Monday, October 04, 2004

My numbers..inspired by R

Well, you had to go get me all curious huh? So I did my numerology too.

Here's the fundamentals it came up with...

Variety is what drives you. For this reason travel, the arts, education and self expression are areas where you are likely to be found. Freedom to choose, to move about without limitation, to absorb information and to observe life are imperative to your inner health and happiness. You crave stimulation and may be drawn to exhilarating adventures and death-defying sports. Your sensual nature will lead the way.

There seems to be a golden glow of optimism and joy around you wherever you go. You are witty and playful, and your idealistic nature irresistibly draws the little child out of everyone you meet. Ever creative and interesting to talk to, you are never long without people to cluster around your radiance. You enjoy dressing up and are very creative with accessories. You've got a style all your own, even if you don't follow fashion.

You are an enigma to others and perhaps even to yourself. Your mind is like an arrow that can shoot deep into it's subject, analyzing and storing vast volumes of knowledge. Your introspective and intuitive mind then uses this knowledge to decipher your world's complexity of mysteries. You are a philosopher and humanity is waiting for your words of wisdom. Spirituality, phenomena and the occult are areas that may interest you, as are religion, science and mathematics. (freaky! this whole paragraph is me, almost to my detriment sometimes!)

When the 8 is the seed cycle, there may be too much financial freedom for the child, or just the opposite, the child is never taught the value and purpose of money because there is never much around. In either case misuse or squandering of finances could lead to big problems later on. Sports could be the focus at this time as there is much physical strength and stamina, as well as a love of competition.

This is a period of quiet introspection, study and rest. There are likely to be many bookshelves filled during this time of intellectual and spiritual discovery. Law and physics as the underlying foundation of life are studied, and profound realizations emerge. Technical writing, teaching, law or any kind of scientific research is strongly supported now. Everything needed comes to you when you stop looking for it. (now that's something I need to pay attention to!)

Those with 1 as their "harvest" cycle are likely to be in a position which finds them working, traveling, or at least being very active, even famous during their later years. They never really "retire" because their desires never cease.



The 1 challenge child usually has a misleading impression of authority or gender roles and especially of the active or assertive role. They may be raised in a physically violent atmosphere and learn to explode when their frustration builds. (well, I've never exploded...) The creative impulse is often stifled by control or confused and tied to acceptance or rejection. The 1 therefore learns to manipulate creatively in an effort to gain love and in contrast, becomes dependent on those whom they are manipulating. One result is that they break away from parents and subsequent relationships in a kind of revenge, and feel resentment for being forced to break away. With the development of overview, compassion, and intuition the 1 can balance this challenge. Wow

Balance, beauty and harmony are the greatest motivators for the 6. The challenge lies in sharing the responsibility and in recognizing when to let something or someone go. Self love can also be a challenging factor because the 6 gives all of their love to others through care-taking and advising. They can easily forget about their own needs. If this leads to resentment, the 6 can lose all interest in responsibility and family harmony. I'm still learning...

The challenge of 5 is the swinging pendulum of physical appetites. These people seek stable, grounded people in order to find equilibrium for themselves, and then feel an overwhelming desire to escape the "stagnation". Change draws a dotted line through their lives and they can feel as though they've lived "many lifetimes" in this one. "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll", was probably coined by a five. There is a strong desire to try everything, to experiment and follow every impulse. Once a situation or a person is "understood" by the 5 challenger their purpose is fulfilled and often bridges are burned. In some cases the challenge becomes one of *not* resisting change, of letting go and exploring life. The challenged one holds too tightly to relationships and situations long past their usefulness. Addictions of every kind can be a manifestation of the five's need to escape and hold on at the same time. Balance can take place by first of all admitting the desire for freedom. Adaptability is your gift and when coupled with self-discipline, clarity and focus, your wildest dreams can become the inspiration for others. Second, seeking depth in relationships and honoring those who have "explored" with you in the past as being a part of your journey, can make life fuller and more enjoyable for all concerned. Hmmmm......


Blogger Randygirl said...

Hey! I got a credit on your blog! Does that mean I get to sit at the cool kids' table? niiiiice.
I say Hmmmm to yours, too.
Although I also say the "challenge" for 6's seems to be fairly astute, ya think?

2:05 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

You really shouldn't have posted this. I've got a meeting in 12 hours, and I haven't even gotten ready for bed, and now I'm looking at the numbers? Shame on you.


Oh, and thanks for the link.

4:37 pm  

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