Jack hammers in my head
I never used to get headaches. My brother used to get them every single Monday when we were in primary school. Not just simple headaches, but migraines that had him constantly sent home.
I don't think he gets them now, but I do. Same goes for the TOM pain. I never used to get that either, till the doctors started mucking around with my bits. I'm sure after each operation they just stuffed things back in where they'd fit - like a business man rushing to catch a plane and he's hurriedly shoved everything into his suitcase, because he doesn't care how it's in, as long as it's in.
I hate taking pills and painkillers, but I'm finding lately I have to take them just to function semi-normally. My head pounds every day and I've been getting no sleep. How can you go to bed fine and wake up in the night with such a thudding that you can't even move?
There is one particular place, above my right eye, in my temple, where the pain is just horrendous. It's been like that intermittently for the past month or so.
Between this, my sleep problems and my heart problem, I feel worn out, drained and lifeless. I drag myself around, but I could sleep till eternity and then sleep some more.
I don't want to go to the doctor. I don't want blood tests and scans and other crap. I don't want to complain.
I just want to rip my head off and go to sleep.
I don't think he gets them now, but I do. Same goes for the TOM pain. I never used to get that either, till the doctors started mucking around with my bits. I'm sure after each operation they just stuffed things back in where they'd fit - like a business man rushing to catch a plane and he's hurriedly shoved everything into his suitcase, because he doesn't care how it's in, as long as it's in.
I hate taking pills and painkillers, but I'm finding lately I have to take them just to function semi-normally. My head pounds every day and I've been getting no sleep. How can you go to bed fine and wake up in the night with such a thudding that you can't even move?
There is one particular place, above my right eye, in my temple, where the pain is just horrendous. It's been like that intermittently for the past month or so.
Between this, my sleep problems and my heart problem, I feel worn out, drained and lifeless. I drag myself around, but I could sleep till eternity and then sleep some more.
I don't want to go to the doctor. I don't want blood tests and scans and other crap. I don't want to complain.
I just want to rip my head off and go to sleep.
I feel for you, I really do. I know how you feel about your TOM because it seems I'm destined to be there myself since my surgery. But as far as headaches go, well....go home!!!
will be thinking of you,
I've got some GREAT migraine meds. My doctor forbid me to take tylenol for my headaches because she said I was getting rebound headaches. The headaches would last for weeks. There was one that made me feel like I had water up my nose (not good), but this one is great. It really does nip it in the bud. It's called "amidrine". It takes a prescription, but I'd ask my doc about it.
Sorry you're feeling crappy, my friend.... I"ll be thinking about you. xoxoxoxo
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