court appearance. Hopefully, it can all be sorted out with a few signatures on a few pieces of paper.....if everybody plays nice.

I need luck for both!


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Sending good luck your way! Seems like you're due for some. :)

11:32 am  
Blogger Anonymous G said...'s all lookin' good!

crossing fingers and eyes and stuff for you.


1:24 am  

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