Wednesday, October 27, 2004

When it's raining like a monsoon

Leave home early! Please!

I don't want to get stuck in traffic anywhere near you, you inconsiderate driver who doesn't know how to use headlights in rain that makes you barely visible to me, and wind that blows my car almost into the next lane.

It would also help if you'd take the time to acknowledge the fact that although I set my alarm an hour early, I woke up an hour late, and I'm in no mood for your stupidity in inclement weather.

Thank you....and get outta my way!


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Days like that make me glad I telecommute!

11:31 am  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I had absolutely nothing to do with and will accept none of the blame, no matter how nicely worded. And it definitely had nothing to do with "posted drivel" or "hexes found on Google".

-"I'm Bradley, and I approved this message"-

1:52 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

hehe Brad, did I ever tell you I liked you?

As for posting drivel...well it's like a wet paint sign...the invite was there and I just had to. ;-)

2:07 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:23 pm  
Blogger Bradley Robb said...

I have to keep reminding myself not to comment sober. I say the worst things. That, or I typo and just can't stand those.

But, beware Eve... I'm more than likely going to cut and paste your comment and in a day or so, it'll be all over the internet like a rumor in Junior High.

And I like you too, 'cause I'm pretty sure you've figured out my sense of humor, which puts you a leg up on the greater part of the planet. I'd give you a gold star, but I haven't figured out how to email those yet.


2:28 pm  

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