Sunday, September 24, 2006

If ya can't beat 'em....

Next weekend is the football grand final. Not rugby (thugby!) or soccer, but good ole Aussie Rules football. I'm not looking forward to it, although the outcome, whatever it is, will affect me.

Last year, the same two teams were in the grand final. T supports the one that lost.

I really don't like the other team at all. Nothing in particular has made me dislike them, I just never have. I've never particularly liked T's team either. Their supporters have always tended to present themselves as arrogant, with a huge sense of entitlement. Too much pride. Not enough humility.

If the other team wins, I'll hear it till next year's grand final. If T's team wins, I'll hear it till next year's grand final.

My team's horse is still running. There's always next year.

It's just a game, you know...


Blogger SJ said...

It's more than a game

5:18 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

Damn you, Eve! I've had that bloody "It's mooooooore than a ga-a-aame!" song stuck in my head for 2 days now...

7:17 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

LOL, we're even then... Ying tong, ying tong, ying tong...

8:25 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

"If the other team wins, I'll hear it till next year's grand final. If T's team wins, I'll hear it till next year's grand final."

This is a great line... lol Thankfully, my hubby is not into sport!


6:33 am  
Blogger SJ said...

"It's mooooooooooooore than a gaaa-a-aaame.... mooooooooooore than a gaaa-a-aaaame...!"

6:57 am  
Blogger SJ said...

"It's mooooooooooooore than a gaaa-a-aaame.... mooooooooooore than a gaaa-a-aaaame...!"

6:59 am  
Blogger Mel said...

'Cuse me--it's NEVER 'just a game' when it's the Packers.

G'head......I can take it. LOL

OMG--the word verification for this one is (no foolin')



10:49 am  
Blogger SJ said...

Booooooooooring! Still the same post. Make with the new stuff!! :)

5:11 pm  

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