Monday, March 13, 2006

Counting down

This time tomorrow, I'll be at the boy's abode. The weather has been sooo hot there lately, and according to the net, it's going to be as hot for the next week. Joys! What I like about Melbourne is that our weather is so changeable. Yesterday, it was really hot. It rained over night and today, it's really cool. When Perth is hot, it stays continually hot. Thankfully the boy's house is airconditioned! Still, I may have to make him take me clothes shopping so I don't melt after a couple of days. I think my Melbourne summer clothes are not going to be cool enough for the Perth summer weather.

I've taken some photos with my new camera, but it would appear I'm somewhat brainless. When checking all the different settings and what they mean and do, I've changed one and don't know how to get it back. I have till tonight to figure it out, so we'll see how I go. If all else fails, I'll reset the whole thing and start over again.

It's ridiculous, but I'm, not nervous, anxious....about this trip. I've put ideas into my own head about what I think his friends' and family's expectations of me are.....based on what he's said they've said, but also because I don't want to fail him/them/me. I think I've experienced the whole gamut of feelings and emotions this week, from the really good, to the really bad. It's the whole waiting/anticipating thing. I hate it.

I just can't wait till I get off that damn plane tomorrow. He'll hold me and say nice things to me and I won't feel as miserable and overwhelmed as I do now.

Yeah, that's how I feel. No, I don't know why.

I should come back later and post something more upbeat, so I don't leave the blogworld for a week and a half, on such a negative note...


Blogger kT said...

Anticipation can be sweet. It can also drive you insane.

I hope that you're with T and thinking good thoughts about how amazing his family and friends are going to see you are.

5:55 am  

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