Sunday, September 26, 2004

Progress, or simply something different?

This is getting to be the 'all about Ed' page and that's starting to annoy me, but since it's the major thing on my mind right now, it's all coming out. Not a bad thing though. I can get feedback on my thoughts and I won't wake as much in the night, thinking and analysing. Well, ok, I still think and analyse, but it's more like "shit, I forgot to say that in my blog as well".

He sent me a text message during the day, while I was at the hairdresser, who decided he'd not do my usual style today, but that he'd give me the JF -- just f*cked -- look; styled but slightly dishevelled. Only problem was I was so tired, I came home, promptly fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up it was more like the 'just woken up' look, so nobody got to see his handywork.

Anyway, the message said, "hi sexy, I'll call you later". Which I interpretted as, "hi, letting you down easy, I'm going to call you later, but I'm making other plans tonight".

I was sleeping on the lounge and was at the stage where I'd woken up, but didn't necessarily want to be awake, so I was keeping my eyes shut, when my mobile rang. Ed was in a bit of a panic because his mum had come home from holidays a day early and said she'll be home first thing tomorrow morning, but he hasn't finished all the things she asked him to do while she was away and the garden's not looking too flash. (see: plot from a b-rated American movie without the frat party bit)

Out of nowhere, he asked me if I wanted to go around to his place tonight to watch a movie. If I hadn't have still been lying down, I would have fallen over. Previously, any time I've mentioned going up there (about a 40 minute drive), he's given an excuse not to, or changed the subject. In fact, I didn't even know exactly where he lived, nor did I have his home number (well I still don't have that).

I met his brother Geoff, whose partner has just moved out from him. He looks quite like Ed, but with more meat on him (see: office job/not a gym goer) and facial hair - the same, but different. Ed will be moving in with Geoff at Geoff's place in a few days, which will take him around another 20 minutes away from me. I can see another potential long distance relationship happening if things keep going. I wish I could make up my mind on that count!

I met his nutcase labradoodle dog, Tiger, who obsessively licked anything it could, including every item of clothing I wore, Ed, the furniture and the other dog. I felt like a dog popsicle or something. Yick!

I met his mother's freaky staffy terrier, Shelby, who seemed like a nice dog in general, but is in definite need of doggy therapy - far too clingy for any self respecting canine to be behaving and a penchant for sitting on you and as close to your face as possible. Unnerving! I kept wondering when it was going to bite, but I'm not sure it even knows how.

All in all, I'm not sure how to take the invite to his house. He said I should feel privileged. It was in a joking manner, so he wasn't being obnoxious. I think he was trying to say that he doesn't invite girls around all the time...or maybe he says that to all the girls. LOL :-/

I don't know if it was progress to go there. It could still simply be that he's had nothing better to do over the weekend and he just couldn't be bothered driving all the way down here.

Either way, I'm not letting the emotional side of me get too worked up about it all. I can't anyway, because the analytical side of me is taking up all my time and energy just trying to work out what the hell is going on.

Meanwhile, I'm home, smell like dog and feel like I have toxic waste all over me, so there's going to be some serious cleansing before bed. My poor clothes!


Blogger Randygirl said...

I'm going with the "every time I've acted like myself and/or dated someone exclusively and/or been honest and open and/or shown my intentions it's ended badly and I've been hurt, therefore I choose to keep parts of myself in reserve and protect myself from any possible damage, but since I like you and I am truly interested, I can't completely keep myself from doing and saying nice things and I certainly can't stop seeing you." If that makes any sense. Some girls sure mess guys up for future women, ya know?

hugs, hoping you're getting some sleep

1:45 am  
Blogger Sara said...

Aaahhhh Eve.

You know what I love best about you? You make even the frustrating, maddening and mundane things sound so good. :)

For some reason your Ed (eek!) reminds me of my Karl. Ever so cute, physically just *sigh*, and always fun to be with. I could only take about 2 months of non-commital-lets skirt the issues-but still spend time together-limbo-madness.

I think you know that you'll probably have to either cut him off as dating material, or resign yourself to the fact that he's not going to tell you what he wants or is thinking about the *us* factor - and have fun with it.

The girl that is with Karl now has been with him for over 2 years, and that is the approach she takes. And they're happy. Eventually he wound his way to them being an exclusive couple - but that's as far as it's gone. Not to say that it won't go further, it probably just takes him longer than many.

I don't have to tell you what I want for you. I think you know. Just take care of YOU... and email me back every once in a while eh?



5:00 am  

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