Weighty issues and waiting
I have three lots of news to report.
I got back last night from visiting my dad and grandfather. Noteworthy things my grandfather said while we were there:
#1. To me shortly after we got there:, "Gee, you've put on a bit of weight, haven't you?" Not really that much, but anyway....!
#2. He's telling us about a photo of himself taken a long time ago. "I looked a lot younger then. I wonder how that happened."
#3. We're looking through some old photos and dad jokes about being good looking. G'dad says, "You were a good looking baby." Dad replies, "Yeah, but what about now?" G'dad repeats, "You were a good looking baby." :-|
I was beyond anxious on the plane. Moreso when I drove through the area my mum and sisters live. I got to the place I had to meet dad early, so I hung around the train station taking photos. I'm sure if I wasn't in a little country town, someone would have harrassed me for taking photos of infrastructure, but nobody was around. I could have played on the tracks if I wanted to.
I met dad and we drove up to see my g'dad. He was glad to see me. Dad hadn't told him I was going to be there, so it was a nice surprise. We took him out to dinner and he was happy with that. Dad showed him my mobile phone and g'dad started going on about how people have no privacy anymore. I said, "You want no privacy? I'll show you no privacy", and promptly started taking photos of him with my phone, then said, "Now you have no privacy!" LOL poor guy. Once he wrapped his 87yo head around it, he was cool with it and we took some photos I'll have to send him.
Dad and I practically froze in the cabin we stayed in. He got the main room and I got the bunk beds, but it was a novelty for me and I slept on the top one just coz I could....after we both sat up there watching tv for the evening.
On Friday morning, we went back to see g'dad and we went through stacks of old photos he had. Some are just amazing and I've brought a bunch home to scan and copy, including some that are almost 100 years old, some from WWI and WWII, and some hilariously embarrassing kid pics of me and my brother, which I will post here at some stage for the amusement of the cyber world.
I'm still fairly anxious about dealing with the fallout of my family finding out I was up there and didn't see them, but I'll cross that bridge then.
The second bit of news I have is that my phone company contacted me yesterday. A lovely guy called Paul told me they'd reviewed my complaint and that I didn't owe them any money at all. In fact, they've revised all my bills (as I had requested, but didn't think they'd do!) back to December last year and I'm actually in credit almost $60, rather than in debt almost $300 that they were claiming till now. I asked him to put it in writing and he said he would. He's also having someone contact me next week to see if they can find the right type of plan for me, that we all agree on....aaaand, he's having someone follow up with all the people and all the departments I complained about in my letter and having them retrained, or something like that. Hehe, I think that was the bit I felt most happy about (apart from being in credit!). My anxiety levels decreased almost the second I got off the phone to that guy. It's taken 6 months, but I'm glad I stuck to my guns.
My latest news, and probably the most important, is that I'm not moving in July. For good reasons, not bad. The boy may be seconded overseas to Africa (not happy 'bout that) for a couple of months and potentially the UK or Toronto for longer term, by the end of the year. He would like me to go o/s too, but it doesn't make much sense for me to go there now while his situation is as fluid as it is and could potentially become. So, for now, I'm staying put. We had a good talk about this today and my mind is at ease (moreso than it was previously anyway). He'll be here on Friday, till Monday. I guess I'll know more about things after we've had a proper talk in person.
I don't feel quite so much like I'm going insane anymore.

I took this on the plane coming home.
I got back last night from visiting my dad and grandfather. Noteworthy things my grandfather said while we were there:
#1. To me shortly after we got there:, "Gee, you've put on a bit of weight, haven't you?" Not really that much, but anyway....!
#2. He's telling us about a photo of himself taken a long time ago. "I looked a lot younger then. I wonder how that happened."
#3. We're looking through some old photos and dad jokes about being good looking. G'dad says, "You were a good looking baby." Dad replies, "Yeah, but what about now?" G'dad repeats, "You were a good looking baby." :-|
I was beyond anxious on the plane. Moreso when I drove through the area my mum and sisters live. I got to the place I had to meet dad early, so I hung around the train station taking photos. I'm sure if I wasn't in a little country town, someone would have harrassed me for taking photos of infrastructure, but nobody was around. I could have played on the tracks if I wanted to.
I met dad and we drove up to see my g'dad. He was glad to see me. Dad hadn't told him I was going to be there, so it was a nice surprise. We took him out to dinner and he was happy with that. Dad showed him my mobile phone and g'dad started going on about how people have no privacy anymore. I said, "You want no privacy? I'll show you no privacy", and promptly started taking photos of him with my phone, then said, "Now you have no privacy!" LOL poor guy. Once he wrapped his 87yo head around it, he was cool with it and we took some photos I'll have to send him.
Dad and I practically froze in the cabin we stayed in. He got the main room and I got the bunk beds, but it was a novelty for me and I slept on the top one just coz I could....after we both sat up there watching tv for the evening.
On Friday morning, we went back to see g'dad and we went through stacks of old photos he had. Some are just amazing and I've brought a bunch home to scan and copy, including some that are almost 100 years old, some from WWI and WWII, and some hilariously embarrassing kid pics of me and my brother, which I will post here at some stage for the amusement of the cyber world.
I'm still fairly anxious about dealing with the fallout of my family finding out I was up there and didn't see them, but I'll cross that bridge then.
The second bit of news I have is that my phone company contacted me yesterday. A lovely guy called Paul told me they'd reviewed my complaint and that I didn't owe them any money at all. In fact, they've revised all my bills (as I had requested, but didn't think they'd do!) back to December last year and I'm actually in credit almost $60, rather than in debt almost $300 that they were claiming till now. I asked him to put it in writing and he said he would. He's also having someone contact me next week to see if they can find the right type of plan for me, that we all agree on....aaaand, he's having someone follow up with all the people and all the departments I complained about in my letter and having them retrained, or something like that. Hehe, I think that was the bit I felt most happy about (apart from being in credit!). My anxiety levels decreased almost the second I got off the phone to that guy. It's taken 6 months, but I'm glad I stuck to my guns.
My latest news, and probably the most important, is that I'm not moving in July. For good reasons, not bad. The boy may be seconded overseas to Africa (not happy 'bout that) for a couple of months and potentially the UK or Toronto for longer term, by the end of the year. He would like me to go o/s too, but it doesn't make much sense for me to go there now while his situation is as fluid as it is and could potentially become. So, for now, I'm staying put. We had a good talk about this today and my mind is at ease (moreso than it was previously anyway). He'll be here on Friday, till Monday. I guess I'll know more about things after we've had a proper talk in person.
I don't feel quite so much like I'm going insane anymore.

I took this on the plane coming home.
You're not moving? But now we don't an excuse to go drinking :(
Not going *yet*, but you're going away and I told the boy we'll have to catch up with you while he's here, so there's still reason and opportunity. :-)
How did you manage to avoid the glare off the glass? FANTASTIC picture!
PS: If the lad gets to Toronto, and he wants you to visit... GOGOGO and take lotsa spending cash. I'll recommend an outstanding Mall in downtown Toronto. They have a Sephora store there! Weeee!!
Ooooh... did someone say Sephora?? Drooool... lol ;)
Your grandfather sounds like such a character! It sounds like you had a nice time though and I hope that there's not an icky backlash for you.
Wow... so... not moving. Well, I'm sure things are working out the way that they're meant to, and I guess ya just hang on and enjoy (or put up with!) the ride, right?
Sounds like you had a great time with your dad & granddad.
If you end up in Toronto you'll have to let me know so that we can drag Sara & Michael with us & come up to see you both. Especially since that's where G is from & his sisters still live there! (and no, the little moosette still hasn't arrived, but hopefully today/tonight):-)
I like your granddad, he sounds like fun. Glad that you were able to go see him and your dad.
Wow, the phone company, YOU GO GIRL!!!
Soooo, not moving. Sounds like a plan. You sound okay with this. Glad to hear that.
YAY! about the phone company thing.
About TIME!
Sounds like a nice trip with dad and granddad. Old people say the darndest things, huh?
You're not moving. Alrighty, then. Plan B sounds good. It seems like this is the right thing. You're more at ease now and you'll have some extra time 'til "whatever happens" happens! And he'll be there Friday! Lots to talk about, I'm sure.
E - The weird thing is I got glare mostly when I tried landscape shots. I'm not sure why. Some worked, but the better ones seemed to be when I took them portrait and as close to the glass as possible. I'll post more on the other blog (like everyone wants to see a bunch of cloud shots lol) when I have some time. Oh, and if the boy goes to the UK or Toronto, he wants me to tag along for the duration. Eeep! :-p
Angela - LOL there will be icky backlash, but I'm trying not to think about it till it happens.
Jenn - what the heck were you doing still reading my blog? Shouldn't you be packing a bag for hospital or something? LOL.. Good luck with the birth of the moosette!
So.not.martha - Do I know you? :-) Yeah, I'm ok with not moving for now. It's buying us time that we both need at the moment and that's not a bad thing.
G - I was ready to kill someone at the phone company, so the timing was good. LOL And yep, we have LOTS to talk about this weekend! It'll be nice to see him. :-)
Wow- I'm SO glad you worked things out with the phone company. I finally gave up on my cable fight. I just didn't have it in me anymore- but then again it also didn't have such a huge price tag!
Not moving in July... hmmmm, well I guess that gives you even more time to get ducks in a row, right?
You weren't joking about having a lot of news. Wow!
I'm glad your trip went well and I'm glad you're feeling calm and sane.
I'm so far behind here... Sounds like a great trip to see your dad and g'dad. I have my fingers crossed for no backlash but we've all read about your mom, so we know what to expect! ;)
I think moving o/s sounds good! Africa would've been great, depending on where he would've been going... Toronto and the UK would be okay too. Maybe all your US buddies could meet up in Toronto with you! lol
and that's GREAT news about the phone bill. YAY!
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