Saturday, September 25, 2004

Things of stone and wood

I'm going to the hairdresser today. He'll probably tell me most of it's missing and charge me only half as much as usual.

I think it's been a very long time since I've found someone so difficult to read as Ed.

He walked in my door last night and hugged and kissed me like he hadn't seen me in three months. He does that...won't let go of me for at least the first 10 minutes and if I have to do anything in that time, I have to do it with him attached and holding my hand.

He knows me trying to talk to him is like talking to a stone and expecting an answer, so naturally, he questioned my level of grumpiness as soon as he walked in. I wasn't grumpy at him, just frustrated, but I've had a headache since Thursday, so I wasn't exactly skipping around the house. He seemed genuinely concerned that I wasn't feeling well and said he was happy to just stay home and not go out for the night.

We went out and got a movie and some take-out and just chilled. He can be the sweetest guy. He opens the car door for me, has to hold my hand wherever we go, is always kissing and hugging, touches my hair and says I'm pretty. Who wouldn't want that?

After the movie I tried as hard as I could to get a straight answer out of him about what he thought, what he's interested in and what he'd like. The only answer I got was, "well I'm here aren't I?" repeatedly, and reminded me that, despite his dislike of the phone, he's called me for up to an hour every day since I asked him to keep in touch. If I had had something solid to hit him with, I would have. He's the world's best staller and subject changer. He will do whatever it takes to avoid answering questions on his intent or feelings.

I did ask what he expected from me and told him I'd been invited out on dates with other people (turned down a visit to the art gallery last week that I should have gone to!), and he said, "well I can't stop you". Gggrrrrr!

We were discussing work, courses and various things we'd done or would like to do and in the middle of it I received another, "well I'm here, aren't I?" line, so I asked why. He said, "because you're beautiful and you're smart". Well, if you know I'm smart, then you must know I'm smart enough to know you're keeping your options open too, so why not just say it?

The guy is so much fun to be with and he keeps coming back - all initiated by him - but talking to him about anything midly related to how he feels is like talking to the wall.

So, in essence, I got nowhere last night except that he asked to come back again and wanted to know when I'd see him next. I told him he could come back tonight if he wanted to, but to let me know early enough if he's not going to so that I can make other plans. Methinks I'll devise a backup plan just in case.

I don't know yet whether the level of frustration/doubt is enough to walk away from all the good, positive, fun things yet. I haven't decided. I thought I had, but now I'm just confused. LOL

No wonder I have a headache!

He woke me at 4.30am this morning and did things that only a tall, dark, handsome guy can do at that time of the day.

There are certain things in life for which a girl will accept a small amount of mental frustration.


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