Thursday, August 31, 2006


I get career info type emails every now and then. This came in just now.

Top Ten Signs That You Need a New Job

10. Your outgo exceeds your income. Well, not really, but that's just because I'm a hermit and don't go out much. Ha!

9. The most rewarding thing you did this week was sharpen all twelve of your pencils to the same length. Note to self: buy pencils, so you have something to do.

8. You’re reluctant to be a Career Day speaker at your kid’s fourth-grade class. Um, yeah, ok.

7. Everyone in your work group got a raise except you. Bwahaha. Good one. We all got raises, acutally. They were just barely visible after tax.

6. Your friends all have jobs that sound more interesting than yours. Everyone's job sounds more interesting than mine.

5. You were late for work three times this week, but you just don’t care. Ok, I've been late to work every day for...well, forever. Even my boss is past caring.

4. There’s a meeting at 3:00 to talk about the upcoming reorganization, and you’re not invited. I'd probably fall asleep anyway. Serious. It's happened before.

3. Your boss keeps forgetting your name. I don't mind. He forgets his name sometimes too.

2. You constantly daydream about being a forest ranger. Hmmm, hadn't considered that one...

1. Your company was recently acquired, and you spent two weeks worrying that you’d be laid off. After that you worried that you wouldn’t be. Hehe, no, but this one is still amusing.

I hope you got a kick out of this list. While it was written tongue-in-cheek, there’s a grain of truth hidden in these statements. If you can identify with any of them, then you need to take action. Your work life won’t get better on its own, but where do you start?

Start right where you are. Find out what you do well naturally, and what motivates you most. Then you can find a job that calls for what you have to offer.

Ah, for it to be so easy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL that was a cute list. I can't tell you how many times I'd wished for ALL my bosses to forget my name! It was so irritating to have "erica blah blah blah" over the PA system. Grrr. I used to sleep through my meetings too, and they were ridiculously scheduled for 7am; they all knew I wasn't a morning person so thankfully nobody really spoke to me to disturb my sleep. ;)

7:50 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Hey, my bro is a forest ranger and LOVES it!

I'd consider it, truthfully, if it paid more. It'd have to pay four times as much to keep me flush with what I'm making now.

So much for pursuing your happiness, eh? Well, unless happiness is money. ;)

12:50 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I had a huge chuckle out of 5. and I've been at one before... lol


10:39 am  

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