Boys behaving like girls
Here's a minor content warning. Don't say I didn't warn you.
A senseless conversation I just had with the guy who wants to see me just to get a bj. It just proves the fact that maturity doesn't necessarily come with age.
Me : what do you think?
Him : YES!
Him : What are you doing tonight?
Me : staying in
Him : wanna go see a movie with me?
Me : no
Him : f**ken hell
Him: I wanna see you
Me : no can do
Him: F**K
Him : are you going to **** his ****?
Me : maybe (because I knew this would upset him)
Him : F**K!!!
Him: Thats not fair you owe me a root
Him :

Me : I didn't say I wouldn't ever do it, just that I don't like it.
Me : no I don't owe you
Him : yeah you do, come on
Me : why do I owe you?
Him : cuz you cancelled on me remember
Me : I cancelled on you? when?
Him : remember the Sunday you were going too pick me up and take me back to yours? (he didn't have a car that weekend, so I said I'd pick him up to go do something.)
Me : yeah but I don't owe you because of that...besides, you said you were going to cancel anyway.
Him : Nah i wasnt
Him : come on, we have to root, just to get it over with.
Me : no we don't.
Him : why not?
Him : dont you wanna f**k me?
Him : you cooking him dinner?
Me : nah he's coming a bit later on (no he's not, but he didn't need to know that)
Him : can i come over?
Me : lol no. why? you wanna come when he's here?
Him : tell him not to come over
Him : and invite me instead
Me : I can't tell him not to come over

Him : you did it to me!!!!!!
Me : I wasn't dating you
Him : oh so you're "dating" him huh??
Me : yep (well, who knows, am I?)
Him : f**k that
Him : I still reckon you and I should just have a root
Me : why are you being so pushy?
Him : Am I?
Me : totally
Him : fine then
Him : so dont talk to me anymore
Him : cuz all i wanna do is root you
Him : i'm going to watch the Simpsons and eat a Snickers bar
Me : that's so something a chick would say
The Simpsons will be over soon and no doubt he'll be back.
I'd put him on ignore if I wasn't so amused by it all.
It must make you feel so good to know you can be replaced by a Snickers bar and half an hour of Homer!
Yes, I'm a lot more selective about what I put in my mouth than he is. He doesn't care where he gets his snickers from. I do. ;-)
Come on Eve, you've gotta keep this guy around just for the comedy value. Either that or call up the sodomy dude again..
Oooh the sodomy guy was incredibly good looking. It was tough to put him on ignore! lol
After the Simpsons finished, as I expected, bj guy was back.
(apparently the urgency to talk required all caps)
(repeat till page fills and he finally logs off)
Speaking of people who do odd things on messenger...sorry about that. The whole computer went down and then I couldn't get it into mobile mode. Anyway!
What gets me is the guys that feel the need to argue with ladies about just why we don't want to chat/meet/f**k.
If you gotta talk me into it, isn't that a sign?
All of my good messenger conversations usually invovled a large quantity of alcohol. I'm really glad there aren't laws about surfing the net while drunk. I'd never be able to post again!
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